Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

An unexpected discovery and an idea

Ryan's POV

"Wow...everything changes in about two point seven seconds here," I say to Melina. She laughs.

"Right about that Ry."

"So, we gonna go intrude on their moment or what?" I ask her. She continues to laugh. We've been spying on them from the opening in the shelter since they both got up.

"I'd say it's about time," she says, leading the way. As we walk out into the sunshine, Peter and Ellie hear us coming and split apart. This makes me chuckle.

"It's no u can just do whatever you want. Not like keeping secrets on this island will do you any good anyways," I say to Peter and Ellie. Peter grins and Ellie blushes.

"Sounds like a plan," Peter says, grabbing Ellie's hand. She blushes even harder.

"Well...what's the plan for today?" Melina asks.

"How about we spend this day relaxing!" Peter suggests. Of course he'd say that, he's obviously forgotten the fact that we're in a bit of a situation. I'm about to bust his bubble, but as I look at his face I just can't. He so damned happy.

"Well..." I say, unable to think of a response.

"Come on Ellie, let's go take a walk!" he says, and she responds by pulling him down the beach. I can't help but smile at the playfulness.

"So, we're not really spending this day doing nothing are we? 'Cuz I'm over that," Melina says. I agree.

"Well I thought maybe we could spend this day building more shelters so we could all have our own. Or maybe we could get a lot of firewood and try and make a signal! If we made a huge bonfire then someone would have to find us!" I say, getting excited. Melina laughs at me.

"How about we go with building more shelters. I'd love my own space. And while we're at it, maybe there's some way we could make matresses or something. Sleeping on the ground is getting really old," Melina says.

"That sounds good. I know just how we can do it, we just need to collect some supplies!" I tell her, starting to list all the things we need to find. We're about to go off and try to collect all our items when Ellie and Peter return.

"Back so soon?" Melina teases.

"Well unfortunately. But that's not the point," Ellie says, smiling at Peter.

"Uhm....what's up?" I ask.

"You are never going to believe what we found!" Peter says excitedly. He motions for us to follow him and he leads us down the beach towards my thinking rock. Yeah, it's my officialy thinking rock. Anyways, as we go around the corner I wish I could have seen the shocked looks on our faces.

"It's...the plane?" I say in disbelief.

"Apparently," Ellie says, sounding as if she doesn't believe it even though she helped discover it.

"How the hell did it get here?" Melina asks. Good question.

"It must have somehow blown onshore during the storm...although seriously that's quite farfetched....," I say, puzzling over it.

"Hey, maybe we could use it as a shelter!" Peter says excitedly.

"Hmm...I don't see why not," Ellie says. Peter grins at her.

"Maybe some of the supplies on board are still there!" I realize, running into the plane. Miraculously, most everything is still intact. How weird. I search for the cargo compartment, and sure enough our luggage appears...dry. Go figure, it's vacuum packed in the cargo pit.

"Holy crap that's my luggage!!!" Melina says excitedly and she runs and opens her suitcase. Immediately a black lacy bra falls out of the bag. Nice.

"Uhm Melina, you dropped something," Ellie says, swiftly returning the undergarment to the proper location. Melina chuckles emabarresedly.

"Oops?" Peter suggests. We all laugh. As the day goes on, we become happily obbsessed with our new clothes and whatever else we packed. I happen to find my calculator and I play with it. I don't even remember packing it, but I found my shirts and pants and stuff so it's legit.

"Hey ipod!" Peter says suddenly. We all stare at him as he holds up the item we've only been dreaming of. He also happens to have a portable ihome. Wow, this is lucky.

"Aww lucky! Mine probably is at the bottom of the ocean somewhere," Ellie says sadly.

"I'll share with you," he says slyly. She laughs.

"Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's have a dance!" Melina says, sounding all excited. I frown.

"Dance?" I ask.

"Yes, silly. A dance. It'll be a fun way we all can enjoy the ipod! Oh man I'm so excited, I'm so happy I packed dresses!" Melina says, growing more happy by the second.


"Oh come on, Ry. What are you worried about?"

"Uh....I don't have a date. Yeah, that's it. Oops, guess I can't go because I won't have a date."

"Well geez if that's your worry problem solved. We'll all go as friends!" Melina says smiling. Peter and I frown simultaneously.

"It sounds like fun," Ellie says, sounding nervous already.

"Awesome! So how about this. Ellie and I spend tomorrow getting ready and then in the evening we'll all have the dance like an hour before seven. And no peeking! Oh my god I'm so excited!!!" Melina says, smiling wider than I thought humanly possible. I have to give in, or I'm afraid she'll cry at this point.

"Oh alright," I say. She smiles straight at me, and already I feel like it's worth it.

"Well, atleast they'll be pretty girls there," he says. I'm suprised to see he only has eyes for Ellie, and she giggles. Actually, I'm not really suprised but I guess it's just crazy. Ellie is pretty, but she's not Peter's usual type from back home. I wonder if they'll stay together when we get home...if we get home. On second thought, I wonder if they'll last more than a day. This is getting interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this might be kind of short, and I'm so sorry! Also I'm sorry it took me more than a week or so to post...I'm SO busy! The homework load is awful and I'm playing a sport. Not enough time in the day :(
anyways, I hope to update soon! you'll probably want to be tuning it for what's next!