Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island


Melina's POV

After we got past the "I Want to Kill You" stage, Mitch isn't such a bad guy at all. He's actually pretty cool.

"So, you guys all went to the same school?" Mitch asks us. Ellie fell asleep inside so Mitch insisted we all went outside to his fire pit to talk. It actually resembles ours a lot except it's...well...better. The logs are thick and the fire pit is well built. He's obviously had some time to think about this.

"Yeah, but none of of really knew eachother before the trip. None of us we friends in particular," Ryan says to him. They've immediately hit it off, considering they have a lot in common. Mitch was a Bear Scout back where he came from too, go figure.

"That's so fascinating. So you all crashed on this island and suddenly were buddies?" Mitch asks. Ryan and I laugh.

"Not exactly that either, but we've all grown to like eachother. Which is lucky, I think," I said to him. He looks at me comprehendingly, and I find myself blushing at his attention. He is kind of cute, in a rugged way. He has shaggy black hair, obviously cut hastily by a knife or something. It's not too long though, just reaching his cheek bones. His bright blue eyes are hard to ignore when they look at you, because they're just so blue.

"I'm suprised to see people here, it's been a while. I've been getting a little savage," Mitch says, laughing. Ryan and I laugh with him, but Peter just stares forward.

"Obviously," Peter mutters, fingering the bandage over the wound where Mitch shot him with the arrow. Mitch frowns, but decides to ignore him.

"It's pretty lucky that you found Ellie, you're obviously exactly what she needed," Ryan says to Mitch. He grins so wide at this compliment it looks like he might be stuck that way.

"Yeah, it's kind of been my salvation. I've been pretty depressed and lonely, but now I've got you guys!" he says, draping his arms over Ryan and my shoulders. Kind of like how Peter did...

Oh crap.

Peter glares at Mitch, and I can tell they are not going to get along easily if at all. They both have that friendly, handsome thing going on. Come to think of it, they're really very similiar in that department.

"What's your story Mitch?" Ryan asks him. Mitch suddenly becomes reserved and slips his arms back to his sides.

"It's a sad one," he says, staring at the ground. Peter suddenly looks interested.

"We've told you our story, so now you have to tell us," Peter says, looking smug. He obviously likes pushing Mitch's buttons. Mitch doesn't resist.

"Ok. Well, my story really begins about two years ago..."

"You've been here for two years!" I say, suprised. He nods.

"It's been a long time. Anyways, I was on a flight with my family heading to Europe for summer vacation. We were going to visit some relatives who had moved there the summer before. All I remember about the crash is that I had no hope of surviving, and then I woke up on the beach. None of my family survived, and only one adult survived. He was the captain. Unfortunately, he was badly injured when we crashed, and bled to death. The group of us that did survive, about seven of us, slowly were picked off by either sickness or insanity. I've been living basically on my own for about two months now..." Mitch says, trailing off at the end.

"That's tough, man," Ryan says, patting his arm.

"Yeah, it is. Luckily, I found this house and it's loaded with supplies. Enough for about five or six people to last a year or two. But I don't really use too much because I've learned how to use the jungle," he says. Ryan looks impressed, however Peter doesn't.

"What do you mean you've been living 'basically on your own'?" Peter asks. Mitch sighs.

"I'm not the only one left, there is one other," he says.

"Really?" I ask. He gives me a smile at my curiousity.

"Yes. My sister, Leah."

"Oh wow, when can we meet her?" I ask excitedly. Mitch frowns.

"Maybe never. She's verging on's kind of scary. I really wish I could put her out of her misery," Mitch says.

"Aw, I'm sorry Mitch," I say sympathetically.

"Why can't you?" Peter asks insensitively. I want to slap him, but Mitch doesn't look offended.

"You don't miss a beat do you?" he asks. Peter looks suprised at the compliment, but doesn't stay that way.

"I'm paying attention," he says to Mitch. He nods.

"I can't because, even though she's begged me...she's pregnant. And I just can't kill the baby too," Mitch tells us. Even Peter looks shocked.

"How...," Ryan begins to ask, but thinks better of it.

"It's ok, I'll tell you. We were stranded here coed so I guess it's to be expected. She fell hard for my best friend, Frankie. It was really hard for her when he died, this the madness I suppose. I'm hoping that once the baby's born she might revert back to normal," Mitch explains, continuing to shock us.

"Wow," I say, filling the silence.

"I'm still hoping to be rescued, and I hope you guys haven't given up yet," he says, looking us each in the face.

"We aren't giving up, thanks for the faith though," Peter says harshly. I'm bothered by this, but Mitch doesn't seem to care.

"Just making sure, Pippen."

"It's Peter."

"I should go check on Ellie," Mitch says, getting up. Seeing as we all don't have anything to do, we follow him. Ellie has indeed woken up and is staring at the ceiling, looking as if she's concentrating. Mitch runs to her side and takes her hand again. Peter looks like he's going to punch a hole in the wall.

"Hey," she says to him, breaking her concentration. He smiles.

"Did you remember something?" he asks her. She nods slightly.

"Kind of, but not clearly. Something about throwing up on the beach," she says, chuckling.

"Well...that's interesting," he tells her.

"It's better than nothing," Ellie says, laughing. I look over at Peter again and see his anger is barely contained. I glance at Ryan and he's looking with concern between Peter and Mitch. Suddenly, it clicks.

Mitch holding Ellie's hand, Ellie smiling up at him, Peter having this pretty much unexplained hatred for Mitch...

He's afraid he's lost her.

I could not be filled with more dread if I tried.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I'm hoping you like this twist. I'm rather enjoying it. We'll see how it plays out...
muahaha :)