Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

"You alright? You looked a little unsteady there."

Melina's POV

I'm so sad for him. Really sad actually. I feel bad for wanting to slap him earlier.

"Peter?" I ask, walking up to him at the fire pit. Ellie, Mitch, and Ryan are still inside. Ellie's sleeping again, and Mitch and Ryan are talking about some survival stuff from Bear Scouts or something.

"Hey," he says, poking to embers of the fire with a stick. I sit next to him.

"She'll remember, she's got to."

"It doesn't matter if she does, he's got her wrapped around his finger. He saved her from certain death, what's more romantic than that?" Peter says, sighing. I'm suprised he immediately knew we were on the same page and opened up to me. He must be really desperate.

"I can't say I disagree," I say to him, knowing it won't help.

"I never deserved her anyways, she's too...good," he says, looking at the ground. I hear him sniffle.

"Are you...crying?" I ask him, shocked. This is just not like him.

"Could you do me a favor and leave me alone," he says. I'm sure he meant to say it with an edge, but it comes out without any emotion attached. I resect his wishes and walk back to the house.

"So bascially, that's how you tie a snare," Mitch says to Ryan, holding up some kind of rope he's been working on. Ryan looks awed.

"I've never been able to tie that kind of snare!" he says energetically. Mitch looks pleased.

"When you've been here as long as me, you kind of have plenty of time to practice."

"!" Ryan exclaims. I hear a light laugh coming from the bed.

"He's just so talented," Ellie says affectionately. Yes, affectionately. Peter is screwed.

"It's nothing," Mitch says, but I can see he's doubly pleased. Ryan is oblivious to the change.

"Hey guys," I say. Ryan and Mitch look up.

"Hey Melina, check this out!" Ryan says, holding up Mitch's snare.

"Uhm, nice," I say, distracted. Ryan looks disapointed in my reaction, but he quickly forgets about it. That bothers me.

"Hey Ryan, I actually wanted to talk to you for a minute," I tell him, trying to convey the urgency in my eyes. That doesn't really work out.

"Sure, Melina. What's up?"


"You can just say it, we're all buds here!"

"Ryan...just come on," I say, pulling him out of his seat and out the door.

"Hey! Ouch!" he says, rubbing his arm where I grabbed him. I make sure we're a good distance from the house and from the fire pit, enough for privacy.

"We have a situation."

"Huh? This is turning out great!"

"Maybe for you...and I mean I can't really complain...but..."

"But what?"

"Peter," I murmered. And that's all it took for Ryan to come back to his senses. He slaps his forehead.

"Of course. How could I not have noticed?"

"You were distracted by facny knots."

"I guess so," he says, frowning. I can tell we're both clearly on the same page.

"What do we do?" I ask him. He looks up at me with dread.

"Nothing we can do but wait to see how it turns out," he says. I feared this response.

"I guess so."

"Come on, let's go back to the house," he says, motioning towards the white structure I'm starting to think might be our new home.

"Alright," I say, walking back with him. As we enter the house I notice Peter has entered as well. He's sitting at the table asking Mitch about Ellie's condition.

"Well, I really think she's got some kind of head injury of course because of the forgetfulness. She's only badly bruised other than that," Mitch says, looking warily at him. Peter nods.

"Well, atleast she didn't break anything. I thought she might have because a while ago she sprained a bone...," he says, trailing off. Mitch raises his eyebrows at Peter, but any suspicions he had been thinking of vanished when Ellie yawned.

"What'd I miss?" she asks, lazily raising her head from her pillow.

"Not much Ellie," he says, getting used to her name.

"I think I want to try getting up, is that ok?" she asks Mitch.

"I think you probably could try, sure," he says, holding out his hands to help her get up. She eagerly takes his offer, and before we know it she's up.

"Awesome," she says, closing her eyes and smiling. Mitch looks proud.

"You're getting so much better," he says. She nods.

"Thanks to you Mitch, really."

"I would have done it for anyone," he says in a way that I can't tell if he means it or not. Ellie seems to believe him.

"Wow, you're such a saint," she says laughing. He grins. Ryan and I share a quick glance. I can tell that we both agree...this situation is getting worse. Peter stalks outside again, and I have to sigh.

"I'll take a walk with you outside if you want to try that out," Mitch offers. She looks tempted, but shakes her head.

"I was really hoping to do it myself," she said, not trying to insult his offer. He seems to understand, and is more than happy to agree.

"Sure, go ahead. Scream if you need me," he says.

"I will," she says, giving him a smile before she walks outside.

"What's it like to save someone?" Ryan asks Mitch. Wow, random.

"Well, it's like nothing else. You just are overcome with this sense of, the only thing that matters is protecting them. And you become attatched," he says dreamily. It makes me sick.

"Just wondering, since I've never had the chance," Ryan says.

"Haven't you though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Weren't you the one who knew how to build the shelters and what fruit to eat? You've saved your friends this way," he says wisely. Ryan gives him a smile of gratitude I will never forget. It was so genuine.

"I guess so, thanks," he says. Mitch looks more than happy to have handed out the compliment.

"Sure. I'm so glad I'm not alone anymore!" Mitch says happily. This situation is so tightly woven. If Ellie likes Mitch, Peter won't recover I'm sure. On the other hand, Mitch has been lonely for so long it's hard to ruin it for him. He might not recover either, who knows.

"Mitch..." I say, about to explain the situation when I hear a yelp outside.

"Ellie!" Mitch exclaims, running to the door. But, as it turns out, he didn't have to run.

"You alright? You looked a little unsteady there," Peter says, holding her shoulders to keep her from falling.

"Actually I was getting pretty thanks," she says, trying to glare at him. It's obvious she's used to be independent. Anyways, as much as she tries to glare at him I can tell she can't. Suddenly, a flash of recognition crosses her face. Why is this scene so familiar?

"Has this happened before," she asks him. He nods.

"Yeah," he says, kind of sadly. She looks confused.

"Well...uhm...thanks again?"

"Anytime," Peter says, letting go of her as soon as he notices Mitch has arrived. Mitch shoots him a dirty look, but only for a second when he realizes no harm done. Or so he thinks.

"Ellie, you alright?" Mitch asks her. She nods and accepts his hand to guide her safely back to the house. As she's walking, I see her turn back and look at Peter tilting her head slightly in confusion. I wonder how long it will take for the memories to come back, and for the real confusion to begin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh wow, this is intense right? Keep reading people, and please please please comment. I really want to see some suggestions peeps!