Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

Having nightmares?

Peter's POV

I know she remembers it. I could tell, I could see it in her eyes. I used the same phrase for pete's sake! If only I could talk to her alone...maybe I could get her to remember everything.

"Peter, hey," Melina says, coming up to me outside. I'm back at my spot at the fire pit.


"Be careful," she says to me.


"Mitch has fallen for her just as quickly as you did, so watch it. Be careful."

"But, she just doesn't know we're..."

"Just be careful!" Melina says, running back into the house. Weird.


I've planned this out well, I think. It's night now. Mitch showed us around the house, including the bedrooms upstairs. Mitch is sharing his room with his sister, and we're not supposed to go in there because of her issue. Ryan and I are sharing, and right now he's sound asleep. Melina has a room to herself as well as Ellie having her own room downstairs. Well, not really since it's a make-shift couch bed by the dinner table but whatever. Mitch doesn't want Ellie to feel weird by sharing a room with Melina. I feel the opposite, it might be good for her...might speed up the memories. It's not like they're sharing a bed or something since there's two beds in each room. I wonder what this house used to be for.

Quickly, I put my ear to Mitch's bedroom door. I hear a steady snore, which reassures me he'll be out for a while. After this, I tip-toe down the stairs to see if Ellie's up.

"What exactly are you doing?" Ellie asks, almost making me jump.

"Oh, you're awake."


"Uhm...I'm just having a little insomnia," I say, hoping it's convincing. She doesn't seem to believe me, but she lets it pass.

"I don't often sleep at night...not sure why. So I get the insomnia thing. That why I sleep during the day a lot, in combination with the whole knocked out thing," she says, sighing. I can tell she wishes she could sleep.

"Do you have nightmares?" I ask, sitting at the table by the couch.

"Kind of...I think they're memories but I don't know."

"What are they about?" I ask her. She looks at me skeptically, but I guess the fact that I'm not leaving makes her give in.

"Well...a lot of darkness. Running through the jungle, sadness about..."

"About what?" I ask, and I can tell I'm pushing it.

"Why are you harassing me?"

"Sorry, I didn't realize..."

"No, yes you do. You know you're pushing it, so why do you keep doing it?" she asks misreably. I can tell she senses what's coming, even if she doesn't know it yet. I don't really know how to respond, so we sit in silence for a while.

"I guess it's because I know your memories...and I want you to remember them," I say to her earnestly. I can tell she knows I'm serious.

"Peter...what exactly do you want me to remember?" she asks. I can tell she's thinking about earlier when I kept her from falling. I'm so tempted to tell her about us, about everything. But then my brain starts to get past that and I realize she might not believe me, and then she'll be closed off from remembering forever.

"Just...I don't know I guess."

"Ok then," she says, annoyed. I feel awkward now, which is really upsetting.

"I'll just leave you, I guess. Nice talking to you," I say, getting up. She looks so puzzled.

"Yeah..." she says, watching me leave with curiosity. I wonder what she's thinking.

Ryan's POV

I wake up the next morning super well rested, so I'm suprised to see Peter so...well...unrested.

"Hey Peter, you enjoy those beds or what?" I ask.

"Uh, yeah. They were nice," he says, stuffing something into his pocket. I almost ask him what he was looking at, but think better of it.

"So...what's the plan? We staying here?" I ask him.

"I's probably the best idea," he says reluctantly.

"I think we can agree we're all a team, me, Melina, Ellie, Mitch...maybe Leah?" I say, curious to see what he'll say. He just nods.

"It's the best plan for survival. Mitch knows what he's doing."

"Ok...well...I think Mitch was saying he was going to make some cool 'welcome' see you inside?" I say really awkwardly. Peter is making this really hard.

"Sure," he says staring at the ground. I decide to just leave it at that. I run inside to the most wonderful breakfast I've seen since we got here.

"Wow!" I say in sync with Melina as she comes downstairs.

"I hope you like canned fruit and bread," he says laughing. We both do, cherishing each bite of peaches, pears, strawberries, and bread.

"Wow, it's like they haven't eaten in decades," Ellie says from the couch bed, laughing. She gets up to join us and takes a big serving of peaches.

"So, where's Peter?" she asks. Mitch looks annoyed.

"Outside," I say in between bites of food.

"Not hungry?" she asks.

"Guess not," I say, wondering why she's suddenly so curious. But I'm immediately distracted by the fruit and the bread.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter! woop woop! Fun day haha. Comment, as always.