Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

Switch it up...

Ellie's POV

I'm acting a little silly, making up for lost times. My emotions have been on a high since Peter set my memories free. I will never be able to repay him, and for his dedication I'm grateful.

"Ellie...," Peter manages to mumble before I claim his lips again.

"Mmm?" I ask him, my lips still on his.

"We need to stop," he says suddenly. I'm slightly miffed at this.

"Why?" I ask him, pulling away from his face.

"I'm not going to be able to control myself," he says, looking dissapointed. I almost laugh at this, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appriciate that.

"Maybe I don't want you to control yourself," I say on impulse. Wait. No. This is so not me.

"Ellie, you're not thinking. Focus Ellie," he says to me, looking me in the eyes. This doesn't help.

"Peter, if we're going to die on this island anyways I don't want to miss out on anything we would have had," I say, meaning it with every part of my being. He seems to understand this, but something holds him back.

"Ellie, this is just too fast. Remember back on the beach when you insisted we didn't go too far? Focus on that."

"Alright, you're right," I say, coming back to my senses. Just in time too, because as we sit up on the couch Mitch and Melina come in from outside.

Hmm..good thing we actually hadn't done anything...

"Hey guys!" Melina says in her bubbly happy voice. Mitch follows her in...smiling? Wait, I thought he was pissed.

"Hi," Peter says cautiously. I quickly grab his hand, but Mitch doesn't seem to notice or care.

"We've decided to take a hike to the beach for a swim, any takers?" Mitch asks us. I look at Peter and he shrugs.

"Sure," he and I both say in unison.

"Except I don't really have a bathing suit," I say. Melina gasps.

"You were going to beautiful Australia and you didn't pack a bathing suit?" she asks, suprised.

"All of my suits were old, I was kind of planning on getting a new one when I got there if I wanted it," I reply. Her face brightens, and I can tell she's got an idea.

"No problem, I'll just loan you one when we get there. Come on!" she says, linking her arm in mine. I follow along and our group treks to the beach. Ryan joins in too when he sees us leaving. We have no problem getting back to the shore, Mitch seems to know the way quite easily.

"Ok Ellie, I think I've got you one," Melina says, appearing from inside the plane. She's changed into a small metallic gold bikini and she looks so beautiful I could cry. He hair is combed and flowing, even though we've been stuck in the middle of nowhere, and her physique is still trim and perfect. I'm jelous for half a second, but the feeling quickly passes.

"You look great," I say cheerfully. But then I remember she's the one who's loaning me a bathing suit, and I begin to become not so excited.

"You will too in this!" she says, holding up what's supposed to be my bathing suit.

"You will never get me in that while I'm still living in this body," I say firmly to her. She makes a puppy dog face, and on anyone but her it wouldn't have worked on me.

"Come on, please?" she says, making big sad eyes. I sigh.

"Oh, alright. But I'm not going to like it," I say, grabbing the two piece from her and going in the plane to change.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" she says as she waits for me outside. This is going to be painful.


Peter's POV

When Mitch isn't being hostile he's not all that bad. We make small talk as we wait for the girls to come back, and I find out he's into some of the same sports as me.

"I can't believe we both play the same position!" he says, refering to basketball. It's not my favorite sport, it come second to the swim team, I'm pretty good.

"What a small world," Ryan mutters. He's mad because he can't participate in this strategy conversation.

"Anyways, Ryan, why don't you play sports? I bet you'd be great at basketball too 'cuz you're pretty tall," Mitch asks him. Ryan shudders.

"I'm not good at games including balls and hand eye coordination," he says matter of factly.

"Well, I guess where you lack in sports you take the prize for survival knowledge. I know a lot of first aid and some other stuff, but you really know everything," Mitch says. Ryan smiles at this.

"Oh, it's nothing," Ryan says, happy again.

"Hey, hasn't the weather been kind of cooler since we've gotten here?" I ask Ryan. He seems to have noticed too.

"Yeah, it's really not as hot here as it was when the plane crashed," he says, looking as if he's thinking about this.

"What are you talking about, she's so hot," Mitch says, staring down the beach. Ryan and I start cracking up.

"Uh, Mitch, we weren't talking about Melina," I say, laughing the hardest. Ryan is hesitantly laughing, but I can tell he thinks it's funny.

"Oh...uhm...huh?" he mumbles as Melina approaches us. I have to say, she does look really good, but I'm honestly not attracted to her anymore. Not like that.

"Hi boys," she says, flipping her hair. Mitch and Peter both look like they're about to drool. I decide to keep my dignity.

"Hey Melina, where's Ellie?" I ask. She looks confused.

"Ellie's right next to...," she starts to say, but as she looks next to her she realizes Ellie isn't there.

"Melina, what'd you do to her?" I ask, chuckling. I know that whatever she loaned Ellie must be interesting.

"Oh, hold on...I'll get her...," she says, jogging back up the beach.

"Well, way to be stereotypical males," I say to Ryan and Mitch. Ryan looks embarressed but Mitch isn't in the least bit.

"What can I say?" he asks as if this is obvious. I can see Ryan rolling his eyes, but he's just as guilty. Just as I'm about to mention this, I see Ellie emerge with Melina. It's my turn to become flabbergasted. Ellie's wearing a white bikini with a gold outline. It makes he tan stand out, and her brown eyes pop out with her tan. It's obvious that Melina hasn't done anything with Ellie's hair, but it' so pretty the way it naturally tosseled iself. I feel like a lucky man.

"Ellie, you look beautiful," I say, managing to keep my dignity in this situation as well.

"Oh wow thanks, but I can't believe I'm wearing this. I can't even look at it!" she says, covering her eyes. I laugh at how much she hates it.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get swimming before the sun goes down!" Mitch says, suddenly scooping up Melina and running towards the water. When he gets about waist high, he throws her in. She comes up from under the water laughing like crazy. Ryan looks peeved, but doesn't say anything.

"Shall we follow suit?" I ask Ellie, teasing her. She laughs.

"I can walk for myself I think," she says, grabbing my hand as we walk towards the gorgeous blue waves.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think this was mostly for some comic relief. There's been A LOT going on haha. Stay tuned, and as always leave your comments.