Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

Making an entrance...

Pete'r POV

It's a day after our beach outing, and I'm happier than ever. Ellie and I are back together, and that's all I could possibly wish for.

"This is a great breakfast," I say to Mitch, complimenting his eggs. He collects them from nests and cooks them over the fire. This would sound really sick to me if I wasn't stranded on this island, believe me. However, they're some great eggs. Or atleast I think so...

"Thanks Peter," he says. He's been a lot friendlier towards me since we all went to the beach. I'm pretty happy about it since he used to be really hostile.

"So...what are we doing today?" Ellie asks, sliding her hand into mine under the table. She's been a lot more affectionate since she got her memories back. I wonder why?

But I don't get time to answer her question or ponder my thoughts because Ryan and Leah arrive.

And it is by far one of the strangest things that has ever happened.

"Mitch, I'm so happy you found these new friends!" Leah says, giggling. Ryan looks uncomfortable, and it's not hard to see why. What the hell is going on?

"" Mitch says slowly, and it's easy to see he's very angry.

"Big brother, we're eloping!" Leah says, jumping into Ryan's outstretched arms. I think we're all stunned at this point. I'm suprised Ryan doesn't struggle under her weight. He might be a tough guy after all.

"What?" Mitch asks calmly. But it's not calm like 'Oh ok, cool!', it's like the calm before a storm.

"Oh Mitchy, isn't it just fabulous!" she asks, grinning at Ryan. He manages to grin back. I start to laugh, and I turn to Ellie to see her laughing too. Obviously this is a ploy.

"No this is absolutely not. Put my sister down!" He yells. This only makes Ellie and I laugh harder. Melina is in on it now too, and she laughs along with us.

"Oh Mitch, get over it. I'm getting married!" she says excitedly. Mitch looks like he's going to blow his top.

"Mitch, relax. It's obviously a trick," I say to him. He suddenly seems to grasp the concept.

"That's an immature trick, Leah," he says, crossing his arms. She pouts.

"Oh yeah? And if it's a trick why would I do this?" she says, gracefully falling to the floor. Then, she gets up on her tip toes and kisses Ryan. He looks positively shocked, so I'm guessing that wasn't part of the plan. It's not a big deal, it's just a peck on the lips, but this is still pretty suprising to him judging from the look on his face.

"Oh yeah, that's really convincing," Mitch says sarcastically.

"Believe what you want," she says, leaning in to kiss Ryan again. And this time it's a little awkward.

"Uh Peter, what the heck is going on?" Ellie whispers to me. I shurg because I honestly have no idea. Leah and Ryan are kissing like there's no tomorrow. She's a damned good actress, I just hope Ryan doesn't read into it.

"Enough!" Mitch says, pulling them apart. Leah starts laughing hysterically. Ryan just looks like a deer caught in headlights.

"Oh bro, you're so wonderful to bother," she says, hugging him. He looks mad at her, but hugs her back.

"Leah, that was not funny."

"The look on your face was though!" she says, continuing to laugh. Mitch has a scowl on his face, but not for long. He joins in with her and in about a minute, the crisis is averted.

"Kind of glad you decided to show up," Mitch says to her.

"Glad to show up," she says to him, punching him playfully on the arm. And this is our introduction to Leah.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a short chapter, and I am so sorry! I've been focusing on my other story and I haven't been inspired. I'm working on it! Comment as always. Love ya!