Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

Spontaneous Confession

Ryan's POV

Leah is crazy. I mean, she provokes her dangerous brother for fun, is more fiesty than a mother bear protecting her cubs, and isn't afraid of anything. And yet, she's a ray of sunshine, with a laugh that sparkles like dew drops on a spring morning.

I think I might have a crush on her.

I know when she kissed me, it was fake. It was to freak out Mitch. But also...I think she might have secretly wanted to. On a very subconcious level. We've been hanging out for the last couple of days since she decided to appear. And since Peter and Ellie want to spend every second together and Mitch and Melina have been hanging out, it seems only reasonable that we would end up together a bunch of the time.

"Ryan, can you do me a favor?" Leah asks. She smells like lemon and rosemary, a beautiful combination.

"Yeah sure."

"Could you grab my bracelet? I just dropped it, and since my stomach is the size of a blimp I can't really bend over and get it."

"No problem, here Leah," I say, gently taking her hand and slipping the bracelet onto her wrist. It's a simple friendship bracelet, made with blue and green string. I wonder who made it for her.

"So, Ryan, do you really think I'm due any day now? I can't wait to get this baby 'outta me!" Leah says, laughing. I almost sigh, but I catch myself in time.

"You look a lot like my Aunt Clarice when she was pregnant with my cousin Robbie right before he was born. So, my guess is he or she will be out anytime," I explain. She nods.

"I can feel it's almost time," Leah says as she sits down on a log. I sit beside her.

"Are you scared," I whisper to her. She's silent for a couple minutes, but then she replies.

"I'm not sure. I guess so, but not a lot. I wish I had a docter though, or somebody who's been through know what I mean?" she asks. I nod.

"You're really brave."

"I do my best," she says, laughing that angelic laugh of hers. It's not hard to see why Freddie was so into her.

"What was the dad like?" I ask her, looking at her ginormous stomach.

"That's...a really personal question," she replies, looking at the ground. I take her hand into mine.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," I say to her. She looks at her hand in mine warily, but seems to forget about it.

"Freddie was...amazing. He was the yin to my yang. I'll never fall in love again," she says, sighing. I take my hand out of hers.


"Ever," she confirms. My heart rises into my throat.

"You really believe that?" I ask. She looks at me seriously.

"He's the father of my child, I'll never be able to forget him."

"Oh...I guess so," I say, getting up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Leah asks. I almost walk away without replying, but then I remember that leaving a hormonal pregnant girl out by herself might not be the best idea.

"Uhm, I guess back. You coming?" I ask her. She pushes herself up.

"I suppose," she replies, following me. About half way back to the house, I stop and she almost runs into me.

"Hey Ryan, what's your problem?" she asks, laughing. I turn to look at her and she stops cold.

"Leah, I have to be perfectly honest with you. The first girl I ever liked...I never told her how I felt before it was much too late. I never want to let opprotunity pass me by again, so I'm not going to. Leah, I like you. And not in the friend way. I mean, if you want to be friends, that's cool...but I do have feelings. And I just want you to know that if you ever change your mind about love, I'll be around," I say to her quietly. She looks a little suprised, but not shocked.

"I don't know what to say Ryan..." she says, trailing off. I take this as a no, and walk back to the house by myself. Leah follows, but quickly retreats to her room. I hope I didn't just screw up everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
This might be kind of short, I can't decide. I hope you all are still reading! I'll end it in a couple chapters, plus an epilogue. Please comment or message me with comments and such. Love you all <3