Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island


Melina's POV

I love the fact that Peter totally took the bikini bait. Men are so easy. Obviously I'm not stupid enough to think that I'd be alive in the next week if I didn't help out somehow....but for now Peter is really helping to relax my nerves. The good thing about kissing is that I don't have to pretend to be someone else...I can just be myself and that's good enough.

"Melina, you really are everything everybody says," Peter tells me, taking a breath.


"You're pretty and very good at what you do."

"So I'm told," I say, leaning in to restart the kissing. He's just as good as all my friends say as well. I little tingle goes up my spine as he moves one hand down to the small of my back. I kiss back a little more to tell him I like it. He responds eagerly, obviously going to take as much as he can get. If only we weren't in a stupid jungle sitting on the ground with who knows what else, we'd be doing so much more.

"Peter? Melina? Hello?" I hear Ryan calling out. It must be sundown.

"So we going to answer him or what?" Peter asks quiety, laughing.

"Maybe in ten minutes," I say, grinning playfully at him. He smiles back and we get back to making out.

"Not to disturb you, but it's getting dark and unless you want your passion to be ended by a man eating spider I suggest you get your asses back to the fire."

"Huh?" Peter says, breaking apart from me abruptly as if he's embarressed. Not hot. We both look up and see Ellie standing over us, hands on her hips.

"I wouldn't have bothered, but I'm afraid Ryan wouldn't handle it too well if you both were lost out here. He would have somehow blamed himself," she says giving us an icy stare. Obviously me thinking she wouldn't have a clue about Peter and me hooking up was completely off the charts.

"Alright Little Miss Diva, we're coming," Peter says, teasing her. Ellie doesn't look pleased, but she leads us out onto the beach. It's actually a really good thing she came because it was hard to tell how to get out of that mass of trees. Down the beach, I see a big fire glowing. Ryan wasn't kidding about being a Bear Scout.

"Did you find the water?" Ryan asks, looking glum. Ellie glares at me.

"Not exactly," I tell him. He doesn't look at all suprised.

"Well that's alright, because Ellie and I found some not far from here. A freshwater stream," Ryan says quietly, staring at the embers of the impressive fire he built.

"You guys did a really good job on the shelter," Peter says. I look in the direction he seems to be looking and I see that he's right. It's a large shack looking thing, and I can tell it took a lot of big, thick sticks to build. I can't even fathom how they did it in so little time.

"You can thank Ryan for that. All I did was follow his directions," Ellie says, smiling warmly at him. He gives her a half smile but he seems distant. Hmm...I wonder if they have a little something something going on, if you catch my drift.

"Well, I think it's time to hit the hay. Good night fellow strandees," Peter says, heading towards the shelter.

"Hold on. We have more to talk about," Ellie says, putting on what seems to me like a game face.

"What now?" Peter asks, looking slightly baffled.

"We need some rules," Ellie says. I don't like where this is going.

"Who died and made you king?" Peter asks her looking annoyed.

"Look, we just need some guidlines if we are to get along here and get home. First of all, everyone needs to help. Tomorrow we are going to definitely need to find some source of food. Everyone needs to help brainstorm ideas for that. Second of all, we all need to try to get along with eachother here. We can't be fighting if we plan on being productive. The last thing is that we need to do jobs...and the first one is taking night watch. We will make a schedule for tomorrow, but for now Ryan and I decided to draw straws...wells sticks," she says, holding out her fist with four even looking sticks clutched in it.

"Whoever gets the shortest stick has to do night watch first. Ellie will take whatever stick is left over as hers," Ryan says, picking a stick. Peter and I follow suit. We all compare sticks and see that I have the first night watch.

"Damn it," I say, sighing. I'm pretty tired from everything that happened today.

"Well, have fun with that," Peter says, heading up to the shelter.

"If anything strange or dangerous is happening, wake us up," Ellie says, following Peter. Ryan stays by the fire. He looks like he's thinking, so I just go and sit on a stump near our new house. I can tell it's going to be a long night. About ten minutes into my shift, I drift off to sleep.

The next morning I wake up with the sun. So much for sleeping in. As I yawn and look around, I notice a wooden bucket full of water by the remains of our campfire and a handsome figure wading in the water with a stick. As weird as that sounds, that exactly what I'm thinking at the moment. I get up cheerfully to go talk to Peter. As I wade in the water I notice how absolutely wonderful it is. Quietly, I sneak up on him.

"Hi!" I say, hoping to suprise him. He jumps about ten feet in the air, and turns around to face me. A second later, I realize it's not who I thought it was.

"You shouldn't go around scaring people like that," Ryan says, looking really ticked off. How the heck did I make the mistake of thinking he was Peter?

"Sorry...just trying to lighten the mood?" I offered. Suprisingly, he gave me a smile.

"Well, if you hadn't just scared away the fish I was just about to catch that would have been nice," he says. that's what the sticks for.

"Where'd you learn how to spear fish?" I ask.

"Basic Cub Scout training," he says with a hint of pride.

"Well, maybe I can make up for scaring breakfast," I say, grabbing the now noticably pointy stick. Ryan looks at me skeptically.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Sure. Give me five minutes," I say, ready to give him the second shock of the day. I look around and see another fish mulling around. Quickly, instead of stalking the fish I throw the stick with precise aim. When I go to fetch the stick from the shallow water I see that I've been successful. Ryan looks at me in awe, and I have to grin.

"How...did you do that?" he says, clearly very impressed.

"I learned when I was young. My dad liked all kinds of fishing, and I always went with him."

" teach me?" he says, looking very interested. I smile at him.

"Sure," I say. He grins as wide as the cheshire cat. And for the first time that morning, I realize I was having a non-flirty conversation with a guy. And he wasn't staring at my chest anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm not sure how I did here, but it sure was fun to write. As always, be sure to correct any mistakes I made. I'm having a ton of fun, and I hope you all enjoy it atleast a fraction as much as I do!