Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island


Ellie's POV

The sun woke me up, but I decided to ignore it because I was exausted. Yesterday was quite a haul. First of all, apparently I was washed up to shore on some god foresaken island. Secondly, I've had to somewhat take charge of everything going on. Thirdly, I had to break up a pair of passionate lovers who ignored me asking them to do a damned thing. And lastly, I'm stuck here and probably will die depressed and sunburned.

As you can see, today has put me in a terrible mood.

Just as I'm about to go back to sleep and try to forget the fact I have to try and do something to live, I hear laughing from outside. Laughing? Who dares to laugh on my depressing day? I reluctantly get up and peek outside to see Melina giggling at something Ryan said while he's grinning, cooking something over another fire he's made. Well apparently life has already flipped upside down and we've barely been here for more than a day.

"What are you cooking?" I ask Ryan. He looks at me and looks a ton happier than he was yesterday.

"Fish! And you wouldn't believe how Melina caught them for us!" he says very enthusiastically. She smiles at him. I think I missed something while I was sleeping.

"Melina caught them?" I say, staring at the four fish on what looks like a makeshift rotisary.

"Yes! She's amazing at it too! I tried to do it but I wasn't too good."

"Yet. You'll catch on," Melina says, still smiling at him. It makes me happy for the first time that morning. Maybe she has some alter ego afterall. One with a brain cell or two. I still find it hard to believe after finding her in the jungle sucking off Peter's face. How exactly was that an intelligent decision?

"Hey the fish are almost done I think, why don't you go wake up Peter," Ryan suggests. I frown.

"I thought Peter was already out here. He's not in the shelter," I say, starting to get annoyed. Doesn't he know not to walk off into the unknown without telling someone?

"Maybe he's using the bathroom?" Melina suggests. It takes about two seconds for her and Ryan to burst into laughter. I don't even grin. It wasn't that funny.

"Well if he doesn't return in ten minutes someone should go find him," I say in a way I realize is kind of bossy. Since when was I such a control freak? Ryan and Melina both look at me like I'm crazy.

"We all can't split up and try to find him. We have to stick together. Plus, if he's lost then we'll probably get lost finding him. So we'll all be dead," Ryan says. Obviously he's not too eager to find Peter. Quite frankly, neither am I. On the other hand, I'd feel guilty if something really did happen to him and we didn't put forth and effort to find him. I can see Melina agrees with me.

"Ryan, you know we have to try," I tell him. I can tell he's really annoyed by this.

"I'm not going to look for him. If he's lost, that's his problem. I don't want all of us to get lost too," Ryan says stubbornly. Suddenly it clicks in my brain. Obviously he wants to keep Melina to himself.

"We have to find him. How would you like it if we left you out by yourself in the middle of nowhere?" Melina asks him. Since when did she try to make sense. I can see Ryan's about to get very upset from the way he's looking at the ground with a scowl on his face. We have to keep the peace.

"How about this; I'll go look for him and if I don't return by noon you can come look for me," I suggest. I really don't want to go looking by myself, but I can tell that it's the only way to keep everyone happy. And besides, Peter probably isn't far off anyways. I'm probably paranoid as usual. Melina and Ryan look at eachother and nod.

"Ok, I guess that's alright. Be careful," Melina says. I didn't realize she'd actually care.

"Yeah, ok," Ryan says. And with that, I walk off in some direction on the beach. Hopefully he's around here somewhere.

"Peter? Peeeeeter?" I call out over and over. There's no response. I sigh. This is going to take forever. I decide that I have to try to go into the jungle a little. I push my way through some plants and call out again. This time a get a response.

"Hello?" I hear a voice that sounds like Peter's. I start to walk towards it.

"Peter? Are you there?"

"Uhm yeah. I'm fine. So if you could leave me alone that'd be awesome," he says. He doesn't sound angry or sad...just kind of blank.

"Are you ok?" I ask, taking a step forward. Just as I do, I immediately regret it. Apparently the was a ledge that I didn't even notice because of all the plants growing all around. I trip down it, twisting and turning.

"Watch out for the ledge," he says with sarcasm. He heard me fall I'm sure now.

"That would have been great to know before I fell on my face!" I said angrily. I want to kill him. Why does he have to have such a bad adittude? I quickly get up, but apparently too quickly. My world rapidly blacks out.


"Hello? Ellie? You good now?" I hear Peter saying. I open my eyes to see we're sitting on the beach. Well, he's sitting and I'm laying on the ground.

"What the heck happened?" I ask him. Well...I try to ask him. It comes out all jumbled and confused souding. I can see him hovering over me.

"Well, atleast you're saying something now," he says. I try to get myself together and sit up. I manage to, but I suddenly get dizzy. He sees this.

"Are you ok? You feel down that ledge and I thought you were ok...but then you got up and fainted," he explains. Oh great. I fainted. I feel a stinging on my face and feel that there's a gash close to my eye.

"What happened to my face?" I say, finally sounding coherant. He laughs.

"What?" I ask, confused about how that could be funny. He shuts up.

"Sorry, it's just the way you said that was so funny."

"Well? What happened to it?"

"When you fainted you fell on a rock. And there was a sharp edge, which gave you a kinda deep cut. But it's all good because I stopped the bleeding while you were passed out," he says. I think he's trying to make me laugh. I give him a half smile, because I really don't feel like laughing at the moment.

"Well...thanks. How long was I out for?"

"I'd say ten minutes," he said thoughtfully. I sigh.

"Ten minutes and all you did was lay me out on a beach. You didn't try and find Ryan who's a Bear Scout and probably would have know a little more of what to do," I say to him. He frowns deeply.

"I could handle it."

"Well I guess."

"Look if you want to go hang out with Ryan more than you want to hang out with me then that's no news to me. Melina obviously does," he says angrily. I was about to retort back to him, but then I realized the reason he walked off by himself in the first place.

"Peter, she's just hanging out with him. It's not like they're getting married."

"But I'm obviously more attractive than him. Why would she prefer to sit by a fire cooking some fish than hang out with me?"

"Maybe she's not the person we all think she is. And maybe life isn't all about looking good in a bathing suit," I say, trying to make it meaningful. He goes from being completely remorseful to grinning.

"So you think I'd look good in a swimsuit?" he says. This frankly pisses me off more than ever.

"Wow, really? Maybe life isn't all about you either! I was trying to be nice to you by coming to find out where you went in case you were in trouble. And what do you do? You let me fall down a damned ledge. And now I'm trying to help you feel better about Melina and everything and you make it into a joke. Next time, even if you're about to fall of a cliff to your death, I'm not going to even look at you," I say, storming off.

"Hey wait, I was just trying to make you laugh!"

"Well you did a poor job."

"What the hell? You can be so nice and fun and then you act like you have a stick up your ass. I don't get you."

"Well then it's mutual. I don't get you either."

And with that, our conversation was finished.
♠ ♠ ♠ was this one? Correct my mistakes, thanks! I had a ton of fun with this, as always. I'm liking mibba :P