Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

Back to nicknames

Melina's POV

"So...uh...fruit?" Ryan asks. I laugh. I didn't even feel like laughing ten seconds ago, but just the way he said it was so funny.

"What'd you do to Peter?" I ask. Obviously they got into some kind of argument. Ellie might believe the "accident" crap but I've seen enough fights to know he wouldn't have gotten a black eye and a bloody nose just from falling on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Alright, what'd he do to you to make you hurt him?"


"It's ok, I won't push. I know he can be a real ass sometimes," I say, seeing that he's hesitant to tell. Must have been something he's embarressed of.

"Yeah, but he's alright," he says, and I can see he means it.

"Yeah, he can be," I reply. We sit in silence for a while around the fire pit. As Ryan tends the fire, I notice a small scar on his left arm.

"What?" he asks me, noticing my staring.

"My cat...scratched you there," I say, remembering.

"Oh, yeah," he says laughing. Alright, now or never.

"We were friends, remember?"

"Of course I remember!" he says, looking suprised I mentioned it. I'm confused.

"Why aren't you angry at me? I ask. He thinks for a second, and then answers.

"Because, I know why you changed. you've become more like the old you," he says. I look him in the eyes and see that he's completely sincere.

"Ha. No I haven't. I made out with a guy I'm not even interested in just for the heck of it."

"That was a couple days ago. You've really changed since that first day. I know it sounds rediculous, but it's true," he says. And I realize I have been more myself then I have been for a really long time.

"I can't believe you," I say laughing.

"What?" he asks.

"I can not believe you're not even angry at me. After I ditched you for my other friends...without even an explanation," I tell him. He shrugs.

"I know I'm a dork and a nerd and whatever other stereotype."

"But you're also funny and reasourceful. And you have a great smile. Some girl's going to snatch you up before you know it!" I say laughing. He sighs.

"Haha. Sure." he says, giving me a half smile.

"What's bugging you Ry?" I ask him, using my old nickname for him. He looks at the ground.

"I forgot about the nickname."

"Oh haha yeah. Anyways, Ry, what's going on? I ask.

"Alright. The truth is..." he says. Just as he's about to finish, Peter and Ellie come back.

"Hey guys, I'm clean now!" Peter says laughing. Ellie laughs along with him.

"I gotta go," Ryan says, getting up and walking down the beach with his hands in his pockets. What's up with him?
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah second update in one day...I've been slacking on my summer homework ahha.
Correct my mistakes, leave comments, blah blah blah :)
By the way, yeah this chapter is really sorry...haha