Status: This story is on the back burner for now, but if you message me/comment for an update I will get one done. Eventually this will be finished.

Lost on the Island

It only takes a second for a heart to break

Ellie's POV

Was Peter just nice to me? Like...really? I still can't believe his lack of rudeness. Unfortunately, I can't think about this in depth because Ryan is walking aimlessly down the beach looking quite depressed.

"I'll be back guys," I say to Peter and Melina. They both nod, understanding what I'm doing. I run after Ryan and catch up to him in no time.

"You don't have to try and fix everything. Some things can't be fixed," Ryan says to me. I grab his arm.

"Hey, wait. You tell her you like her?"

"I was about to before you all came running joyfully back from washing blood off the scumbag's face."

"He's not a scumbag...he's been less of a scumbag every day since we've arrived."

"Three days arent going to change anyone."

"But it's a start," I say, making him pause and think.

"I know. And with Melina it's made a world of difference," he says, smling. But his smile turns quickly to remorse.

"What? We're here, on our own private island. The sunsets are great, the weather isn't terrible, and did I mention privacy? There's no harm in telling her, and even if it doesn't work out , nobody but us will know. And if worse comes to worse, you still have me to be your friend!" I say optimistically.

"Well you're suddenly full of sunshine," he says, pausing to sit down on a rock. I sit cross legged in the sad next to him.

"You've got to try, it's now or never. You've been dreaming for this opprotunity forever. And now you two are talking and I'd even venture to say your back to being friends."

"She'll never think of me as more than that, good thing I didn't tell her a couple minutes ago or should would have freaked. I'm happy just being back to normal with her, even if it is just for now."

"Well atleast think about this," I say to him. He nods.

"I will, now leave me to my thoughts," he says, winking at me. I laugh and leave him be. As I walk back to the fire pit to hang out with Melina and Peter, I notice they're not there. All I can do is sit and tend the fire while I wait for someone to come back. After and hour of doing this, I look to my left and see Ryan still staring into space and nobody returning. As bored as I am, I don't want to interupt him in case he's having some kind of epiphany, so I walk in the opposite direction down the beach.

As I walk I let my thoughts wander, and I end up pondering over Peter. Yeah. Peter. The annoying ass that told me insensitively to turn off my ipod and decided to go ahead and make out with an attractive girl instead of looking for water that could save our lives. And yet, when I was helping him earlier I felt like we clicked. And he looked at me like I was an actual human being and not some ugly girl he could care less about. Kind of short notice, but I think I've got a crush on him. And for once, maybe my crush could be mutual! I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. I can't help but feel giddy, and I start to hum a song. As I keep walking I decide it's time to turn back, but then I see Melina and Peter sitting in the sand a little ways down.

"Hey guys!" I call out to them, but my voice is carried away by the wind. I speed up a little now that I have a destination, but as I get closer, I suddenly get a pit in my stomach as I hear their conversation.

"Melina, I just want to know if I have a spark with you or not," he says to her. She nods.

"I mean, I felt like I kind of did on the first this really the right thing?" Melina asks, looking hesitant.

"Come on, we have to just make sure," Peter says. I can tell they've been on this topic for a while.

"Ok, I guess it's the only way," Melina says, giving in to whatever he's suggested. I stop dead in my tracks as Peter leans in and kisses her. I only look for about half a second, but that's all I needed for tears to well up in my eyes. As I turn and run into the trees as fast as I can, all I can think is how stupid being a dumb hormonal teenager really is.
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I know this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO short! But I'm thinking the next chapter will be longer so hopefully I'll make up for it :]
So, comment and correct my mistakes as usual. Thanks!!!