Status: Updates will be soon.

I'll Be There Not Far Behind


Bek and I had been up since five in the morning. I was really hyper, I had drunken the last of our Amps. The last three. Rebekah was pissed, and I was laughing my ass off.

I had woken her up four hours ago, and she was so mad at me. It didn't help that we had no coffee in the house, and that was the last of our caffeine. So she was DEAD tired. But I was blasting Breathe Carolina, and though she wanted to sleep she knew I wouldn't let her.The boys wouldn't even be here until two. I ran to my room, quickly grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a graphic tee. I changed as fast as I could, then ran back out to the living room. Rebekah was on the couch,she was laying down, and I could tell she was trying to drown out the music so she could sleep. I laughed, and ran to the kitchen to make us some breakfast.

"Bev?" Rebekah called as she walked in the kitchen, she had turned down the music, and she looked like she was gonna pass out. But that might because she had stayed up until twelve on the phone with her brother. I, being sensible, went to bed at nine.

"Yeah Bek?" I asked, as I flipped our french toast. I turned to look at my best friend, and wished I hadn't. She was glaring at me, and that caused me to laugh. I faced the stove again, and slid the toast onto two plates one for her, and one for me. I buttered them, then handed her the plate and syrup. She smiled at her breakfast, and I laughed. I chanced sitting next to Rebekah who was still smiling. She looked up at me, and I grinned at her. We both laughed, then went on to eat our food.

It was just before two, Bek and I were watching a movie. And when I looked over at her, she was passed out. I laughed, but decided waking her up a second time would not be smart. So I finished the movie, and cleaned up the popcorn from the floor. I laughed remembering the popcorn fight we had.

Only minutes later I heard the door. open. I ran to see if it was the boys. My stomach lurched when I saw them standing there ti had been four months since I had seen and of them. And I especially had missed Zack.

"Where's my sister?" Alex asked after giving my a hug. I stepped away from Rian, only to have Jack pull me into his arms. I laughed, and pointed to the living room. We all traveled that way after I had hugged my brother. We walked in to see Alex sitting on Rebekah.She was not happy.

"Someone wanna get this lug off me?" She asked, I laughed and shook my head at them. Zack went forward, and pulled his band mate off of Bek. I laughed as I watched Alex fall to the floor, and Rebekah jump up to hug Zack. Rian and Jack rolled their eyes, and walked to the kitchen.

"Imma go to the store. Cause we need food and drinks if you're gonna be here," I said, grabbing my jacket and purse.

"I'll come." Alex said, running after me as I walked out the door. I smiled back at him, and we left to get groceries.

We were gone for two hours, we had picked up a lot of food, and stopped by Blockbuster to get some movies. It took us a while to agree on some, but we had fun. I laughed as Alex got mobbed by three little girls. They asked for signatures, and pictures. And gave me dirty looks, that I only returned with my own mean looks.Alex laughed at me as the girls frowned.

Finally we had left, and headed back to the loft.I knew that everybody would be hungry, and pounce on us as soon as we got back, so I drove as fast as I dared.

I was right, Jack, and Rian were waiting in the parking lot, and my brother was just inside the door with Rebekah.

"Come on Bee. We're hungry!" Rian yelled, jumping up and down. I laughed, and parked the car, making sure to take my time. Alex sat beside me trying to stifle his laugh while Jack sent him funny looks. After I parked, I made sure that everyone helped cary in a bag, then I started on lunch, with Zack helping me.

"So how've you been Bev?" He asked, as he poured our drinks.

"Good. I've been busy with work and all. How was tour?" I asked in return, and turned to face him after putting out pizzas in the oven.

"It was fun. As usual. But I'm glad to be back."

"When are you guys heading home?"

"We're gonna crash here tonight. But head there tomorrow." He jumped up to sit on the counter, and I walked in between his legs. Hugging him tightly I smiled. "I missed you sis."

"I know. I missed you too. It was lonely while Bek was at school on the days I didn't have to work."He laughed, and hugged me again

After dinner we migrated to the living room and popped in a movie, then settled down for the night. I sat next to Alex on the floor, and lay my head on one of his knees, which were pulled up to his chest. He placed a hand in my hair,and stroked it, calming me, and sending me off into a restful slumber.
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Chapter one...

How special!

No seriously. It is... ;D