Status: Updates will be soon.

I'll Be There Not Far Behind

Did She Touch You?



“What?!” I cried out, clutching Alex’s shirt. He held me, rubbing my back soothingly. “First my mom comes, and now Beka’s…”

“Your mom came?!” Zack asked, pulling me away from Alex so he could see me. I looked up at him, then to Alex for support. When I looked back at Zack I nodded. “Did she touch you?!” He asked, pulling me into his arms.

“No.” I sighed tiredly, as Zack carried me bridle style to my bed. I closed my eyes, feeling stressed as all the memories of my mother came flooding back to me.

”Get your lazy little ass down here Beverly.” My mother called sternly, as I finished getting dressed after my shower. I practically ran down the stairs, knowing all to well what was coming next.

“Coming Mother!” Called as I made it to the top of the stairs, I ran down the hall to her room. Knowing that if I made it there fast enough she might not be mad. I stopped in front of her door, and knocked.

“Get in here!” She yelled. I opened the door, and stepped in.

“Yes Ma’am?” I asked, walking up to her bravely.

“Go make dinner, you brother is coming tonight to see you. We want to look good for him, and while you’re at it get something decent on.” She replied icily, picking at my clothes disgustedly. I nodded.

“Yes Ma’am.” I left, and went to start on dinner, while waiting for the water to boil I went to my room to get something more ‘decent’ on.


“Hello Zack.” I stated calmly, though my heart was pounded, and my insides were in a knot. I knew my mother was standing back watching me.

“Hey Bev!” He said not so calmly. I winced as he hugged me, and his arms wound around the sensitive skin of my back. He noticed, and gave me a weak smile. “Sorry, I’m getting muscles.” He said oblivious to the fact that it wasn’t him that hurt me.

“I can’t tell.” I smiled softly at him, and looked at my mother. “Shall we eat dinner?” I asked, leading them both to the table.

“You guys have a dog?” He asked, pointing out the dog bowl that sat on the ground.

“Yeah.” My mother replied quickly. “She’s not here right now though, she’s at the vet, she’ having puppies.” She smiled at Zack, and I winced again.

“You guys sit, and I’ll go get dinner.” I said walking to the kitchen. Zack followed me, and I smiled lightly at him. “I missed you.” I whispered hugging my brother close to me, and holding my tears back.

“Bev. What’s wrong Hun?” He asked, keeping his voice low.

“I don’t wanna be here with mom.” I replied, turning away from him to get our dinner.

“Come with me! Live with Alex’s sister.” He said.

“Mom wouldn’t let me.” I carried out the food, and we both went silent as we got close to the dining room. He gave me an apologetic look, and then wiped it off his face before my mother noticed.


“Sneak out tonight. I’ll help you. Run away.” Zack whispered in my ear as he gave me a goodbye hug. “You’re eighteen anyway, just come with me.” I nodded.

“I’ll miss you too Zack.” I said loud enough for my mother to hear. “I’ll pack, and text you to meet me when I’m done.” I whispered pulling away from him. “ I love you. And hope to see you soon.”

“Love you too Bev. And I’ll visit soon.”


Drunk once again my mother was in a bad mood. She walked up to me, and slapped me.

“You ruined dinner!” She slurred, I was sure she didn’t know what she was talking about. “Give me your phone.” She said angrily. I bit back my look of anguish, and handed her my phone. She took it and stuck it in her pocket. She slapped me again, her wedding rings scratching my face as I fell back. “Go to bed.” I did as I was told, and cried silently as I packed few clothes.

I remember Zack had come and picked me up later that night. He asked why I hadn’t texted, and got frustrated when I told him our mom was drunk, and took my phone. I made sure to leave out the fact that she had indeed hit me.

“Bev?” Alex whispered softly. I felt the bed sink in, and his arms were around me in an instant.

“Yeah?” I asked, turning to face him.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

"I told Beka to go home…”
♠ ♠ ♠
These are the outfits.... Just wanted to show them to you...

Beverly before Zack came

Beverly for dinner

The first banner is by me, and the other is by Jen!
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