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I'll Be There Not Far Behind

Speak Of The Devil

Since Beverly woke me up so early on my Saturday morning, I went to bed at a reasonable time. Jack, Rian, Zack, and Alex watched TV, and Beverly must have been in the kitchen doing the dishes, because soon I could hear the water running. I fell asleep to the quiet hum of the TV.

The next morning I woke up at ten, only because my brother was snoring next to me. He must have come in last night after I fell asleep. I didn’t remember him coming in. I climbed over him and out of bed. After that I made myself a bowl of cereal, and got a glass of orange juice. I smiled at Zack as he came in the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

“My sister talks in her sleep. And she was talking about someone stealing her cinnamon roll.” He mumbled sleepily. I laughed, and pushed the cereal toward him. He smiled, and got a bowl and spoon.

“Anyone else want coffee?” Rian asked as he walked in the kitchen, he was dressed, and holding his keys.

“I’ll come, and we can take my car. Cause I need to drop the movies off.” Beverly said, stealing a bite of her brother’s cereal. He scoffed, but smiled at her anyway. She left the room to get dressed, and Rian went to sit in the living room to wait.

I rinsed my empty bowl, and went to my room to get dressed. I changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a short sleeved teal shirt, and pulled on my converse.

“Where’d Rian and Bev go?” Alex asked following me into my room. I put my pajamas in my laundry hamper, and turned to face him.

“They went for coffee. They’ll probably bring you back something.” I replied, then walked past him, and went to Beverly’s room to see how much laundry we had. After I started a load of our laundry I went to the bathroom to put on eyeliner and fix my hair. Then I brushed my teeth, and waited for our coffee.

I was sitting on the couch when Zack came in. He was on his cell phone, and he smiled at me as he took the seat by me.

“Yeah. I’ll come down today to see you babe.” Pause. ”I was seeing my sister.” Pause. “Kay, see you then.” He hung up, and turned his body to face mine.

“Hey.” I grinned at him.

“Hey!” He chuckled. We sat and talked until Rian and Beverly came in with our coffee, then we all gathered around the kitchen table. We talked and laughed for three hours. Long after our coffee was gone. By then, the guys needed to leave. Or they said they did. Beverly and I convinced them to stay for another couple hours. So we sat in the living room, and I popped in a movie. Most of us talked through it. The only person who wasn’t talking was Zack, and he was texting. He would say a word or two, but that’s it.

Later that night, Beverly and I were in her room. The guys had left only seconds before. And we were talking.

“Can I tell you something without you freaking out?” She asked, looking down at her blankets and picking at the seam that was coming undone. I nodded at her, and she looked up, quickly to see my reply. “I like Ulix.” She mumbled. I gave her a funny look that she didn’t see.

“Who?” I asked, feeling very confused.

“Alex…”She whispered. She looked up to see my reaction. Truth was I didn’t know what to feel.

“You like my brother?” I asked, my voice was low, as if I talk any louder he would hear.

“Yes I like him! How many times do I have to say that?!” She asked, then her eyes got wide.

I turned around to face the door. And instantly knew why.

Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear.