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I'll Be There Not Far Behind

Wow. Drama...

Alex's POV
I stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard them talking. Beverly, and Rebekah were sitting in Beverly’s room, and they were talking. But that’s not what stopped me.

“Yes I like him! How many times do I have to say that?!” She blurted out, feeling frustrated I assume. She looked up at me, and her eyes got really wide in surprise. I smiled, and waved shyly, then looked at my sister whose mouth was hanging open. She jumped off the bed, and ran to slam the door. Then she opened it a little.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“Our car broke down. We’re staying another night. She closed the door, and I heard talking again.

“How much of that do you think he heard?” Beverly asked frantically. I could hear the panic in her voice, and I wondered the cause of it.

“I don’t know. Calm down…” My sister’s voice faded off as I walked away. I bumped into Rian on my way to my sister’s room. He shot me a funny look, but I walked past him.

Normally I wouldn’t care who Beverly liked, but this time was different. Because of the way she reacted. Maybe she liked Rian, and that’s why she went with him to get coffee. And that’s why she acted funny, because I’m friends with him.

Beverly’s POV

It was midnight before I left my room again. I knew everyone but Bek was sleeping. She had gone and checked for me. So I made my one trip to the bathroom, and the kitchen. I stocked up on Dum-Dums, and grabbed an Amp, then ran back to my room.

When I was safe in there I grabbed my laptop, and checked my mail. By the time I was done with that I had gone through all five of my Dum-Dums, and my Amp, and I had to pee again. So I quietly walked out of my room, and was near the bathroom when someone ran into me.

“Sorry.” They mumbled sleepily. It recognized that voice. And prayed he wouldn’t recognize mine.


“Bev.” He was surprised. Damn it.

“Yeah?” I asked nervously.

“Do you really like Rian?” He asked, stepping closer to me. I gulped, and looked up at him.

“No. What makes you think that?” I asked, my voice came out strong, and for that I was grateful.

“I was just wondering… Well. Night Bee.” He leaned in and hugged me, then walked away.

Alex’s POV

It was twelve before Jack and Rian went to look at the car. Beverly went with them, and I hung out with Zack.

“I heard your sister and mine talking about how Beverly likes someone. And I think it’s Jack. Cause she doesn’t like Rian.” I stated randomly.

“Hm… I don’t think so.” He turned to look at me. “I think I like your sister.”

“YOU WHAT?!” I yelled. I wasn’t upset, just surprised. He had a girlfriend. “You have a girlfriend, and you like Rebekah?” I said, my voices still louder than talking voice. “Oh shit.”

There was my sister… And I knew she liked him back.