The Stars in the Night, They lend me their light

Pictures and Some Memories will have to Help me Through.

I was at school, It was lunch time and I was sitting in the caffiteria with my best friend Braydie.
“Lexi, i was wondering what you were doing on the 25th of July” Braydie said as he took a sip of his coke.
“Well I think my parents are working, So I’m guessing nothing” I replied
“Well do you wanna do something with me?” he asked
“Yeah sure, but what?” I wondered out loud
“Go see Escape the Fate in concert?”

“Will she ever wake up doctor?” Mrs Moore asked her daughter’s doctor.
“We cant be sure of that, Its been almost three years since she was brought here, I think maybe you should start thinking about letting her go” he stated as he looked at the parents of this beautiful young girl.
“You mean, you think we should let her die? Take her of Life Support?” Mr Moore asked in an upset tone.
“I think that might be best” Dr. Whitlam said, “I’ll let you two have some time to think about it.”

We were in my room, Listening to Escape the Fate, Dancing.
“I cant believe we are going to see Escape the Fate tomorrow night!” I yelled over the loud music.
“I know! It’s going to be so much fun” Braydie screamed as he started air guitaring to Monte’s guitar solo in ‘This War Is Ours’.
“I cant wait to meet them!” I yelled.

“Oh hello Dr. Whitlam” Mr Moore’s voice had said, making his wife look up at the doctor.
“Hello, I wanted to ask if you’d made your decision?” Dr.Whitlam asked sympatheticaly.
“Yes, We have.” Mrs Moore replied

“Oh my God! That was the best night ever!” i yelled as I got into my Impala, Braydie getting in the passanger side door.
“I know hey? It was awesome, and Craig is such a great singer!” Braydie said as he turned the CD player on.
We had a long drive home to Singleton, But it was worth it to see Escape The Fate. We started singing along to The Flood. Just as we turned to get onto the highway i saw lights comming towards us. We screamed, and there was a loud crash. We had been hit.
“Bray...Bray... Are you ok?” i whispered.
“I’m okay Lexi” he replied as he looked at me, i smiled and started to close my eyes.
“Lexi? Lex? Alexis?!!?”

I woke up, choking.

“Alexis! Oh my god, honey” My mums voice had said “Someone help!”
A doctor rushed in and got the tube out of my mouth and handed me a glass of water to drink. He told me not to talk. When he left i looked at my parents.
“Is Braydie ok?” I asked, my voice sounding all scratchy, I didn't even recognise it.
“He was fine” my dad replied
“What do you mean was?” I asked scared.
“Well sweetie” My mum started “You have been in a coma for almost 3 years now honey.”
I was shocked. 3 years? I’d lost 3 years of my life? I’m 20 now?
“And a year after the accident” My Dad said “Well Braydie’s father got a work transfer, and well they didnt think you would wake up ever, and well they moved”
“Of course Braydie didnt want to, but they made him. He started acting up in school, so they sent him to a boarding school” My mum then said.

I was in a coma for three years. My best friend and man I love is gone. What could be worse?

Oh yeah, its me, Alexis Mya Moore, things are going to get worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so it has been a very long time since I've written anything, let me know what you think.
This is what Lexi and Braydie look like.
And I would like to point out that in my story, Braydie's name is Braydie Webb and i know that that is not how you spell it, but this isnt a short stack story; but I wanted my Braydie to look like Bradie from short stack and I wanted his name to be that same.
Okay thats all, Enjoy.