Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter One - Sorry I'm Late

At the moment, I was running back to the house from the barn because my mom called to say that the newest guest were here. Hang on, how about I rewind a bit.

My name is Harmony Lee Grace Annabelle Davis. Long, I know. I’m 16, 17 in September. My mom and I live in a town called Sunnybrook, Tenn. My family has been in this town for generations and owned everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. But that doesn’t matter at the moment.

When my grandfather passed away, we were giving the old Oakwood Manor. Ever since then, my family has turned it into a relaxing bed and breakfast. It’s actually really fun, meeting new people, doing different activities.

The house also had a huge barn in the far field which we turned into a space just for me. On the one side was a huge dance studio room where I practice my cheerleading and my routines for when I skate. Oh did I mention that I ice skate? My dad was my coach. Now, I just make things up as I go in the arena, which happens to be on the other side of the barn. Crazy, I know.

I was now running back to the house along thing little gravel pathway that connects the two places. The sun was shining and the air was refreshing. The plants were blooming and there were little animals all around. Very calming if I do say so myself.

I walking through the back door where I could hear my mom talking to someone and the sound of suitcases being dragged into the house. I walked through the kitchen and past the front foyer where I saw my mom talking to a lady with brown curly hair and a man with brown hair and glasses.

I walked by quickly because I wasn’t dressed right. Well, according to my mom I wasn’t dressed right. I went into the first floor of the room and took the stairs up to get to where my closet and bathroom were. Yes, my room is two floors. It’s sort of in the shape of a castle tower so the walls are round. I like it, it’s cozy.

I got dressed into this and started to walk down the stairs.

“Hi, sorry I’m late”. I said as I reached the last step.

The two people who were talking to my mom turned and looked at me. I then noticed four other guys standing in the foyer with them. One was tall with brown, curly hair. He had a nice button up shirt and boots on. The second one was also tall with brown hair but it wasn’t as curly. He had bright yellow Ray Ban sunglasses on. The next boy I saw looked to be the youngest because he was the shortest. He had a huge smile on his face and was holding a Nintendo DS. The last guy I saw had to be the cutest of them all. He was tall, with curly brown hair. He was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. He also had a dog tag around his neck.

After a minute of looking at everyone in the foyer, I realized something, ‘Oh my gosh, the newest guests at the inn are the Jonas Brothers.’
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Ya, its short. Sorry about that.
Comments would always be nice. : )