Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter Twelve: Babbling and Thanks

I sat up when he said my name. He looked me in the eye, I could tell that he wanted to say something but he just didn’t know either what to say or how to say it. I wanted to give him as much time as he needed to collect his thoughts so I focused my attention to this random thread on the blanket.

It must have been about five minutes later when he lifted my chin up to look him in the eye. His eyes were shining in the late afternoon sun and he had a slight smile of him lips. He grabbed my hands.

“First off, I just wanted to say that this past month has been one of the best. You and your mom have treated us so well and I love it here. I don’t want to leave.” I smiled. It was nice hearing this from him.

“Um… what’s the second thing? Or is there no second thing? Oh, there isn’t? I’m sorry. Or you want to think some more. Or no there really isn’t a second thing. Oh I’m so sorr- ” I was babbling. He got me to stop by leaning in and softly kissing me. I moved my hand up to his cheek. He gave my other hand that he was still holding a squeeze.

“That’s the second thing Harmony. No need to be sorry.” I smiled but turned away slightly so he wouldn’t see the blush creep onto my cheeks.

“Over the past month I have really grown close to you and I’m so torn because I know that I have to go back but I want to stay here with you. And I even asked and they won’t let me bring you as a guest. It’s really hard. I wake up everyday looking forward to see you smile. I really enjoy all of our talks and jogs and everything. I guess this is me saying that I’m going to miss you.”

I started tearing up. This pretty much finalized it. He was going to be leaving and I’m most likely not going to see him again. Well in person that is, hello it’s Nick Jonas. For the past few days I would just think: he doesn’t really need to leave, I will just see him tomorrow. That thought was just ripped up and stepped on.

“Oh Harmony,” He pulled me closer to him and gave me a huge hug.

“I don’t want you to cry. I never like it when you cry. It makes me hurt that your upset and I can’t, well in this situation anyways, I can’t do anything about it.” I smiled slightly.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t cry. We need to make these last few days the best out of the whole month.”

“I agree.” He said while pulling me in for another kiss. I smiled.
After another ten minutes, we packed everything up and walked hand-in-hand back to the house. It was really sweet. The sun was pretty much set and there were little stars starting to appear in the night sky. It made me smile.

I realized at that very moment that all of this was real. My feelings toward Nick were real. I’m not saying that they weren’t before but I’m finally agreeing with my heart mentally that I really like him. If that even makes any sense. The problem is, he is leaving. So it made me upset that I’m only really realizing this all now, when he is about to leave. But I kept a straight and happy face for him. We agreed that these few days were going to be fun. And I would like to keep it that way.

We walked up the stairs to our rooms to put our stuff away and to change into comfy clothes. Nick walked me to my door.

“Thank you for today. Actually, thank you for everything. You have made everything I wanted this month to be, the best. I was trying to find peace away from my crazy career and I come here and find-” He stopped. I just waited.

I could tell he was trying to thing of a word to describe how his month here has been. It was funny. His face was like… thinking? Does that make sense? I could tell that he was thinking hard because his eyebrows were scrunched together and he was slightly squinting his eyes.

“-Harmony.” He finishes. I melted right there.
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Its SOO short. I know.
I'm having the worst writers block ever.
So for that, I'm super sorry.

comments are gold <3