Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter Fourteen – Guards, Flowers, CD's and Forks

“Dresser, dresser” I said thinking out loud as I searched the area around my dresser. The floor was actually a mess. I have no idea how that happened but it did; clothes everywhere.

I looked on top of my dresser and there was nothing out of place. All of the cups that hold my jewelery were all still in the same postitions I left them yesterday. But I decided to check anyways. Ok, the top of the dresser is clear.

I assumed since Nick used a pink post-it note the first time that that’s what I am looking for. So anything hot pink should stand out right? Wrong. All of the clothes on my floor happened to be that exact colour.

“I didn’t make this mess” I questioned outloud once again. To be perfectly honest; if anyone was home and heard me they would probably think I have gone nuts.

I took a few steps back and observed the whole area around my dresser. There were piles of clothes everywhere. So I decided to pick them all up and hopefully something falls out of them. Boy was I right. One of my skates fell out of this one pink cardigan I have and the blade protector wasn’t on it and it almost hit my foot; that could have been bad. I looked at it; my skates never leave the barn so that was bizarre. I picked up the skate by the blade and a little pink piece of paper fell out from inside the skate.

“I’m sorry I forgot the guard. I left it somewhere where you would normally find it. I hope putting tape on a skate guard is ok. Love Nick” I smiled, dropping the skate onto my bed and running out my bedroom door.

I basically sprinted towards the barn, hoping to find my next note in an easy location. I really wanted to know what was going to be at the end of all this. I ran into the kitchenette and looked through the cupboard that was against the wall where the window is to look through into the rink; that’s where I always kept my guards and other miscellaneous things needed on the rink. While I was searching, I quickly glanced over at the rink. There was a light one and it shone on one spot near the opposite side of the rink from where I was at the moment. I squinted my eyes to see if something was there, maybe the skate guard? There was something there but it wasn’t a guard. I closed the cupboard and walking into the rink; onto the ice.

There was a little purple flower. It reminded me of the meadow that Nick and I went to around the beginning of his stay. We looked at the clouds and just had a nice time together. I picked up the flower and found no note. Maybe my memories of that day was my note. I carefully walked off the ice and ran towards the meadow.

Once arriving, I was trying to figure out the exact place where we at the blanket. It is a meadow after all.

“Maybe it was here… or over there with that tree… or maybe it was further ou-” I stopped when my foot stepped on something and it didn’t feel like ground. Panicking, I looked down thinking I stepped on a poor innocent animal but it was the same blanket we used that night but it was wrapped up.

I unwrapped it and inside was a cd case; like one of those cases when you make your own cd’s at home. I opened the case and there was a blank cd and a little pink piece of paper.

“Your EP was amazing like I told you. I’m so glad you picked it up for me that day. Oh and your friend is really funny. Please drive safe. Love Nick”

I smiled thinking back to that day. Dylann was like: take off your sunglasses! Funny. I took off toward the driveway.

Driving towards town really got me thinking about how all the Jonas’ are really leaving soon, like three days! I don’t want to think about how I won’t be able to see Denise’s warm smile or listen to Kevin Sr.’s awesome stories. I don’t want to think about all the fun times I had with Frankie, playing on the swings. Or all the coffee Kevin and I drank. I don’t want to think about all of the funny moment Joe and I had and I for sure don’t want to think about Nick. Him leaving is going to be the hardest; all of the memories, how close we got. Sure, I will see him in magazines and his posts on twitter. And I will hear him either on the radio or in interviews but I won’t have him near me; to hold me when I need him or to talk to him at all hours when I need someone to listen. My eyes started to water thinking about all of this.

I wiped my eyes my eyes dry of any tears that might have formed just in time for when I arrived at the video store. I looked into the rear view mirror just to double check that all my makeup was in place before getting out and walking into the store.

“Harmony!” Dylann greeted with a smile.

“Hey. How are you?” I questioned as I was looking around the store. I don’t actually know what I am looking for; maybe my EP? I walked over to the stand and started shifting through all of the cd cases. Nothing.

“I’m good. What are you doing?” She asked

“I’m looking for something.” I sigh “But I don’t know what I’m looking for.” I turn towards Dylann who is standing behind the counter.

“Oh that’s annoying.” I nod. “Well that sunglasses guy came in yesterday and told me to give you something. I asked him to take off his glasses or I will think he is a part of men in black, he laughed at me.” I looked up from the stand and looked at her at the sound of ‘sunglasses guy’

“I’m sorry he laughed Dylann. But what did he give to you to give me?” I questioned.

“Hang on, I’m looking for it.” She was rummaging through all the stuff she had under the counter. It sounded like a lot because it sounded like things were falling over. It was sort of funny. Dylann has always been really unorganized.

“Found it!” She exclaimed. She stood up from behind the counter and handed me the Lines, Vines and Trying Times cd and a fork. I took the fork from Dylann’s hand and gave it a weird look.

“Ya he didn’t say anything other than to give that to you. I don’t understand why he gave me a fork to give to you. Maybe he took it from your house and ate with it and wanted you to wash it?” After looking at it again, it did look like a fork from my kitchen. Weird.

“Thanks Dylann.” I smiled at her as I walked out of the store and to my car. I put on my seat belt and decided to open the cd case to listen to it on the way home. Out fell a small pink post-it note. I smiled

“Almost done, I hope you liked all of the places so far. I really cherish every second I have had with you. I want you to always remember that. Love Nick” My heart melted. I decided to drive home to return the fork.

“Maybe there is a note in the kitchen or something.” I thought as I drove away.
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Comments would be lovely. :)

Sorry I had to stop it there. I have to go apply for my voters card.