Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter Three – Going Into Town

After hours and hours of playing games with the Jonas’, I didn’t win anything by the way, we went into the dining room to have dinner.

By the time dinner was over, it was around 9 pm and everyone was starting to get super tired.

“All right, I want all of you to go to your rooms. We all have had a really long day and I think it would be good for all of us to get a good night sleep.” Denise said to her family.

The boys got up and took their desert plates to the kitchen where my mom was opening the dishwasher.

“Thank you for dinner Mrs. Davis.” They all said when they handed my mom their plates and forks.

“It’s not a problem at all boys. And please, call me Jenna. Mrs. Davis is way too formal.” She said smiling.

The entire Jonas family then walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to go to their rooms but I stayed and helped my mom finished cleaning up the kitchen.

“So the first day went well? How did the tour go?” My mom asked as she placed a sponge in the sink.

“I think everything went well. They all are so funny, but Nick didn’t talk too much. Maybe it because he was just tired or something. But the tour seemed to go well. Frankie loved the games room. I think if we ever needed to find him, he would be in there.” My mom laughed at that.

“Oh and they were really surprised that the barn had the rink in it. I laughed. Their faces were like - ” I made a silly, surprised face to describe how their faces were. My mom just laughed and shook her head. I then looked at the clock on the wall, it read 9:34pm.

“Ok Mom, I’m going to go to my room and do like nothing. Have a good night, I love you.” I said to her while giving her a hug. She hugged back.

I walked out of the kitchen and down the main hall to my room, well the part of my room on the main floor. I opened the door and turned on the light. The part down here is circular just like it is where my bed and closet are. Like I said, it’s kind of a tower and they are round so that’s why it’s circular. I went up to my windows that are two stories tall and pulled the cord to close them. They are slightly different because they close going up, instead of pulling them down. I think they are neat.

After the blinds are to where they should be for nighttime, I walk up the glass stairs to my closet to change into some pajama’s and it was sort of cold so I grabbed a sweater too.

For the next few hours, I checked my daily online sites like Perez Hilton and facebook. I decided to go to sleep around 12:15am.

The next morning came early. Well it usually does, I wake up at 6 am every morning to go for a jog. This morning I just threw on a random tank top and some shorts and pulled on my red running shoes and tip toed out of my room, past all the Jonas bedrooms and down the main stairs. I then went to the kitchen and grabbed my pink bottle of water and let a note to my mom saying that I had my phone in case she needed to call me.

I got home around 7:45 am and went straight to my room to shower. My jog this morning is like any other jog I take but it still calmed me down. There is just something about the country air at such an early hour that just relaxes me and calms me down. I just threw on some lazy clothes and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

“Good morning everyone.” I said. My mom, Mr. Jonas – who told me to call him Kevin, Denise, Frankie and Kevin (jr.) were all down there eating some of my mom’s famous cinnamon waffles with strawberries. I ended up grabbing a plate and sitting beside Frankie at the breakfast bar.

“How was your sleep last night?” I asked him. He gave me thumbs up because his mouth was full. I laughed.

“That’s great to hear Frankie. So what do you want to do today?” I ask him. He shrugged his shoulders.

“Nothing really. Um, maybe we can watch movies. What kinds of movies do you have?” He asked. I had to think for a minute to think of some of the movies that we had here at the house.

“Well, we don’t have many. I guess we can always go into town and rent a whole bunch and then we can make popcorn. How does that sound?” I asked. He smiled and nodded his head. Kevin then mentioned something about going for a swim with Joe and then calling his fiancée Danielle. She couldn't come with them because of some family event. The adults then said something about outside, but I wasn’t listening at that point.

Nick and Joe then walked into the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast. I finished my waffle and moved so that one of them could sit down. We then told them what our plans were for the day and Nick volunteered to go into town with Frankie and me.

“Ok so it’s about 9:30 am now, I’m just going to get ready and I can meet both of you in the foyer at like 10:15 am? How does that sound.” I asked trying to figure out how long it will take me to get ready.

“Awesome.” Frankie said as he hugged me and then ran into the family room to see what was on tv at this time in the morning. Nick just nodded his head and continued eating his breakfast.

At 10:12 am I walked down the main stairs and saw both Nick and Frankie sitting on the little bench by the front door. I was dressed in this and was holding my sunglasses and car keys.

“Is everyone ready to go?” I asked and they both stood up at the same time. They both nodded their heads as if saying yes, at the same time I might add, creepy.

They both followed me out to my red Ford Focus and got in. I put the key in the ignition and we started driving into town.

“So what is your favourite movie?” I asked them both. Frankie started to go on and on about all these different movies that he was into at the moment and how he hoped that the video store in town had them.

“One of my favourite movies is Juno.” Nick said. I was actually sort of surprised that he said something.

“That’s a great movie. My favourite movie would have to be Titanic.” I said. We went over a hill and we drove up into the city centre. Sunnybrook is small so we could just walk everywhere. So I parked my car near the edge of the city centre and we got out. Well after Nick had his baseball cap and sunglasses on that is. We hoped out and I put my glasses on too.

“Oh this is great, not that many people around today. Thank goodness.” I said. Nick looked at me like I was crazy. He doesn’t know about my whole singing ability and how like every person in this state knows who I am.

“Well the video store is just up the street to the left.” I said as we left my car. We started passing by some of my family owned stores and when I looked in, the person/people inside would wave. Nick started to look at all the stores as we walked by.

“Your family owns all of these stores?” He asked as we passed by Davis’ Dry Cleaning.

“Um, yeah. But I try not to think about that too much.” I said with a smile. He nodded his head, as if saying he understood.

We finally got to Davis’ video – original name eh? – and walked in. At the very front of the store there were a whole bunch of cd’s and of course my EP was there. I just ignored it as we walked further in to where all the movies were.

“Hi Harmony.” Dylann, the cashier said. I turn and waved.

“How are you?” I asked her. I just let Frankie and Nick pick out some movies, because after all, they are the guests.

“I’m good. So I hear that your new guests at the B & B are staying for a whole month. Isn’t that like a crazy long time?” She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. At least she and everyone else in town knows them as just ‘the guests’ not as ‘the Jonas Brothers’ because once they find that out, things will get kind of hectic.

After about a half hour of looking at movies, both Nick and Frankie came up with 8 movies each. As Nick put his movies on the counter, Dylann looked at him for a second and you can tell that Nick was about to go into panic mode.

“Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?” She asked. Frankie and I both laughed as Nick chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders. I was about to pay the bill when Nick put down $35 dollars in cash from his wallet.

“You know that you don’t have to pay right. I can totally do it.” I said.

“No its ok. You brought us into town today and we are staying at your house. It’s the least I can do.” He said with a smirk on his face.

I just let it drop as I took the movies and put them in my purse and we left the store, well after Nick took a super quick look at the cd’s. I really hope he didn’t see my EP and then question me about it. We started to walk back to where my car was when Frankie spotted the little park that was just beside one of the clothing stores.

“Harmony, please can I please, please go swing on the swing?” Frankie asked in the sweetest little voice. I smiled and nodded. Nick and I watched as he ran like a crazy person towards the swings. The both of us then took a seat on a near by bench.

“So, what do you think so far? If like being out here and not in like LA doing press or something?” I asked. After I asked it, I kept thinking ‘why did you just ask that’. I then laughed in my head. I’m not crazy, right?

“It’s actually really nice. You and your mom and super nice and being out at the inn, which is like in the middle of no where is great. It’s very peaceful and relaxing. I might even be able to write a few songs while I’m here.” He said. I nodded in agreement.

“I think that is the most you said to me since I met you.” I said while laughing. He grinned. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I yawned.

“Are you tired?” Nick asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I was up at six this morning because I always go for a jog in the mornings. Didn’t I mention that before?” He shook his head no.

“Oh oops. Well if you, or your brothers ever wanted to come on a morning jog with me, just tell me and I will wait for you. It’s very calming.” I said. Nick nodded his head.

“It could be fun.”
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