Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter Four - Late Nights and Thank You's

An hour later, yeah Frankie was swinging on the swings for an hour, we all walked back to my car. As I put the key in the ignition, I saw Nick yawn.

“Now who’s tired.” I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

“I couldn’t sleep last night” He said “Thinking too much.”

I nodded my head. I always highly dislike when that happens. You want to get a good nights rest and then your brain will just not shut off and then you look at your clock and it says some crazy time like 4:24am, yeah, very annoying.

“Oh. Well, if that ever happens again, you can always just come to my room. I’m usually up late doing whatever.” I offered. Nick nodded his head.

We were 5 minutes from the house when the radio started to play my song ‘Stop The World’, I recognized it right away and turned the station.

“Harmony, turn it back. That song sounded good.” Frankie said. I sighed and turned it back. So for the next three and a half minutes, we listen to me sing. Though, both Jonas boys didn’t know it was me.

Right as the song was ending and the radio person was to announce who the song was by I turned the station. That was a close one.

“I really liked that song; do you know who it was by?” Nick asked. We stopped at a stop sign, I looked at him.

"No idea.”

For the rest of the day, Nick, Kevin, Joe, Frankie and I swam in the pool and then we turned the arena into a basketball court and played basketball. It was fun. We were just goofing off and not really playing with any rules or teams or points. Just for fun.

At around 10:30pm, after we had a campfire outside with marshmallows and spiderdogs (a hotdog that is cut to look like a spider), everyone was in there rooms getting ready for bed. Well everyone but me.

I was getting ready to watch my favourite movie of all time, Titanic. I love this movie so much. At the moment, I was in the kitchen making some popcorn. It was being loud so I kept looking around to see if anyone was coming down to see what the noise was.

After the popcorn was ready, I grabbed a bottle of water and went into my room from the main floor. I placed the popcorn and water on a table that was next to the little couch that I have down on the first level and went up the stairs to change into some pajama’s.

Once I was done changing I walked back downstairs and found the DVD that was on my bookshelf. I popped it into the DVD player and sat on the couch with my food and waited for the movie to start.

I was at the part where Rose was pulled back onto the dock when I heard a knock on my door. Not expecting it, I fell out of my chair and my empty (thank goodness) popcorn bowl flew out my hands and across the room. I got up and started to go upstairs when my one slipped fell off and I missed a step. Can you say clumsy much? I finally made it up the stairs to the door and opened it.

“Oh Nick. Hi.” I said as I let him into my room.

“I hope I didn’t wake you or anything but you said that if I ever couldn’t get to sleep I could always come here and I haven’t been trying to sleep for like ever and I couldn’t and I was just in bed and I just -” I put my hand up to stop him from babbling.

“Nick its ok. And I wasn’t sleeping so it’s alright, I was actually watching a movie. But if you want to talk that’s ok.” I said as he was looking around the top part of my room.

“Um, no you can get back to watching your movie. I can just go.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. We walked down the stairs and we sat down on the couch. I then got right back up to grab that thrown popcorn bowl and put it on the table.

“Wow, you have a nice room.” He said. I smiled.

“Um, I was actually getting bored of watching the movie. We can just talk. Maybe get to know each other a bit better?” I asked. He nodded his head.

I then turned off the movie and turned to face him.

“Um, 20 questions?” I asked.

“Ok, first question: full name?” He asked. I laughed

“Are you ready? It’s kind of long. It’s Harmony Lee Grace Annabelle Davis”

“Can I get that all in writing, I didn’t catch all that.” He joked.

“Ok, same question.” I asked, even know I knew what it was. I’m not an obsessed Jonas Brothers fan but its not like I don’t know a little about them.

“Nicholas Jerry Jonas.” He said.

For the next few hours, all we did was talk. It was really fun. I learned that he and I like a lot of the same things. He told me about how his life is kind of hectic with all of the fans and paparazzi everywhere. I talk a bit about my life, how I’m a cheerleader, how I skate and how I have been Miss Teen Tennessee for the past two years. But I did leave out the whole singing thing and doing different ads on tv and the radio. It’s not something I tell everyone. Maybe some day, but not right away.

I don’t know what time it was but we both stopped talking. We both fell asleep on the couch in my room.

The next morning, I opened my eyes to see the back of the couch. I went to turn over but I felt an arm around my waist. I looked down and I remembered that Nick came to talk last night. I smiled.

It took ten minutes but I got his arm off of me and I went upstairs to get ready for my jog. I didn’t want to wake him because he looked like he was having a good sleep.

I showered and I was getting dressed into this while I was humming The Climb by Miley Cyrus. I was just pulling on my shoes when I heard movement from downstairs. I looked over the railing to see Nick looking around as if looking for me.

“Morning sleepy.” I said with a smile. He looked up and stuck his tongue out at me.

“How long have you been up?” He asked. I shrugged my shoulders as I was walking down the stairs to sit by him.

“Not long. But I was getting ready to go on my morning jog. Do you want to come with me?” I asked.

“Um,” He looked down to what he was wearing. “Yeah, sure. But just give me a few minutes so I can change into something that’s not my pajama’s.” I laughed.

We both walked up the stairs and right before he opened the door so that he could go to his room he said

“Thanks for letting me stay here last night. I would have been up all night trying to get to bed.” He than gave me a hug and walked out.

I quietly said “Your welcome” as he walked out.
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Sorry its so short.
School is starting up again for me so I'm not sure how much time I will have to update and what not but when ever i have free time I will update. : )

Commets are awesome!!