Status: Completed! :)

Something like Harmony?

Chapter Seven – That’s so Katy Perry of You

I wake up to the sound of 3Oh!3’s song Starstruck. Pretty random, but that was what I made my alarm last night. It was funny. I climb out of bed and step onto the cold floor. I take my phone and see that the time is 4:55am. It was five minutes earlier then the normal time I wake up when I decided to skate but its ok because I was very slow this morning. I decided that I would shower after practice and just grab a snack down at the barn.

I threw this on and quietly walked down to the kitchen to write a note to my mom saying that I was going to the barn.

Silently opening the back door and closing it sounds simple but the door made this huge squeaky noise and I thought I woke up the whole town that’s how loud it was. Stupid door.

My trip down to the barn was uneventful. There were no little animals walking around like usual. I think that’s a sign that I’m up way to early.

I finally arrive to the barn and open the door. I turned on the light for the hallway and made my way back to the kitchenette to drop off my coat and to get my skates. They were in the closet beside the kitchen. After lacing them up, I kept the guards on and walked into the arena.

The cool air hit be like a ton of bricks but I found it refreshing. The ice seems to always calm me down. It takes all of my stress away.

I started out just doing some laps around the ice, getting a feel for it.

After a while, I turned on some music. It was slow, fluffy music just for me to listen. I wasn’t skating to it or anything.

I paused after doing an axel and just looked up to the ceiling. I sighed. Usually skating takes all of my stress away but at the same time, it makes me feel sad.

I can’t remember if I mentioned this before, but my dad was my coach. Yeah, was. It’s hard skating out here with all of my banners and awards displayed around the arena because they bring back all of the memories of him and I practicing. He passed away a few years ago to cancer. It was hard on the family. He was my number one and I lost him. I took it really hard and I didn’t skate for a really long time. I finally tried to put it behind me and put all of the skills he taught me into my skating.

I skated towards the boards and took a breather. After that I was on fire.

I was doing different jumps and spins and everything. My adrenalin was to the max.

I was probably skating for over an hour and I decided to do one final triple axel but I over-rotated and fell on my side. Everything moved in slow motion as I fell towards the ice. The impact was there but it wasn’t too bad. I was more shocked then anything.

I laid there on the ice for a few seconds before a heard the arena door slam and someone trying to run on the ice. I looked up.

“Harmony!” Nick grabbed my hands to help me sit up.

“Ow, Nick, hi. What are you doing here?” I said as I grabbed my ankle. It was hurting bad but there was no bruise and no swelling, yet.

“Oh my gosh, your hurt, come here.” He said as he scooped me into his arms. He was holding me bridle style as he very slowly made his way off the ice and back into the hallway where the kitchenette was. He set me down on a chair at the table and pulled another chair by my foot so it can rest on it.

“And to answer you question, I woke up and you were not in the house and then I remembered you said that you were going to come down here and skate. So I came to watch.” He said not looking at his face.

“Aw. That’s really nice of you Nick. Wait- ” I stopped. He looked up at me this time, pulling a piece of hair from my face.

“What did you see?” I asked, worried that he saw my little emotional moment.

He got up and started looking in the freezer for an ice pack.

“Uh, you were doing different jumps and stuff. You’re a really good skater by the way.” He said. I blushed but I turned my head so he wouldn’t see.

He finally found the ice pack after five minutes of looking. It was funny, because there is like nothing in the freezer other then some ice cubes and the lone hot pink ice pack.

He sat down beside me and helps with the ice pack. I looked down at my ankle. It wasn’t that bad. It was red but it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before. I will live. We ended up talking a little but it was mostly about the weather and how he couldn’t find his shoe this morning.

After a while, we both decided that we wanted hot chocolate. I tried getting up to go make it but Nick gentle pushed me back into my seat. I rolled my eyes. He then started his hunt for all of the things needed to make the drinks like mugs, the powder stuff and the marshmallows.

It took him a while but Nick found everything and started making the drinks for the both of us. It was really sweet of him.

He brought both of our drinks over and he was going to grab a chair from the other side of the table when I told him to just take the one that my foot was on. He eventually did, it was funny how he kept saying that it was my ‘foot chair’.

He sat down and I placed my foot in his lap. For the next little bit, we just talked about nothing. We started bringing up how dinner was last night and different sports. All the while, he started to rub my foot and it was making my skin tingle.

I ended up finishing my drink first and quickly stood up and hobbled over to the counter where the rest of the hot chocolate was to fill my mug. Nick, thinking that I broke my foot and if I walk on it, it will be 100 times worse started to protest saying that he could get it.

“Nick, it just hurts a bit. I’m ok.” I kept saying. He ended up standing behind me incase I was to even fall backwards. I rolled my eyes at him

I noticed after I filled my mug that Nick put the marshmallows back in the cupboard. The annoying thing was, I was too short to reach the shelf that they were on.

“Really Nick.” I said under my breath.

I started to jump to reach them and it wasn’t working very well. I went to jump for the third time and ended up bashing into Nick. He came around to help me and I like fell into him. He looked straight into my eyes as he was setting the container down.

I blinked a few times and then finally looked; well it was more like stared into his eyes. They were such a pretty shade of brown.

We stood there for a while. A piece of my hair fell in front of my eyes and before I could push it behind my ear, Nick did it for me.

As we were standing there, I was examining every perfect feature that was on his face. His eyes, and cute nose, and those lips…

“What are you thinking about?” He asks me.

I look away from him lips and I gaze into his eyes. I just smiled. I didn’t want to say what I was thinking at this very moment.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked him.

“You.” He said as he lifted his hand to my cheek and gave me a gentle kiss.

We pulled away and I looked at him.

“That was very Katy Perry of you but you want to know what?” I asked.


“I’m thinking about you too.” I said as I pulled him in for another kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best, I know. Sorry!!

Comments are awesome!!