Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

My Own Edward Cullen

I sat in the corner of my closet, a flashlight in one hand, reading intently. Edward was just about to reveal to Bella that he was a vampire. I loved this part of the book. I admired her strength. Here's a girl that barely knows a guy and then finds out he's a vampire obsessed with killing her. Yet she doesn't care about that, all she cares about is that pull that keeps her in her rightful place in the world, next to him. I sighed and shut the book. It was very unhealthy for girls to read Twilight; It gave hope of a guy like Edward actually existing.

Opening the closet door, I walked back into my room, back into reality. Just then I heard a familiar song, Antonia by Motion City Soundtrack, my phone was ringing somewhere. Throwing papers around, I finally found it and looked at the caller ID. Max's name was on the screen; I smiled. Max was truly my reality version of Edward Cullen, well as close as one could get. I loved him with everything I had. I eagerly answered.

"Babycakes!" I screamed into the phone. I heard his laugh at the other end.

"Bonjour Snuggums!" He screamed back in the same tone. Yes, we had those creepy pet names for each other. It was disturbing, but I loved it... so much.

"So, hows France?"

"Horrible! I can't believe I have to stay here this long. Damn college classes. Everyone's so mean, and you're not here so everything is just ten billion times worse." I secretly smiled at his rant. He could be having the time of his life in France right now, but he always thought about me.

"Oh come on, I'm sure there has to be at least one person who's not that bad." There was a silent pause for a couple of seconds.

"Actually there is this one kid, Devin, he's pretty cool. Oh and he's a perv just like me!" He laughed at himself and I laughed along half heartedly. I had huge jealousy problems. I know your thinking, why am I jealous of another guy? Well Max has been known to sort of swing both ways if you get what I mean. I completely trusted him though. I knew he cared too much to ever hurt me. Yet I still didn't feel right about the way he talked about this Devin kid, it wasn't the first time I've heard his name.

"Oh, that's cool." It was all I managed to say, but I instantly regretted saying it. It was basically an invitation for the awkwardness to just walk right in on our conversation. Stupid awkwardness. It felt strange, Max and I usually never had awkward silences. I didn't like it one bit.

"Well, I should be going. Devin made friends with some French people and we're all going out clubbing." Oh, lovely.

"Yeah... okay, bye." I waited for an 'I love you'. Whenever I was feeling doubtful, I'd let him say it first and all my suspicions would disappear. So I waited.

and waited.

and waited.

Several seconds went by without anything. Eventually there was just a click and silence. My mouth fell open in shock for about a whole ten seconds. "I love you too..." I whispered and then threw the phone over my shoulder. Oh well.

I needed air so I walked over to my balcony door and threw it open, stepping outside. Yes, I have a balcony right off of my room. I lived in an apartment building in Staten Island, New York. Also known as 'The Forgotton Borough'. Its a small island right next to Manhattan incase you weren't aware. My building was on a dead end street right behind the mall where all the Hollister Zombies hung out.

It's just lovely.

I did love the houses across the street, however. They were cute little houses that looked like they came from a mix between Boston and Italy. And then on the corner, there was the old abandoned house that all the Hollister Zombies would have parties in. No one was ever there during the day, which is why I was surprised when I saw a strange looking group of people leaving from it.

When I say strange, I mean incredibly beautiful. They all appeared to be around the same age, 17 or 18 maybe. There were four of them, two boys and two girls, probably together. One girl had dark brown hair that was cut a bit shorter than the others. It perfectly framed her angelic face.

The other girls hair was longer than the first one's. It was black and fell in jagged edges down to the small of her back. They were both wearing gorgeous silk summer dresses that suited their curves perfectly. One thing I noticed was that both of them were extremely pale for the middle of summer. Oh and that their eyes were unusually dark. But oh well, I was probably just not used to the contrast from the millions of spray tanning girls that lived here. My best friend and I call them the walking oranges.

I studied the boys next. Their build was pretty much the opposite of each other. They both seemed impeccably strong, though. I'd be afraid to meet either one in a dark alley. The bigger one had jet black hair that fell pretty long for a boy. It was pin straight. He was wearing a black hoodie and saggy jeans that fell and hugged all the right places.

The younger looking boy had dark hair also but it was a lighter shade. He had that shaggy 'I just rolled out of bed' amazing look going on. His shirt was ruffled slightly, fitting over his dark blue tight jeans. Hey, these people looked like ads for JC Penny or something. I noticed that, like the girls, the boys also had unusually pale skin and dark eyes. My mind had to be playing tricks on me because all it could think about was


I let out a low laugh at my stupidity and then jumped when all four of their pale faces whipped around as looked right at me. I was on the fourth floor. Did I really laugh that loud? I could've sworn it was a whisper. I watched them take me in and I could feel the judgement in their stares. The girls looked away first. They were mumbling something and pointing to the abandoned house. The older looking boy then joined them. The other boy, however, kept staring. A small smirk crept on his face. This time I was the one to look away, I quickly turned around and headed inside.

♠ ♠ ♠
ahhh chapter one.

im not really doing this to get people to read it or something I just need a new place to put my stories, but if you like it ;D comment and lemme know?