Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Welcome To Oblivion

I woke up and didn't open my eyes. This wasn't my bed. At first I was completely unaware of my surroundings, but I slowly started remembering. I remembered Max and what had happened with him, my heart hurt. I remember the hospital and Edward and Caleb. When I thought about Caleb my heart felt better, that was odd. I remembered Caleb breaking me out and... OH SHIT! Caleb is a vampire, I'm in some kind of danger, and there was some nonsense about me being some general. I was so confused.

"I think she might be having some sort of panic attack' I heard a male voice say.

"Poor thing." A girl spoke this time.

"I'm not surprised what with you all hovering over her. If I thought I was human, had just found out that I had been a vampire for 100 years, and was captured and experimented on, I would probably murder someone. And I'm sure three vampires staring over her for hours wouldn't help a bit." That was a different girl’s voice. She sounder a lot more bitter than the other two, almost annoyed.

"Oh give it a rest Kat; you're just annoyed that you don’t remember her as well as we do." It was the first male again.

"Oh I remember her." The bitter one mumbled. I liked that nickname. When I opened my eyes and found out who these people were, I would call that last girl 'the bitter one.' A door closed, someone left. Hoping it was the bitter one, I slowly opened my eyes.

The first person I saw was Caleb. He was sitting at the foot of my bed staring intently. I scanned the room, it was completely white. There were white walls, white couches, white tables, white chairs, and I was lying on a huge and comfy white bed. The lack of color contrast in the room helped me find the other two people in the room easily. They were sitting on one of the white couches. I definitely recognized them from that day I saw them move in. The tall and muscular one with the longish dark hair had his arm around the smaller girl. She had her hair in high pigtails. They were both gorgeous, figures. I realized the room was sort of awkward. No one had any idea what to say. I had so many questions but I couldn’t bring myself to open my mouth.

Then my stomach growled. Dammit, had I forgotten to eat? “Food!” The muscular one yelled and quickly ran out the door, the smaller girl followed after passing me a quick smile. I looked over at Caleb who was shaking his head in embarrassment. He looked up at me and neither of us knew what to say. We had to be there for at least 10 minutes before he opened his mouth to say something. The anticipation was killing me.

“Hi.” He stated. Hi!? What the hell, out of all the things he could’ve said! I stared in disbelief. He did not just say hi. He tried again, “So… You fainted.. do you want me to explain what happened to you?”

“What do you mean, nothing happened to me. I think you have the wrong girl. I’m not some general or whatever, I remember my life perfectly and vampires were never a part of it till now.” I was surprisingly calm.

“No, see that’s part of the experiment. All your memory as a vampire is erased and replaced with human memories.”

“That’s stupid, all my memories are real. I can prove it.”

“If you think about it, you can’t. All your childhood friends, do you see them anymore? All the people that you remember before the last year of your life, haven’t you wondered why their suddenly not in your life anymore? Don’t you wonder why your mother seems so distant all the time? Or why you have no other family? Or why the only person who seems to really understand you is Ryan?”

That caught me off guard. “How do you know about Ryan?”

“He’s not who you think he is.” His face was suddenly serious and it scared me. Now that I was thinking about it, it seems like all of my friends that I’ve had my whole life never seemed to exist after last year. It was like they just disappeared, or never existed in the first place. My mom was never really a mom to me. She’d always act like she hadn’t raised me my whole life and I always used to wonder why. And Ryan was truly the only person who’d been there my whole life and who’d understood me. Max was real, but to think about it, I had only met him at the beginning of this year. What was happening, could I really be a vampire? And not just any vampire but a powerful general vampire? Holy shit.

As much as I wanted to run back home and pretend this never happened, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. My mind didn’t want to believe it, it didn’t believe it. But everything else inside of me was saying ‘Hey this makes sense.’ Why I’ve always loved Twilight so much, why I’ve always been able to smell blood, everything fit. Even the being in love with Caleb part fit, I felt complete when I was next to him.

Well here’s a twist in my life, I’m a vampire.