Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

It's The Color Of Your Eyes

“A playground?” He was leaning against the side of the slide watching me as I got on a swing.

“Not just any playground,” I beamed, “It’s my special playground.”

He chuckled and sauntered over to where I was swinging lightly. “Well what’s so special about it?” he asked, looking at the swing next to me with some sort of disgust.

“Nothing really,” I shrugged looking at the ground,” I found this place a couple of months ago. No one ever comes here, it’s like my place to be alone.”

“Oh so you wanted to be alone with me?” A smirk grew on his face.

I gave a fake gasp. “No, I needed a place with no witnesses,” I slowly got out of my swing and approached him. “so I can do this.” I got a running start and tackled him to the ground, laughing the whole time. He was laughing too and quickly rolled on top of me, pinning me to the ground.

“Oh I see, but I bet you weren’t suspecting I’d do this.” He started tickling me. I couldn’t stop laughing.

“Stop!” I gasped between laughs.

“Never!” He shouted.

I thought for a moment and came up with something, “Ouch! Caleb! Ouch! You’re hurting me!” The next second he was gone. I blinked and looked around, he was on the other side of the playground eyeing me suspiciously. I laughed, “I’m fine!” I called out. In the next second he was in front of me again. That was going to take some serious getting used to. I patted the grass next to me and laid down in it. He did the same. After a moment of an awkward silence I sighed.

“What’s wrong.” Caleb stated. I looked over at him, he was staring at the sky resting his head on his hands. He looked so.. beautiful. I wanted to just sit there and stare at him all day but I managed to tear my eyes away and focus my attention back to the clouds.

I started to think about what I knew about Caleb. All I knew was the he was in love with me and he was assistent to the general, who was me. Whoah, that’s so weird. I don’t even know his last name, but I feel like I do. I feel like I know everything about him. You know those feelings when you know that you know something, but it just won’t come to your mind? That’s what I felt and it was scary. I wanted to know more. “Let’s talk.” I prompted.

He raised an eyebrow, “About what.”


“Why me?”

“Because I want to know more about you.”

He sighed. “I guess it could help your memory.” It bothered me how he seemed so reluctant to tell me about himself. “Well, where do I start. My name is Caleb Jefferson. I am 17, altho technically I’ve been on this planet for 376 years. ”

“WHOAH,” I couldn’t help but be shocked. 376 years? That’s a freakin long time. “That’s a freakin long time, what year were you born?”

“1632.” “Oh my God! Did you see Jesus?!” As soon as I said that I realized how stupid I was. So did he. We both burst out laughing.

It took us a moment to calm down before I started the conversation up again. “Well those are just facts, I basically know all those. I wanna know what your like, as a person.”

He got unusually stiff. “I’m not a person. I’m a monster”

I rolled over to face him, “I don’t believe that for one second. You seem pretty normal to me.”

He smirked, “I’ll have to show you sometime then.”

“Show me what?” I questioned.

“How.. unnormal I can be.” I must’ve looked as terrified as I felt because as soon as he saw my face he inched closer to me and slid his arm under me, pulling me closer to him. I nestled into him, feeling completely at home. It was crazy how this felt so...right. “So,” he started, “ask me questions then, about my personality. I’ll answer anything.”

Hmm. I pondered for a moment about the perfect first question. WACHA! “Whats your favorite color?” I asked sheepishly.

He chuckled, “Are you serious?”

“What? It’s a perfectly reasonable question. Colors tell alot about people yaknow.”

“Blueish-Gray.” That has to be the oddest color ive ever heard be someone’s favorite.

“Why blueish-gray?”

“Because it’s the color of your eyes.”

My heart sped up a little bit. So he was a charmer, its gonna be an interesting day.
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