Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Oh, Sweet Hope

“Where are we going? We’ve been walking for hours! I can’t take it anymore!”

He laughed, “It’s only been about 10 minutes, love.”

I laughed with him, “Oh…”

It was already starting to get dark out; we’d spent the whole day in the park. I’d learned everything I could about Caleb. From his likes and dislikes, to his life story in complete detail. Once that boy started he wouldn’t shut up. Not that I’m complaining though, his voice was truly magical. Every word he spoke gave me butterflies. He was so different from the guys I was used to. He had his own thoughts and opinions on serious matters, and he wasn’t afraid to say them. He was extremely intelligent, sexy as hell, no wonder I was in love with him. Why’d I have to go and get myself captured, we probably would be together right now. I wouldn’t be stuck in this awkward maybe relationship thing we’re stuck in.

“Are you okay, love, you look as if your about to violently murder someone. It’s quite frightening actually.” I needed serious work on controlling my facial expressions.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I laughed nervously.

He shook his head and smiled, “You’re pretty special, you know that?”

“A good kind of special, right?” I bit my lip in an innocent way; it was my secret weapon move.

He looked at me and leaned in a bit closer so he could talk softer, “a very good kind of special.”

I smiled, not knowing what else to do. He said things sometimes that left me speechless. Normally, I would be a complete flirt and always have something witty and cute to say, but with him, all I could do was smile. I continued the conversation, “You know, you’re probably the only person who’d ever say that. I’m a complete loser.”

He frowned, “Well whoever says that obviously doesn’t know you.”

I raised an eyebrow, “and you know me?”

“Better than you know yourself,” he laughed. I couldn’t say anything to that because, well because it was true. He really did know so much more about me, it was actually kind of scary. But again, I trusted him with everything I was, even if I didn’t exactly know what that might be. He interupted my thoughts.

“We’re just about there. Can’t you hear it?”

I listened intently but all I could hear were the cars zooming by on the street beside us. I thought I’d heard something odd but it was way too feint for me. “No, can you?”

He seemed oddly hopeful for no reason. “See that direction?” He pointed diagonally from where we were standing. I nodded, unsure of what he was getting at. “I want you to concentrate with everything you have on listening. Try to block out the noise from every other direction but that one.”

He’s insane, I’m sure of it. But I tried anyway. I narrowed my eyes in the direction he’d pointed in. Slowly I brought my attention to the noises in the other areas and concentrated on not hearing them. Sure enough, they grew quiet. It was like they were listening to me. Then I focused on where I wanted to hear. Visually I tried to see myself hearing further and further until I heard that feint sound growing a bit louder. I went even farther. It was really loud now, it was almost as if I was there. It was a carnival, I heard the music. I heard the rides and the games and the children screaming. I lost my concentration then and i felt my ears snap back into place. All at once, the noises from around me blared in my ears. It hurt. I screamed in pain. Caleb laughed with joy.

“What’s your problem!?” I glared at him still clutching on to my aching ears. He unexpectedly started victory dancing and grabbed me up into a half-dancing hug. It was uncomfortable but I would definately not reject a hug from Caleb. No matter how awkward it was.
Finally he calmed down enough to explain himself. “You did it!” He started and continued when I gave him a questioning look. “Mel, the carnival is blocks away! It’s way beyond the hearing capacity of a human.” Then it sunk in..

“I DID IT!!” I screamed and joined him in our awkward happy dance. Passer-bys must have thought we were mentally ill but honestly that was the last thing on my mind. I was turning! I had just done something only a vampire can do. That meant all hope wasn’t lost, and it meant the world actually might not end!

Oh happy day!
♠ ♠ ♠
shalalala, shalalala.