Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Dazzle Me

“You have to eat something, that’s final.” Caleb was practically shoving a piece of the grossest pizza I’ve ever seen down my throat. He’s been trying to make me eat since we got here and I don’t know how else to explain to him that I'M NOT HUNGRY. How was I supposed to enjoy myself when he won’t shut up about gross carnival pizza. We’d gone on all the junky rides I’d wanted to go on. Caleb had called them giant metal death traps for humans, but I thought they were fun. The only ride he wanted to go on was the ferris wheel and I was stalling as long as possible. You can put me on any ride in the world. As long as I'm buckled in and safe, then you could catapult me off the moon if it was possible. But ferris wheels went extremely high and there wasn’t even a seat belt. What if I fell out?!

I took a bite of the pizza to make Caleb happy, and to prevent going on the ferris wheel as long as I could. He saw right through me.

“I don’t know why you're so afraid, you’ve gone on every upside down over-the-top dangerous ride here and you're afraid of the ferris wheel?” He raised one eyebrow as he asked the question. I just looked down at my pizza, embarrassed. He leaned in surprisingly close, he was looking directly into my eyes and I could’ve sworn I saw some type of swirling mist in them. I was mesmerized. “You know,” he began slowly in a trance type of voice. “Ferris wheels have their advantages. Two people, all alone in one car with no seat belts..” He leaned in even closer. He opened his mouth and I thought he was going to kiss me but he whispered ever so low, “ I really think you should give it a chance.”

With that he was gone, back to his side of the table. That meant I could breathe. Well, my mind was settled. To the ferris wheel! I jumped up, throwing my pizza in the garbage, as I made a mad dash to the line. Why was I so eager all of a sudden? Oh yeah, because Caleb’s sexy. I felt his hand on the small of my back and then he was next to me, leading me up the line passed all the people giving us dirty looks. We got to the attendant but before he could say anything Caleb leaned in just as he did with me. I looked at his eyes and sure enough the same mist was swirling around. “We’re running a little late,” he whispered in the attendants ear. “We’d really appreciate it if you’d let us skip the line.”

Like me 5 minutes ago, the attendant was in awe, he slowly nodded and let us pass. Caleb led me to the car because I was too shocked to comprehend what he was doing. “What was that?” I finally stuttered out.

He gave me a questioning look, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play with me, how’d you get him to let us skip the line? What did you do to him?”

He sighed, defeated. As we got in the car he explained quickly under his breath. “It’s just a skill I acquired over the years. All you have to do is imagine you’re seducing the person and they’ll do absolutely anything you say.”

The first part registered first and I burst out laughing. I looked back at the attendant. He had to be in his late 40’s maybe 50’s. He was balding and his beer belly was hanging out over his pants. Just thinking about Caleb thinking about seducing that man was enough to throw me into a fit of laughter. But then the second part registered in. “Wait! Did you use that on me?! To get me to come on this stupid ride?!” I was furious now.

His face was panicked. Obviously he didn’t want to upset me. Epic fail, Caleb. He fought for the words to say. “Well..I..You..I thought.. you would enjoy it.. if you just gave it a chance.”

The ride started up and I was suddenly panicked again. Of course it was windy, and of course our car stopped right at the top to let passengers below us get on. However, as panicked as I was, I crossed my arms over my chest little kid style. I wasn’t going to talk to him.

I could look at him though, right? He was looking away. His eyes looked as if they were debating something in his head. He was the most unsure vampire in the world I was sure of it. He looked amazing though. The lights from the carnival flickered on his pale face. There was sudden tension, I wanted more than anything just to reach over and touch him. The tension grew as the ferris wheel turned. I brought myself to the edge of my seat, dying to get closer to him. He was looking at me too. From what I could tell the same tension was in his eyes, they were smoldering.

We rounded the top again when the ferris wheel came to an abrupt stop. Of course, because I was on the edge of my seat, I fell down to the middle of the car. I wasn’t alone though, Caleb had me in his arms before I could blink. He leaned in again, a smirk now on his perfect lips. He looked in my eyes again and there was no mist this time, there was fire. He kept leaning passed my lips and brushed my hair away from my shoulder. He lightly kissed my shoulder and started working his way towards my neck. The kisses getting heavier each time, he found my neck. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations, God he was good at this. He trailed up my neck to the bottom of my ear, he let out a low whisper, “Do you trust me?” All I could do was nod and he trailed back down again.

I was so into it I didn't think anything when I felt sharp teeth trailing along the nape of my neck. My first reaction was panic but I remembered that I trusted him and let him do whatever he was going to do. His teeth were moving in circles around the nape of my neck and then I felt a small amount of pain. I would say it hurt a little bit but the sensation that came after made me forget everything. His lips were pressed hard against my neck now and I felt this tingling all over my body. He reached his arms around me and pulled me tightly into him. One hand was around my back and the other was holding my head and neck in place. I felt his lips, his tongue, his grasp, I felt everything. My breathing was getting heavy. The feelings were extraordinary. This had to be better than sex.

But as soon as it started, it was done. The ferris wheel started up again and Caleb almost threw me off of him as we rounded the bottom. I just stared at him. Both of us were out of breath, what did he do to me? Slowly I brought my hand the the part of my neck he kissed. It was wet. I looked at my fingers and almost fainted when I saw it. Blood.

Caleb the vampire had sucked my blood.
♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun DUN.