Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Bipolar Vampires

The entire walk home I didn’t know whether to be mad at Caleb for sucking my blood or to jump on him. To be honest, I felt really weird inside. Like something had changed the second he did it. We were almost to the house when I thought I had come to a conclusion.

“Hey Caleb? Could what you just did turn me?” I looked over at him for the first time since we started walking home and instantly regretted it. He looked absolutely pissed off. What the fuck did I do to him? He’s the one that worked his magical hypnotizing stuff on me and then basically attacked me in a very sexy way to suck my blood. I should be the one pissed off. He grunted a no and then sped off to the door. I tried to run after him but I was no match for a vampire and before I knew it I had the front door slammed in my face.

I opened it just in time to hear Caleb’s door slam closed, hard. I grudgingly treaded into the living room to be greeted by the faces of three questioning vampires.

“I don’t know...” I stated miserably and headed up the stairs to my room. I don’t know how I found it so easily, but I was glad I did. This was the best and worst day of my life. Well, that I could remember.

I opened my door and had to do a double take. I thought I’d gotten the wrong room at first but I hadn’t. This was my room. Not my new room, my old room, in my old apartment. The walls were painted green in the same way me, max, and Ryan painted them. My desk, my bed, my closet, even my balcony was there. I blinked a couple of times and then smiled. Caleb must’ve taken me out all day to distract me while the rest of them did this. Then I stopped smiling, that was this morning... when Caleb didn’t hate me.

I threw myself on my bed and proceeded to ask myself a million questions. It’s just how I think. Why does he hate me? What did I do? I bet hes bipolar. I thought he was starting to like me again.. maybe. Maybe he wasn’t starting to like me and wanted to stop leading me on. Then what was that in the ferris wheel? My thinking was frustrating me. I hated questions, I needed answers. And the only way to get those answers would be to talk to him. He cant just suck my blood and not explain himself.

In a furious rage, I stormed off to his room. I passed Victoria who thankfully moved out of my way and didn’t ask questions. I liked her. When I got to Caleb’s room I deliberated for a bit. Okay enough deliberating. Without knocking, I burst into the room. Caleb didn’t look shocked at all. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his face in his hands and his back turned to me. When he heard me, he glanced back at me and then went back to his position. I couldn’t read his emotions.

“Caleb we need to talk.” I stated firmly.

He didn’t bother turning around to face me. “I’m busy.” He argued back. I said nothing and just stood there with my arms folded across my chest. If he wanted me to leave he was going to have to literally drag me out.

When he noticed I wasn’t leaving he stood up and casually walked over to me. His face was cold and hard, I didn’t like it. “I don’t want to talk.” He said through his teeth.

“Well too bad!” I practically screamed out at him. “My life as I knew it, has completely changed. And whether either of us likes it or not, you’re a part of it now! You can’t keep sending me these mixed signals Caleb. It’s exhausting and it hurts like hell.” I paused to catch my breath and see his reaction. I thought I saw some flicker of emotion during my rant but it was quickly replaced by the same coldness. He wasn’t responding any time soon. “I just want to know what I am to you..” I finished off. Let him answer that how he wants.

It took him quicker to answer then I thought it would. “Do you want to know what you are to me? What you mean to me?” I nodded weakly, eager for an answer. “You’re a mistake.” Ouch. “That’s all you are to me, just one huge mistake after another. So stop wasting you’re time even caring, we would never work again.” I had sworn I wouldn’t cry going into this conversation but those traitor tears fell anyway. There was too much pain and rejection for anything in my body to work. All I could do was stand there and be humiliated for even attempting to be with him.

Eventually, I tore my eyes from his hardened features and flew out of the room. I was sobbing now and I’m sure he heard. How did I ever love that asshole? This time on the way back I passed Gavin and Victoria. When they saw me they instantly reached out to comfort me but I hastily pushed them away. I’d apologize later, when my feelings weren’t crushed.

I burst into my new/old room and leaned against the door, slowly I slid to the floor and rested my head in my hands. I know, your thinking I’m pretty over dramatic. But you don’t understand what it’s like to have your entire life change in a day, have the fate of the world resting on your shoulders, and have the only person who understands it all, who you feel comfortable with, completely reject you.

“Don’t cry, Chicky.”
I snapped my head up when I heard the voice. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who. Frantically, I searched my room but no one was there. I debated going to get someone but decided not to, just to save what little dignity I had left. It was probably just my head talking to me, or maybe it was a new vampire voice thing that happened. Yeah, that was the theory I’d go with.

But just as I relaxed myself enough to get up, a figure stepped out of the shadows. It took me a second to comprehend him, and then I saw his hair, bright red at the tips. He looked different’t than he did under the hospital lights. “E-Edward?” I stuttered out. And to my horror, he nodded. His lips curled up into a wide smile revealing two dangerously sharp fangs.

I was in too much shock to comprehend what was happening when I felt another figure behind me. Quickly, I turned around to see no one else but the one and only Ryan. My best friend. My mortal enemy. Well, my immortal enemy.

Okay, new theory, I’m screwed.
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i like ending in suspense ;D