Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

The Proposition

"Don't be afraid, Chicky." Edward tried to comfort me and moved forward but Ryan held a hand up to him and he froze in his steps. I was still in complete shock that Edward was a vampire to comprehend that I was probably about to be captured again or die.

"Wh-what do you want?" I managed to stutter out. As I asked, Ryan came around me and stood next to Edward.

He gestured towards one of the chairs in the room, "Have a seat, darling, I have a proposition for you." There was a smug evil grin on his face that I didn't recognize. My emotions were confused, was he my best friend still? Was he just pretending? He sat down on the edge of my bed, completely relaxed. Edward stayed standing, looking uncomfortable and nervous.

"Here's how it is," Ryan began. "Your lovely little group of egotistic friends here are being blindsided. They've been keeping an eye on us, or so they think. We had a tracker lead them down to Oklahoma so we have the advantage of surprise on our side. Truth is, I've come to grow fond of you, Mel. I'd rather not hurt you but if I have to I will." He paused for a very much not needed dramatic effect. "So we can do this the easy way or the hard way."

I had to half concentrate on keeping my breathing steady and half concentrate on what he was saying. He continued, "The easy way, is for you to just come with me. We won't hurt you, things would just go back to the way they were. You could continue your life, I bet even Max would take you back. He's been devastated since Devin broke up with him and his parents died in that tragic accident." His lips curved into a smile as he pronounced the word accident. He was a monster.

"What did you do to his parents?!" I screamed and cried at the same time. I loved Max's parents, they were such nice, innocent, people. They didn't deserve to be used as a pawn in this ridiculous war.

"Now Now, let's not worry about frivolous details." He smiled again as if enjoying a memory, sick. "Then there's the hard way. We ambush this house.. we leave no one alive. As much as it warms my heart to kill that Caleb traitor, I wish not to harm you. But my job comes before my wants." With that, he got up. Slowly him and Edward started heading towards the balcony which I just realized was open.

"You have a week, my love, to decide which way you'd like to handle this. You know where to find me.And I strongly suggest you mention this to no one. Because we'll know if you do, and it won't end well." With that, he was gone. Edward gave me a quick apology smile and wave and he was gone too. My mind was in a state of confusion. I tried to understand, I tried to think. It wasn't working. I made myself move slowly over to my bed and collapsed on it. How did this day get so screwed up? Hell, how did my life get so screwed up? I fell asleep with my mind wandering and tears in my eyes.
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What Would You Do?