Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Tormenting Tension And Glimpses Of Good

I could lie and say that I was shocked but I honestly wasn't. Devin and Katrina just gave off this evil vibe. I was more angry then taken by surprise. Caleb, Gavin, Victoria, they all trusted her and she back-stabbed them. I had to control myself from tackling her right there.

A couple more strangers I didn't recognize stepped out of the shadows behind them. There had to be at least twenty horrific looking vampires crowded in this small alleyway. If I got caught, I could be killed right there but the little voice in my head told me to stay and for once, I agreed.

"Okay, tomorrow is the night." Ryan had them all in a circle, I guess this was some sort of battle meeting.

"You mean the night for the Formal?"

"No, you idiot. The good for nothing traitor is still in that house." Ryan bashed his fist against the brick wall. Pieces of brick came crumbling out when he removed it. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth trying not to make a sound. I was truly terrified of my former best friend.

"He's not going to make a move. He's just as useless as that annoying Australian kid you turned." It was Katrina this time. I knew I never liked her, now I can see why. I need to learn to go with my instincts.

Ryan shot her a dirty look, thanks Rye. "Stop complaining, you anorexic."

I almost missed what happen then, it happened in a couple of seconds time. Katrina crouched down, ready to spring, her lips curling and showing her teeth. Ryan changed his stance to a crouch also, not showing any teeth but giving off a hard face. And Devin, protectively stood in front of Katrina, his hands balled into fists and a menacing look of hated and passion glued to his features.

It was dead quiet, tension in the air for about another agonizing 5 seconds until I heard a pair of girls laughter. Of course, it was Diane and Hannah. I could recognize their cackling laugh from a mile away.

"Oh, silly Katrina." Hannah emerged from a group of tense looking vampires quickly followed by Diane.

"He's not worried that Caleb will make a move." Diane cackled again. Does she really think that laugh is attractive?

Hannah finished her thought. "He's just jealous."

By this time, everyone had retracted from their crouches and were questioning the sisters. All except for Ryan, his face was actually turning red and his hands were still balled up into fists. Cept instead of Katrina, his anger was centered at the sisters.

"Jealous of what?" Katrina smiled as she asked them. Obviously she was interested in having blackmail against her leader.

Diane answered this time. "That the pathetic human girl would rather be with Caleb than him."

"He quite fancies her." Hannah added as they both cackled away again and again.

"That's not true!" Ryan shouted above all of them. I could see why he was the leader, authority spilled out from his voice. "Caleb is powerful and he is a traitor to the kingdom of Bellatoria." He looked each one of them in the eye as he spoke. "Most of you weren't born yet but centuries ago, Caleb himself, held the position of general of Bellatoria." There were a few gasps around the circle and I struggled so hard to contain my own. "He's a traitor, I trusted him with my home and my life and.." he paused and struggled to control his passionate hate. I had a feeling there was something to this story he wasn't sharing with them. "I just want him dead." He whispered the last line so low; I was surprised I could hear him.

Everyone was quiet. Even the sisters shut up and held their annoying mouthes in a straight line. The only different one was Katrina who stood with her hand on her hip and a smirk on her face. I knew she'd be the first one to speak before she moved her mouth. "Well if that's the case then, let's kill the human."

My heart stopped. Kill. The. Human. No! Don't kill the human! Ryan, come on, defend me.

I was staring into Ryan's eyes, trying to mentally tell him to stand up for me. There had to be some amount of good in him somewhere. I saw him glance over at the shadow and then his face hardened. "It doesn't matter to me as long as Caleb dies." His voice didn't sound normal but I didn't care. My heart was racing, there was no way I could take on all of these people if they came after me. Was my life over? Already?

"We can't kill the human."

Craig stepped out from the same shadow everyone else seemed to magically appear from. He casually sauntered into the middle of the circle, not affected at all by the opposing vampires surrounding him. Ignoring the dirty looks he continued, "At least until after the formal. We have every high social lite coming to see her."

They all nodded and I was instantly relieved. At least I knew they weren't coming after me tonight. I had a little bit of time to get away. But of course, Katrina had to open her mouth just one more time!

"Oh, please Craig. Your just sympathetic to her because you were all buddy buddy with her in that stupid orphanage."

I couldn't contain myself, "What!?"

Every single head turned towards me... crap.
♠ ♠ ♠

For the confused, Craig grew up with her in the orphanage 100 years ago before she was changed. WACHA.

Speaking of Craig. The real Craig that the Craig in the story is modeled after is now officially my proofreader, so credit goes to him. K, thanks, bye ;D