Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

The Great Escape

"I knew you'd come around eventually." He whispered as he snaked his arms around my waist. I cringed on the inside but leaned back into him on the outside.

Dramatically, I giggled and turned around, placing my hands around his neck. "I just couldn't hide my love for you." Oh jeez, how corny can I be?

"Mmm," he hummed in my ear. Ugh, this is absolutely gross. I needed to get to the point.

"Well," I whispered. "I needed to let you know before.. whatever happens tomorrow." I searched into his eyes, trying to get myself to cry. His features softened under my gaze and for the first time since I left, I saw the vulnerability of my best friend. It didn't matter that he was technically holding me against my will, the times we had were real and I missed him terribly. I didn't have to fight for the tears to fall now. All I wanted was to hug my best friend like I used to, and feel safe again. So I did just that. He held me there trying to comfort me.

"I won't let anything happen to you." I sighed, at least I had my life. Now was better than never.

I pulled back and looked up at him, hope sparking in my eyes. I focused on Caleb as I spoke. "Maybe we can run away together. Ya know, forget the war, forget the world, just run away you and me. I wanna disappear with you." I almost felt bad. Biting my lip, I waited as my proposition sank in.

"Let's do it. Let's run away right now." He took hold of my hand and started dragging in the opposite direction from Caleb.

I pulled against him, panicking. This just might end up screwing me over if I mess it up. "Uh, no no." I stammered. "People are going to realize we're missing. I told Craig I'd be right back."

"Your probably right." He took a couple steps back and I did an inner victory dance.

"What if you told them I got sick." I started, trying my best to sound convincing. "And that Craig or Edward brought me home. Then I'll go to the house, and pack my things and wait for you there."

Suspicion rose in his eyes as soon as I finished, I started panicking. Oh no, was that too obvious? I had to do something quick, something to prove myself. Ugh..

Before he could speak, I stretched myself up by my toes and kissed him. Honestly, it was kind of gross. I felt like I was kissing my brother who also happened to be a murderer. It fooled him though, I pulled away and he smiled. "I'll hurry." He squeezed my hand and then took off back inside.

"Don't hurry too much." I groaned and took off after him.

I had to rush through the crowd. When Ryan said he was hurrying, he was really hurrying. Pushing past couple after couple I frantically searched for Craig or Edward. Maybe they could stall Ryan and give me just a tad more time. Towards the exit I found them both standing next to each other talking. The noticed me as I ran towards them, Edward had a look of confusion in his eye but Craig just nodded, knowing the plan before I uttered a word of it. Damn, we made a good team. I nodded too as I flew by them and through two sets of double doors into the night air.

I took off running towards Caleb's house. Mentally, I tried to bring out the inner vampire in me and make myself run faster but I think the pressure of the situation was cramping my legs. I doubted I was going any faster than a 5 year old.

It was also seriously creepy out. The lovely Bellatorian's preferred to have their parties in the middle of the night. So here I was, running for my life on a secluded street at 3 AM. It didn't help that I had the eerie feeling that someone was following me. It couldn't be Ryan could it? I had to take my chances.

Finally my apartment building came into view, I didn't even pause. I figured if it was Ryan following me, he'd stop me once he realized I wasn't going home. But I flew passed it and nothing happened. Caleb's house was yards away, I was almost there. My heart was thudding like crazy in my chest and I was going to blame the running even though I knew vampires couldn't get out of shape. My heart beat for a solely different reason and I couldn't deny it.

They didn't keep the door locked. I mean, it was a house of vampires. Whatever they had to worry about wouldn't be stopped by a locked door. Flinging the door open, I took up the stairs to his room. "Caleb!" Opening every door to check on my way, I kept calling for him. My luck is he wouldn't be here, and all this was for nothing.

But sure enough, at the end of the hallway stood a seriously confused Caleb.

"What are you doing he-" I cut him off with a hug. He didn't ask questions then, he just wrapped his arms around me as I cried into him. I finally felt safe, truly safe.

"Ryan," I tried to convey what had happened through my sobs. "He's going to kill me... he's going to find us... and then he's going to kill you too... we have to... get out... now."

"Shh," he stroked the back of my hair, planting soft kisses on the top of my head. "No one's going to kill anyone," he whispered. This was a much different Caleb than I remembered. I loved it. "Come on," his hand slid down the back of my body and stopped behind my knees and before I knew it, he lifted me up. "It's time to go home." I cradled against his shoulder, finally surrendering. I fought independently on my own for long enough. It was my time to rely on someone.

He carried me all the way to the door and stiffened. "What's wrong." I asked urgently. I looked up at him and his face honestly scared me. It was just... angry.

"He's outside," he muttered under his breath. My heart stopped, this was it. We weren't fast enough. At least I would die in the arms of someone I loved. He set me down but never removed his hand from the small of my back. Even in this state, I noticed everywhere he touched me. He stood and stared blankly at the door, I imagine he was listening. I heard absolutely nothing, we stood there for the longest minute of my life.

"I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!" I jumped back. He was in the driveway, I had to cover my mouth from screaming, never in my life had I been so terrified. "DO YOU THINK I'M AN IDIOT?" Silence. "DO YOU THINK I REALLY THOUGHT THAT KISS MEANT SOMETHING?!" Caleb whipped his head in my direction at that, his eyebrows raised. I took a sudden interest in the floor pattern unable to meet his accusations. "I'M COMING IN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. I'LL KILL YOU BOTH." That's when Caleb really reacted. His hands balled up into fists and he shook his head trying to figure out what to do.

Suddenly he turned towards me. His eyes focused on my face, making me blush, he seemed to be memorizing it. I had no idea what he was trying to do, at least not yet. He kissed the top of my forehead and closed his eyes. "Wait five minutes, then go out through the back door. Take off running and don't stop, when your safe enough, call Victoria. She'll come get you."

Then he was five feet away, his hand on the door knob. No... no, he was going to go out and fight Ryan just to make a distraction so I could escape. "No!" I shouted in a whisper. It was all I could manage to say. "You'll - you'll be killed.." Tears started streaming down my face for the third time tonight, you'd think there would be a limit on that sort of stuff.

He didn't answer my statement. He knew it was true. Ryan was obviously stronger than him, he was a general. General's had to be either exceptionally smart or exceptionally strong. We all knew Ryan wasn't the smartest. "Mel," Caleb turned to face me, his hand still on the door knob.

"Yeah?" I choked out. His eyes locked on mine.

"I love you." With that, he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Will Caleb survive?

Will Melissa make it safely out?

Find out next time! On!.. well.. here.
