Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Hello And Goodbye

A week passed since that day. Max hasn't called me or answered my phone calls so I was really starting to get worried. That Devin person wouldn't get out of my mind for some reason. I felt stupid, I completely trusted Max. He was probably just busy doing French stuff. Exactly.

When I wasn't convincing myself not to worry about Max, I was spying on my new neighbors. Well, I was trying to spy. They always had their windows and blinds shut and never left the house, it really creeped me out. Why were they so weird? I found myself staring out my window in their direction again. That's how I noticed the blinds of the second story window twitch. It was quick, as soon as it had caught my attention everything was still. I was probably just imagining things again. This is what happens when your stranded in your house along with the entire summer ahead of you. I laughed at myself.

My stomach grumbled. Lunch time! I ran down the stairs, two at a time, to get to my kitchen. I was starving. I swung my fridge open and was immediately disappointed. It was practically empty. My eyes scanned for something that could salvage me. Bingo. Hershey's chocolate fudge, it was for ice cream but oh well. I grabbed it and had some trouble with the lid. Finally it opened. I ran upstairs, I hated the whole downstairs floor of my house, it felt too fake. My room was my haven. When I closed the door however, I realized I'd forgotten a spoon, dammit. Oh well! I stuck my finger in the jar and was prepared to do some serious licking when I saw a figure standing on my balcony peering in the window.

My reaction was typical. I screamed on the top of my lungs, the jar went flying over my head, and my head started pounding with stress. I couldn't see exactly who it was, the sun was directly overhead, casting a blinding light and leaving the person just a shadowy silhouette. It moved towards the balcony door and reached for the handle. My heart started beating abnormally fast, I was frozen in place. The door slid open and the person stepped through. "Your such a freak." The familiar voice stated.

I let out a breath. It was Ryan. I grabbed the item closest to me and hurled it at his head. It was a stuffed hello kitty doll so it didn't do much damage but he got my message. "What the hell! You scared the crap out of me! Do you not know how to use a door?! Never! Do! That! Again!"

He smiled in the corner of the room, patiently waiting for me to finish my rant. I calmed down, giving him the best evil glare I could manage. He spoke. "Calm down Mels," he let out a laugh. "I wanted to surprise you but I forgot how temperamental you are. Geeze, it's only been a month and you forget that I have my personal entrance to your house."My glare vanished being replaced with a smile, I'd forgotten that I missed my best friend terribly. I threw myself across the room to give him an 'I missed you so much bestest friend of my life' hug. Yes, I name all my hugs. He stumbled back a little but returned the hug, he missed me just as much. I let go and he held on a little longer then necessary but I didn't mind it.

"So.." he smiled, looking around and my incredibly messy room with humor and disgust, "What I miss?"

I spent the whole day with Ryan. A lot happens on Staten Island in a month. Because of the lack of fun things to do, us teenagers create as much drama as we possibly can. Therefore, making every day perfectly unbearable. It was amazing that Ryan was back and I had someone to laugh with about these things again. Even if he was only gone, visiting his dad, for a month. He was back now and once Max came back in 2 weeks, the perfect summer would begin.


Ryan had to go home to do some family things with his mom, leaving me alone to my thoughts again. I really loved Ryan. I know what your thinking, It's not in that way. I love him as a best friend way, its corny but it's like.. he completes me. That's exactly it. I had a flashback of when I met him, when I was 6.
I had just moved into this new building and I hated it. I loved hanging out with all my other little kindergarten friends at my old house. I was being really rebellious so my mom decided to bribe me to like it with buying me a kitten. I used to sit in the hallway, holding my kitten, and watch the elevator numbers travel up and down. One day, the elevator door opened on my floor. I watched as a boy a couple years older than me walked out holding onto his mothers hand. We stared at each other as he went inside his door. About 5 minutes later, the boy came back out the same door and sat across the hallway from me. "What are you doing?" he asked innocently.

"Trying to get her to like you." I replied as I pushed my kitten across the hallway. She bit him, he screamed. We've been inseparable ever since. For the rest of our childhood, we spent all our time in the hallway. We brought out every toy we owned, getting dirty looks from every adult that passed us.

I brought myself back into the present and smiled, those were the good days. He had been so small then, so awkward, like a mouse. Today, he'd grown into his features. His hair was still always a huge mess growing on top of his head but he pulled it off now. I have to admit, if he wasn't practically my brother, he'd be my dream guy.

I looked at my phone, it was 7:00. Ryan said he'd come back around 10. Well I had some time to kill, I decided to sign on AIM for the first time in like forever. As soon as I did, I noticed Max was online. I debated for about 4 minutes on whether I should IM him when I realized I was ridiculous. Was I too scared to IM my own boyfriend?

Me: Uhm are you mad at me?
Max: ... No, why?
Me: you haven't called me in like a week...
Max: I've been busy.
Me: Oh, so its like that?
Max: It's not like anything.
Me: Max your mad at me, what did i do ?
Max: Nothing, nothing. you never do anything -.-
Me: wtf is wrong >_<
Max: I just don't know if I can do this anymore...

I was surprised how fast I reacted. As soon as my mind comprehended what he had said a tear was already halfway down my face.

Me: What are you talking about... I didn't realize anything was wrong..
Max: Well things are, your always so dependent on me, and your always getting mad at me for random things. I'm tired of making up excuses and apologies for stuff I didn't do just to make you happy.
Me: WTF are you talking about.. I never do any of those things and you know it. This is about Devin.

That wasn't a question and he noticed it.

Max: Devin's none of your business.
Me: OH REALLY? it sure seems like its my fucking business Max.
Max: ....

Even if we didn't break up at this point, even if it was just a pointless fight, my heart felt broken. The tears were coming down hard now, I could feel the too familiar pulling my chest. It was my heart being ripped out. All I needed to see were the words that made it final. The words that made the last pull, ripping my heart out all together.

Me: Max what are you doing... I mean do you wanna break up? Is that what your getting at?
Max: Honestly? I dint know...


Max: It's not the same anymore..


Max: I guess, yeah. I do wanna break up..


Bye Bye heart. I was silent, I had nothing to say.

Max: Melissa?

Silent again..

Max: We'd be better off as friends don't you think?

I found it in me to answer him this time. I was suddenly glad this was happening on line and not face to face or on the phone. I didn't want him to see or hear the pain I was going through right now.

Me: okay.
Max: okay..
Me: brb.

I jumped out of my chair. I couldn't sit there anymore. I tried to make it to my bed but ended up collapsing in the middle of the room. I knelt on the floor and put my head to the ground, just crying and crying and crying. So he wanted to be friends, what brought this on? I know he said It wasn't Devin but for some reason I couldn't believe that. This had just come out of nowhere. My heart felt like.. it felt like.. I wouldn't know. My heart wasn't there. I held my hands to where the hole was, trying to hold myself together, trying to get it to stop hurting. It wouldn't, it was on the inside. I didn't know how to get it to stop.

Then I remembered. I scrambled up to my desk drawer. Throwing it open I fumbled inside for what I was looking for. Found it, I pulled out my razor. I didn't care where I was. I brought the razor to my arm and pushed it against my skin lightly, instant relief. It was as if the blood coming out of my arm was slowly healing the aching hole in my heart. I let the razor fall to the floor and then let my body follow it. I just layed there, not thinking or crying. I just stared at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. Eventually my eye lids started to close, I felt a numbing throughout my body. Maybe I pressed a little harder then I thought. The ceiling started slowly turning black, and the last thing I heard was someone burst through my door.

"Hey Mels, Max called and said... MELS! MELISSA ARE YOU OKAY!?"
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i love you