Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Tongue Tied And Terrified

At first I just stood there, too much in shock to realize what I should do. What I should do, was listen to Caleb and escape out the back door. But was I going to do that? Hell no. I fought too hard to let Caleb sacrifice himself for me. I stayed there by the door, listening.

I heard Caleb walking down the driveway.

"She's not here. I don't know what your talking about."

"Don't try this, Caleb. I know she's in there I can feel her. I'll just kill her after I kill you."

"You won't touch her!"

"Oh, I'll touch her. All. Night. Long."

Thats when I heard the first growl, followed by a loud cracking noise. Please let that be a tree, please let that be a tree. I focused more on listening, doing what Caleb had taught me. I mentally tried to push my hearing to where they were. I heard everything, the scratching sound they made as they rolled across the concrete. Their healthy heart beats pounding away. I couldn't take this.

"Why so over protective, Caleb? You act like you still love her, when we all know you don't."

"It's none of your business!"

"She chose me, ya know. I'm the one she came running to." Ugh, he's such a dirty liar.

"She came to you because you forced her."

"She came to me because you broke her heart!"

There were more snarls. Something ripped this time, and one of them let out a cry. Please let it not be Caleb...

"You shouldn't have left. Sanctusira has made you weak."

"Bellatoria has turned you into a monster. Is that what you want to be?"

"I have no choice! It's what we are. Only a fool fights what he is."

"Only a fool believes that he has no choice as to what he is."

There was a pause, but no fighting. Caleb's breathing was being hindered. It was coming out in short breaths, he was hurt and it was my fault. I shouldn't have done this.

"Ryan, it doesn't have to be this way. You can still come to my side."

"I will not betray my kingdom.."

"You won't be, I -"

"I won't be like you!! I wouldn't abandon my own brother!"

Woah, wait what? Brother? I couldn't keep up with this vampire world. It was like an episode of Days of Our Lives every day!

"Don't even try to play the family sympathy, Rye!" I heard him take a deep breath, he was struggling. He was going to die. "You were never a brother to me! You killed our own father to become General and you were so pissed off when I was appointed instead of you that you tried to kill me too!"

"I guess its time to finish what I started then."

That was it, I wasn't going to let this continue. Without thinking, I threw the door open and ran outside. Both the vampires whipped their heads in my direction. Caleb's full of a shock and Ryan's full of satisfaction. I was right, however, Caleb was on the floor in the middle of the dark street. His shirt was torn, blood all over him. Ryan was crouched about 30 feet away from him, ready to attack. Quickly, I ran over to them and situated myself in front of Caleb.

"It's me you want, Ryan. Please just leave him out of it."

"Mel, What on earth are you doing?!" Caleb yelled in an incredulous voice behind me. I ignored it, focusing on Ryan who was grinning like a mad man.

"Oh, isn't this sweet. Your girl came out to defend you, Cale."

"Shut up." I glared at Ryan, not really sure what I was doing. "I'll go with you, you can have me. Just leave Caleb here."

He sighed, a wicked gleam in his eye. "I guess I'll just have to kill you first, love."

"No you won't" I was confused at the voice for about five seconds until I saw Max literally jump out of a freaking bush and run over to stand in front of me. He was the one following me?

Now it was my turn to say something incredulously. "Max! What the hell are you doing here!?"

He turned his head to me slightly, keeping an eye on Ryan. He was wide eyed and terrified. "I don't know what you guys are, Melis, but I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

I groaned. Could this get any more complicated!? I had Ryan, ready to kill the closest thing to him which happened to be Max. Who was standing like Jesus with his arms straight on both sides trying pitifully to protect me. Who was standing in front of Caleb trying to protect him even though I had absolutely no chance in winning against Ryan.

Someone started laughing. I knew it was Ryan, he was the only one who could find this situation funny. He straightened out of his crouch. "Max, go home. I actually don't want to kill you." He laughed again but Max made no move to leave.

"Just go, Max." I tried to urge him. Still he made no move. He was either very brave or frozen in fear.

"Very well." Ryan relaxed against the car he was next to. He brought his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly. What? Suddenly, vampires were coming out of everywhere. Falling from the roof, coming out from behind trees. Had they been here the whole time? Was this supposed to be an ambush? I turned around and threw myself on top of Caleb in some sort of attempt to hide him. It was no use. I was pulled off and was being held with my hands behind my back. A damp cloth was pressed against my mouth and nose, I breathed in a foul smell, chloroform.

"Goodnight Girlie." A bitter voice whispered in my ear before I fell into unconsciousness.
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woo, the stories almost done :D
im glad, i dont really like it anymore..
