Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Strawberry Kisses

Slowly, my eyes opened. I was laying on a damp, hard floor. I'm sure it was leaving a bruise on my back. I tried to move, yeah definitely a bruise. I sucked in a deep breath to stop the pain and instantly regretted it. The air tasted like something rotten. It smelled like something rotten also.

I slowly sat up, trying not to put pressure on my back. Looking around, I finally realized where I was. It was a dungeon. A dark and cold, black dungeon that you see in Medieval movies. It had the chains on the wall and everything.

So Ryan won. We were being held by him obviously. There was a small window in the corner, covered in bars. I got up slowly but then ran to it, to try and get a glimpse of where we were exactly. I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

It was a run down, destroyed city. The sky was a thick red color and smog was attempting to cover the broken down buildings. Chaos erupted through out the streets. Creatures, disturbing creatures I never even knew existed, they were running through the streets destroying everything in their paths. It was truly horrific.

"What is this.." I whispered to myself.

"Welcome to Bellatoria." A pained voice spoke behind me. I hadn't realized anyone else was in the room.

I spun around, ready to fight but it wasn't an enemy. "Caleb!" He looked... healthy. There was color in his features and he was sitting up, staring blankly at the cold, dark wall ahead of him. I rushed over and knelt down next to him. "Are you okay?" My fingers traced a cut along his forehead.

He didn't acknowledge my touch or words. Instead, his hands balled up into fists. "Why would you do that?" He spat through his teeth.

"Do what?" I sensed a dip on the emotional roller coaster of Caleb. When was he going to pick a side, he either hated me or didn't.

"I told you to go. You would've been free."

My jaw dropped. He was implying that this was all my fault. I wasn't the one that got us captured, I was the one that saved his life. I was so angry I couldn't even bring myself to speak. Luckily, he decided to lace in just a tad deeper.

"How could you be so stupid?"

"Seriously?!" I repelled myself from him with a force I didn't recognize. Storming around the dungeon, I continued my rant. "After everything I've done for you! All the stress you put me through and you give me this crap!?"

His eyes were wide, he was obviously not expecting this reaction from me. Well he hadn't heard the last of it, hell no.

"You can't keep telling me what to do, Caleb!"

"I can do whatever the bloody hell I want!" He was on his feet now, finally defending himself. I had to admit he was a tad scarier when he was hovering over me but I wasn't backing down now. When I didn't answer right away he added on, "I always know what's better for you."

I scoffed. Marching over to him, I looked up challengingly into his eyes. "You do? Then tell me Caleb, what's better for me now? Tell me what to do!"

He took a step forward, closing the space between us. His features softened but there was still anger in his voice as he whispered," Kiss me."

Our lips only inches apart, I felt myself surrendering but I wasn't going to give in. This could be a trick. He was always hot and cold with me how was I supposed to know the difference.

"No." I backed a few feet away with him, giving him a hard glare. "Not until you explain yourself. Do you even like me? Or is this another one of your games?" I spat. I didn't mean for my tone to sound so harsh but he deserved it.

He laughed, laughed?! How could he laugh at me. "You absurd girl," he said between breaths. "There were never any games.. just momentary lapses of judgment." He smiled as if i was actually supposed to understand that.

"What are you even talking about?!"

I could sense he was about to go into a lengthy explanation. I folded my arms over my chest and waited impatiently.

"You see," he started. I was right. "I couldn't let history repeat itself." He took a step closer to me. "The last time you were.." he struggled for the word. "captured.. It was because of me. I wasn't about to let that happen again... I figured if you believed I didn't care for you then you wouldn't feel the urge to to sacrifice yourself for me." He started laughing again, his mind somewhere else. Perhaps he was recalling a memory that I couldn't remember. "But you still did it, and I can't understand why."

This time I laughed a bit to myself, It was a bit ironic. We were silent for a short moment before he took another step towards me. His eyes were cautious.

"But don't think for a moment, that I didn't think about you every second. I punched a wall when I made you cry and it took every amount of fiber in my being to walk away from you that night at the pub." That's all it took to send my heart racing.

He took another step closer. I felt his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, looking back up at him. This time, I saw right through them. I saw into him and I knew everything he said was true.

"Now I'll say it again," he whispered huskily. His face was moving dangerously close to mine. "Kiss me."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I closed the distance between our lips prepared for fireworks but what I got was completely different.

There was a white blinding light enclosing me. I couldn't feel Caleb anymore, I couldn't feel a thing. Slowly, a blurry scene started to come into view. I focused in on it and I recognized Caleb.. and me? It was in the dungeon he was holding on to my limp body, panic in his eyes. Did his kiss kill me? Oh God, how cliche would that be.

The scene was gone then, I saw the scene with Ryan, Max, and Caleb outside the house. It blurred again, each scene going faster and faster. It seemed like I was going backwards through my life. The blurs were coming so fast now I was surprised at how I was taking this in. It flew past the year with Max and to my gratitude, it kept going... I saw my life before I was captured. All the time I spent with Caleb. We seemed so perfect. I prayed I wasn't dead so I could go back to him.

One memory slowed, as if my mind could sense the importance and wanted me to comprehend every little detail.

It was our wedding. We got married? It was perfect, on the beach with an archway of roses above our heads. He kissed me and I felt my lips explode.

Now we were in a hotel room, I was guessing the honeymoon. He was carrying me bridal style, both of us were downright giddy. He set me down and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him too me. We kissed again. He pulled apart just for a second to whisper, "Capella."

No hesitation stopped me as I whispered back, "Lunaris."

Lunaris. Lunaris. I made a mental note to remember that name even though I had a feeling I wouldn't have trouble remembering any of this.

The rest went by just as fast as before, eventually I got to the end. 100 years ago, I was in an orphanage, it was a dark and run down old place. Craig was there and I laughed at his wardrobe. He looked like Oliver Twist. Then it was over. Everything went black just as it had gone white before. Was I dead? Was this it for me?


I tried to open my eyes and succeeded. The first thing I saw was Caleb's face, looking down at me. Worry was written all over it.

I smiled as I sat up next to him. Reaching behind his head, I brought us closer together. "Lunaris." I whispered. There were tears in his eyes as he kissed me.

And this time, there were fireworks.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Edward; i hope you enjoyed the lovely kissing ;D


I didn't think anyone would read my story...
So for the 21 subscribers I do have...


Also, I'm really really curious.
Tell me who your favorite character is out of all the guys xD
Cough, I realllllllllllllllly wanna know :P