Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

The Beginning Of Every Ending

Caleb was sleeping next to me. I don't know how he could sleep in a situation like this, I mean we were prisoners. We should be plotting to escape. All I seemed to be doing was plotting and escaping lately. I guess it was just fresh on the mind.

I sat up next to him, unable to even give the appearance of sleeping anymore. Just then I heard keys rustling at the other side of the door. Instinctively, I pressed myself against the wall to the side of the door trying to hide myself.

"You can't hide in an empty room, Chicky." I let out a breath. It was just Edward.

I glanced anxiously out the open door he left behind. He must really trust me not to make a break for it. It's not like I'd know where to go anyway.

"What are you doing here?" I turned back to face him. He was gazing down at Caleb but he looked back up at me.

He didn't answer for a while, his mind running through possibilities of how to ask me whatever he was thinking. Eventually he turned to face me, his expression completely serious. "I'm going to help you.


15 minutes later, Edward, Caleb, and I were creeping around the halls of the Bellatorian castle. Let me tell you, this was the most cliche, haunted old evil castle I've ever seen. The walls were a damp dark gray, some spots covered in mold. There was a shadow in every corner. The only light was coming from small torches hanging about every 10 feet. They grew farther apart as Edward led us lower into the darkness.

Apparently, the only way up and out of this place was to go farther down. Max was also being held down there. Just because I can remember my life now, doesn't mean I haven't forgotten my most recent friends. As soon as Edward told me he was still alive, I stated I wouldn't leave without him. Caleb wasn't too fond of this plan.

"So where exactly is this Max." Caleb whispered but I could still here the strong amount of dislike in his voice as he said the word Max.

"Why don't you like Max?" I whispered as we followed Edward around a corner.

We headed down the 5th flight of stairs so far. "I just don't see why we have to waste our valuable escaping time to save some mere human boy. Any second now, someone's going to notice we're gone and I'd like to be halfway to Sanctusira by the time that happens."

"So it's not jealousy?" I asked with a smile. I loved knowing Caleb again, and knowing him now, it was hard to believe I ever didn't. He was just such an easy person to read. By the way he avoided eye contact with me told me I was right.

"I just got you back." He muttered, suddenly so focused on the path ahead of us. "I don't wanna lose you again."

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"If you two are done," saved by Edward, thank God. "We're here." I instantly turned my attention away from me and Caleb's conversation and focused in on our surroundings.

It was dark, but my new found vampire senses gave me the ability to see. The walls and surroundings were basically the same except for an opening that was blocked off by iron bars. Someone needs an interior decorator. Behind the bars there was a tiny room, no bigger than a small walk in closet. And in the corner, was a sad excuse for a person.

"Max." I gasped. He was curled up in the corner, covered from head to toe in blood and gashes. His breathing was slow and unsteady. I'm sure he wasn't too far from death.

"They've been feeding off of him." Caleb stated. There was no coldness in his voice now, only compassion. "Edward, help me with this." Edward nodded and together they pulled at the iron bars until they bent far enough for two people to fit through.

The boys went in to help Max but I stopped at the bars. Iron, I searched through my memory. Iron was the only way to kill a vampire. Iron into their heart. I shuddered at the thought at having to use it, but just incase. I held one hand as far up on the bar and the other about three feet below it and squeezed as hard as I could. Just as I expected, the bar bent and snapped under my hands.

"I'm gonna faint again." I looked up to see Max standing, with the support of Caleb and Edward, across from me. His eyes wide and fixated on the iron bar in my hands.

"Heh, hey Babycakes.." I tried to lighten the mood, but failed. He fainted again.

"Crap, Melissa." Edward accused as he and Caleb dragged Max past me.

"I didn't know he was watching!" I defended myself, following behind.

"I'm fine." I heard Max groan and Edward shush him. He only needed he support from one person now, so Caleb backed off to walk with me.

"Do you think we're going to need that?" He nodded at the iron in my hands as we rounded through another hallway and out another wooden door. We made it. We were outside now, this disgusting smelling air never felt so good.

"Better safe than sorry." I half laughed at Caleb, finally feeling free, safe, and happy for the first time in a while.

"Or better sorry than dead." All of the feelings were thrown away as I heard the voice behind me.

♠ ♠ ♠
couple things;
if that was physically possible D:
2. There's only like 3 chapters left :P
its sad and happy kindaaaaaaaaaaa.
3. Comment, should I do a sequel? Or is it best to end on a good note, rather than continue on until no one gives a crap anymore. Like some TV SHOWS.. cough SMALL VILLE.

okay, I Digress, and people prolly hate me.

I'll love you if you comment