Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Rest In Revenge

Better safe than sorry." I half laughed at Caleb, finally feeling free, safe, and happy for the first time in a while.

"Or better sorry than dead." All of the feelings were thrown away as I heard the voice behind me.


"That doesn't even make sense." I spat as he walked around us, blocking our path to get out of here.

"It doesn't have to," he laughed at himself. "It has the word sorry, which you'll all be, and dead, which you'll also all be." He gave an evil smirk and lifted his hand up. Automatically, Edward was thrown back into the wall. He fell unconscious to the floor.

I wanted to scream, but didn't. Instead I took a protective stance in front of Max and Caleb.

"Let's do this in some kind of order, shall we? We can start by who I've known the shortest." He paced back and forth as he spoke, staying true to the cliche 'evil villain goes into a 2 hour monologue before attempting to kill the good guys' role. "Edward." He glanced over at Edward's slumped body. He was breathing at least. He was Ryan's favorite, I didn't think he'd kill him.

"Max." He stopped pacing as he glared behind me to Max. "You could've minded your business, my friend." He held his hand out; I heard Max gasp behind me.

"No!" I screamed out, not knowing which direction to be facing. I finally settled to turn around and face Max. Grabbing onto his shoulders, I shook him gently. "Come on, Max." Tears started to fall down my cheeks as I watched him gasp for air.

Come on, I need to do something. There has to be something I can do. I searched my mind frantically but everything kept coming up blank. "Max, you can't leave me. Come on. You said you'd love me forever remember?" The tears were coming in sobs now, everything seemed to be in slow motion. Somewhere, I was aware that Caleb was trying to distract Ryan, trying to get him to stop. I was also aware that it wasn't working. "I need you to keep that promise."

He was staring at me, his eyes half closing, his legs sagging. "Always and forever, Snuggums." He whispered, attempting to smile. Then his body went limp in my arms. I dropped to my knees with him and just solemnly cried. This pain was different than the hole of emptiness inside of me when we broke up. That was just an empty feeling, this feeling was physical pain.

I was interrupted by Ryan's maniacal laugh. At that point, something inside of me changed. All the pain disappeared and anger replaced it. Fury and rage filled into me, I felt such a strong urge to destroy the monster behind me.

Stepping up, I slowly turned around to face the sick, twisted creature I one called my best friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love." He chuckled. "Did I just crush your Babycakes' heart?"

"You bastard!" I screamed as I charged towards him.

"Nah uh." He shook his finger at me like I was a child. Then he flicked his wrist and sent me flying to the side. I felt my body crash against something solid. I vaguely heard Caleb scream out, and saw blurred figures tackling each other. No.. I needed to help him. My eyes blacked out for a couple seconds but I pulled myself back together.

No, I wasn't going down without a fight. I thought about everyone Ryan has killed, about Max. I mustered enough strength to pick myself up and focus in on Ryan. Something behind him caught my attention though, no, not something but someone. Craig was there, behind Ryan. And a few feet from Ryan was the iron bar I'd taken from the cell. Ryan was distracted by Caleb, who didn't look so great. My heart sped up, I couldn't lose Caleb too.

I focused on the bar, it moved about an inch. Could I move things? With my mind? Could I do what Ryan could do? I focused harder, with everything I had and believed on that iron bar. To my surprise, it flew to Craig's feet. His head whipped down in shock but then he looked up to the sky, as if thanking it.

It was perfect timing, Caleb looked at the end of his whim. "Ryan." I stated, no loudly than I would to someone sitting next to me. I knew he would hear me and he did. His head whipped towards me and before I knew it he was in front of me and Craig was behind him. Exactly what I wanted.

"Humor me." He said huskily, he was a tad too close for my liking.

I smiled. "Well," I brought my hand back and slapped him straight across the face. "That was for Max."

Surprisingly, he stood patiently waiting for me to finish. The cocky idiot was probably thinking he had this fight in the bag. I slapped him again, "that was for my kingdom."

"And this is for me." Reading my mind, Craig shoved the bar through the back of Ryan's chest. For the couple of seconds he stayed alive, he looked at me in complete shock. "Good riddance, love," was the last thing I said to him before he fell to the ground in front of me.

Me and Craig glanced at each other in understanding once before running off to Caleb and Edward. I was right when I said we made a good team, hell we made a great team.

Caleb was sitting up but he was in bad shape. By the time I got to him, I needed his consoling more than he needed mine. He held his arms out and I thankfully stayed in his arms crying my eyes out about the whole situation.

I glanced over at Edward just to make sure he was okay but from the looks of it Craig was sure taking care of him. A piece of glass was wedged pretty deep in Edward's right leg but Craig skillfully pulled it out slowly and then took off his shirt to wrap around the wound. Edward smiled at the attention, which made me involuntarily smile back. What can I say, he was contagious.

My eyes left from Edward and eventually found their way to Max's body. I was overwhelmed again then and buried my face into Caleb's chest. I was sick of seeing this place and I wanted to get out as quick as possible.

"Shhh," he comforted me. "We're going home now."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okaaaay, so most of youu probably really hate mee now because a lot of people said max was one of their favorite characters... but... sorrrrrry? :( poor maxi.

Ok, feedback time now, There's one more chapter after this. I'm soooooooooo confused because I have a lot more ideas for this story, but I dont know if I should end it here, and put them in a sequel? Or just keep continuing with this story.. D: omgshhhh HELP ME.

But other than that... i have a strong urge for a snickers bar.