Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Burning Bridges

What. The. Heck.

"It's a little too late for that isn't it?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well when you said we should be friends, I took it as us being over.. for good."

"I don't know if I wanna be friends though."

"What are you saying.."

"I'm saying that.. I wanna break up but I don't. I wanna be friends but I'm not gonna be able to see you with anyone else. I can't handle it."

I felt..torn. Part of me wanted to yell at him and never speak to him again but the other part wanted to try and make things work. It was like I was being pulled from two different sides. Max had to pick where I ended up and I was terrified of the outcome, but being stuck in the middle was torture. "Max you have to pick. You can't do this to me."

"I know.. I'm so sorry Melissa, I really am." That's when I made my decision. This game was just going to keep going on until one of us stopped it. It doesn't look like he will so I guess its up to me.

"You know, maybe being friends will work. I mean it, really."

I heard him sigh in relief and it killed me. "Really?" He sounded hopeful.


"Hey do you wanna come over?"

Maybe this friends thing really could work. I missed him terribly but maybe I didn't miss being with him, maybe I missed just having him around. Okay, I really doubted that but maybe I could convince myself that being friends could work and then Max would be less stressed. Whatever my mind was thinking, I said yes and snuck out the door before Ryan could wake up.

I skipped the elevator and ran down the stairs. I found myself really excited, I hadn't seen him in about four months. I almost forgot what he looked like. I walked through the lobby and pushed open the heavy double doors to see someone I really didn't expect.

"Melissa." He stated stepping out of the shadows. I don't know how he managed to find such dark shadows in the middle of the day but he did. I guess because it was so cloudy, it actually looked like it was gonna rain.He stepped into the light, showing his perfect pale face.

"Caleb." I replied and walked around his huge frame. He followed; I quickened my pace. But even though I was half sprinting, he caught up with me easily striding along. Stupid tall people.

It was about 5 blocks to Max's house and so far me and Caleb had walked 2 awkwardly silent blocks. I decided to start some kind of conversation if he was gonna be following me. "So you've been like a ghost lately, I haven't seen you leave your house once since you moved in." As soon As I finished I realized how stalker that sounded. Shit. He just smiled though.

"I could say the same about you."

"Are you saying you've been watching for me?"

"Are you saying you've been watching for me?" Okay he got me there. This conversation was going nowhere, and he seemed to be amused by that. We walked the rest of the way in silence. It was a comfortable silence though. I kept glancing over to look at him. I mean, hes gorgeous I couldn't help but stare. But everytime I'd move my head slightly, he'd already be looking at me. Creeper.

Finally we came up to Max's house. I turned to give Caleb and awkward goodbye but he was gone. So weird, I didn't hear him leave. I shook it off, pretty much because I had a sudden case of nerves from seeing Max again. I walked quickly around to the back door. Out of habit, I grabbed the key from under the potted plant on the back porch and opened the door.

"Max?" I called out to the empty house. I turned down the hallway and saw the back of Max's head. I was about to call out to him when I saw someone walk in the front door.

"Devin? What are you doing here? Your not supposed to come till later." He sounded panicked.

"Well I wanted to stop by earlier and say hi!" Devin ran over and hugged him.

"Okay babe, but I have to meet someone really quick. Then we can hang out." Wait did he just say babe?

"Okay." Then their lips met. Everything I've worked on hiding for the past two months came out. All the tears I'd been holding in. I knew we were friends, but it hurt like hell to see this. It was worse then the hole in my chest. It was like my whole body had been completely drained. Like I was just empty. I needed to get out of there. I backed up too far and slammed into a wall, knocking some pictures down, and making enough noise for me to be noticed.

They both turned and looked at me. I must've looked like crap because Devin made a disgusted face. But Max's face looked like pity, he was pitying me? No. I ran back down the hall way and out the front door. It was raining, well thats just perfect. I honestly didn't care, I didn't care about anything at that moment. At least the rain hid my tears.

"Melissa!" It was Max, I didn't look back. "Melissa!" He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. I turned around. "Why are you being like this?" I couldn't answer him, I wasn't even sure I remembered how to speak. He stared at me for awhile, waiting for my answer. It never came. He sighed. "I knew you'd be like this, I knew we couldn't be friends."

Now I could speak, "Do you really expect me to be fine with that? I mean honestly Max! You even said you'd be the same way if it was me!"

He looked directly into my eyes and for the first time ever, I was actually scared of him. He looked so.. cruel. "Well you said we could be friends, and I believed you. My mistake."

"Yea, you said you loved me, and I believed you. My mistake." As soon as I said that, I regretted it. I went a little too far but it was too late. I turned and ran, not looking at his face the whole way.

I ran through the woods in the back of his house so I could cut off through the golf course. I was waiting for the emptiness to leave and the pain to come, it was going to be bad. I broke out of the woods and made it to the golf course, the rain was coming down hard now. That's when it hit. The pain was unbearable, I'd been running so fast. I was out of breath and dizzy. I started seeing small black spots every where I looked. I spun around looking for some help. Then everything felt distant. It felt like I was looking through the eyes of a stranger.

Then it just went black.