Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Breaking Out

Edward and I became really close in the next two days. We were both bed ridden (It turned out that I had caught some killer cold.) so we had nothing else to do but watch the turner classic movie channel and talk. I found out that he was born and raised in Australia and had an accent that I’d fail to discover before. I’d also found out that he was the most amazing advice giver in the entire world, I was sure of it. He should sell his advice because then he’d be a millionaire I swear.

“This Max guy sounds genuinely confused, I don’t think he’s playing any games.” He said one of these countless hours we were laying there bored.

“I bet he is, but I wish he wouldn’t be confused with his tongue down Devin’s throat. Get what I mean?”

“Yea I do. But I’m Edward; normal guys don’t get those simple things. The only thing you can do right now is give it time and move on with your sorry life.”

“Your right,” I stated confidently, I could move on.

“I know I am.”

I called my mom and told her I was staying at a friend’s house. The less she knew the better. She had this insane paranoia and she’d probably sum this experience up as a serial rapist out to get me. I’d be going home soon though; the nurse had come in this morning and informed me that I could go home tomorrow and that Edward just had to stay one more day.

It was night now, Edward was sleeping but I was wide awake. For some reason, I had one of those creepy, someone is watching you moments. Every little noise made me jump. That’s why it completely took me off guard when I turned my head and saw Caleb standing in front of an open window.

“Did you just climb in my window? This is the 5th floor!” I said in a loud whisper, I didn’t want to wake Edward.

He glanced back at the window and shrugged. “There are more important matters to discuss; we have to get you out of here.”

“I’m being released tomorrow morning.”

“That’s not fast enough, it’s too dangerous here, I can’t explain.”

“Well your gonna have to find the time to, because I’m not just leaving without an explanation. Aren’t you the one who brought me here in the first place?”

“Yes...” for the first time ever, I saw him struggle with his words. “That was a foolish thing to do, I should’ve left you. But it’s too late now, I’ve put your life in danger and you need to come with me now.”

“What...danger? Now? Wha-“

“NOW!” He raised his voice. I hated when guys did that, humph.

“Okay fine, but once I’m safe from whatever you think you’re talking about, I
want explanations.”

He sighed, “Fine.” He turned around to open the window and motioned me to follow.

“Erm, Caleb I should tell you about this really awesome invention, it’s called a door. It’s so convenient; you don’t even have to scale a building to get outside.” He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm but I swore I saw a hint of a smile on his face. He walked over to the bed and went to pick me up, of course I protested. Thank God I didn’t have the IV anymore; needles being yanked out by crazy window jumping hot guys aren’t really fun. He threw me over his shoulder with ease, like I was a doll. “Caleb! If we must scale the building, I’d like to do it myself please!”

He laughed, “Who said we’re scaling anything? Close your eyes.” I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off once again. He climbed out onto the window ledge and I made the mistake of glancing down. “Just close your eyes.” I did as I was told. I must’ve been completely crazy to let this guy I barely knew break me out of the hospital but for some strange reason, I trusted him. “You can open them now.”

I peeked one eye open. We were on the ground…
What the hell? How did he…? When did we…? Who is he..?

I took him in, his gorgeous pale face, everything about him. It was so obvious. He must’ve read the expression on my face, I don’t know if it was shock or realization. But he smiled a wide smile and all my thoughts, crazy as they were, were confirmed. I tried to speak but I think my mind was in too much shock. When I finally did speak, my voice came out in a whisper.

♠ ♠ ♠
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