Sequel: Capella
Status: DONE!

Not Another Teenage Vampire Story

Turning Tables

“Okay.” He stated cautiously, as if when he said the next word I would suddenly disappear. “You must have an open mind with everything I’m about to tell you.”

“Stop thinking you’re going to scare me. You’re not. Obviously if I was going to run away I would’ve by now so just get on with it!” I had some for real patience issues. He took in what I said and opened his mouth to speak. He paused for while and closed it again. I was getting fed up with waiting so I looked around. We were sitting on a burgundy leather couch in his den, ironic color. Across from us was an automatic fireplace with a plasma TV placed on the wall above it. So they obviously had money. There was a pool table behind us and several paintings on the walls. The paintings were all of olden people. Yeah know, like the paintings you see of George Washington and people like that. The whole house seemed to be furnished with the same expensive taste as this room. Well, from what I’ve seen of it. The foyer looked like it was made out of pure gold. As if. I’d been in here before they moved in, when it was abandoned and it still had that dark sense around it. I guess it was suiting for a bunch of vampires. Speaking of, the bunch of vampires who would be coming home any minute, from what Caleb had told me. There was Gavin, Katrina, and Victoria. Gavin and Victoria were the couple and apparently very hospitable. But when I asked about Katrina, Caleb had just shaken his head and motioned me into the den. Which is where we are now, still… waiting… for him to talk. “Out with it!”

“Okay.” He began, I sighed in relief. “Try to save all your questions for after I’m done.” He paused, making sure I was intent and listening he started again. “I’m in love with you. And you’re in love with me….”


He bit his lip. “Maybe that wasn’t the way I should’ve started.” I think my face somewhat resembled this one for that moment: 0_o because he cautiously started over. “Okay, about 100 years ago, a war started in,, the vampire world. One kingdom is called Bellatoria and the people there are called pugnas, which mean ‘fighters’ in ancient Latin. They’re horrible people. They slaughter humans, treat them as slaves in their castle. They think that they are a superior race, almost Godly.

The side which I reside is called Sanctusira and we are known as the angelus, Latin for saviors. We do our best to protect the human world, mostly guardians for it. We only drink animal blood because as a citizen we are required to take an oath not to harm a human. Are you following me?” I nodded, trying to memorize the facts and follow along at the same time. Bad vampires were bella-something. Good vampires were sanctu-something. And Caleb was good, that was all that mattered at the moment. He continued.

“Neither kingdom wanted the other to exist, so a war began. It lasted 99 years. Try to understand, vampire wars are very different then human ones. It’s more of a strategic game than that of brutality. Each army has a leader, a general. The generals control the outcome of the war. Are you familiar with the rules of chess?” I nodded again, too overwhelmed to speak. “Well a general is sort of both the king and queen of a chess war. They are the most valuable players, yet if one of them is defeated, the war is over. Our general was an amazing vampire. She was the smartest and the strongest vampire that I’ve ever known. She was also the love of my life. I would’ve given anything to stop what had happened, even my own life. But I was… I was too late.”

He looked down at his lap. There was so much pain in his voice. My eyes teared up and I had the urge to comfort him. I wanted to tell him everything would be okay when it obviously wouldn’t be. But when he looked up at me, I couldn’t move. His stare held me frozen. I don’t think anyone had ever looked that deep into my eyes before. He leaned closer, “Does any of this, any of it at all, seem the least bit familiar to you?” I wanted to say that being with him felt familiar but that wasn’t what he was talking about.”

“No, why?”

He looked down again and closed his eyes. “I’m going to tell you who our general was, well is. And when I do, I want you to stay with me okay? Keep a very open mind.”
Who the hell could it be that he would be acting like this? “My minds open.”
It seemed like forever until he spoke. He was so cautious, more than before. He had either of his hands on both my shoulders steadying me in case I fell. My mind was running through all the possibilities, who could it be that I would be this shocked about. My mom? No that’s ridiculous my mom’s not a vampire. Hey, maybe Twilight was real and it was Bella. I would definitely be shocked about that. Either way, I just wanted to know. My impatience grew stronger. “Well…who is it?”

He said it fast.

“It’s you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Try not to get to confused :P