Status: on HOLD

I Guess I'll Go Home Now.


When I woke up I didn't feel like getin up and dealing with stuff today, I just wanted to lay here in my nice warm bunk, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. So i decided to get up and try an get this day over with. I got out of my bunk and walked over to the window in the front of the bus, it was raining out, "yay" I thought to my self. Thats probly why I didn't want to get up. I don't like rainy days its hard for me to get up. I walked over to my bag and lazly pick out some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I went to the bathroom and changed. I put my hair up in a messy bun and decided to go act more lazy, I went over to the couch in the front and layed down waiting for someone to wake up. I'm glad were just driving today.

A couple hours later everyone was up, they didn't look awake so I decided to wake them. I decided to show them how annoying Guitar Hero is. I turned on the stuff I needed and turned the volume way up on max. I picked a song and started to play. As I played I heard groans for me to stop, but I was enjoying myself. After a song I looked at all their faces and I decided they had enough.
"Good morning boys!" I said happily I looked over at Zack he had his hands over his ears still. I giggled

"Zach you can take your hands off your ears now."

"Oh sorry, are you done now?"He asked

"Yea I think I'm done... for now." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Jack Mena called she said she was coming on tour with us, Shes going to meet us at our next stop cause she was at her aunts. So she'll probaly be here tonight."

"MENA'S COMING!!! My Mena!" Jack yelled.

"Yes Jack your Mena!!!" I said smiling as he took off running to go tell the other HIS Mena was coming even though she was my friend first.
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She likes to sleep A Lot!
I'm to lazy to write more.
Next one will be longer, Promise!