Status: Completed.

My Worst Nightmare

My Worst Nightmare

Caleb sat in his taxi, the streets rolling past him as he approached his destination; his home and awaiting girlfriend, Lisa. He smiled to himself, remembering how gorgeous she was. Bright blue eyes that were highlighted by her black short hair. It was cropped around her face and stopped below her ear, she had a slender body and was perfect for pulling off the haircut.

Caleb smiled again as the cab pulled up outside his small house, he had been gone too long, three weeks to be exact, and even though he had been gone for so long, he didn't miss where he lived, only who was inside it. The lights were on and he felt the excitement build up inside him; he was surprising Lisa, she had no idea he was coming home. He loved doing romantic things, and although it wasn't romantic, it was the best he could come up with right now.

He quietly took his hold-alls from the boot of the taxi and paid the driver, telling him not to move until he had went into the house. The driver nodded and waited as Caleb made his way up the few steps to the front door. The small bungalow was quiet, and Caleb took a deep breath before opening the front door of his house.

"Hello?" he said, walking into the house. There was no answer, Caleb bit his lip, looking around. He walked forwards into the living room and Lisa sprang out of no-where.

"Caleb!" she exclaimed, her face breaking into a grin. He smiled, his heart flying out of his body, and back down to him; flipping and excited at the sight of Lisa. She was wearing a tracksuit, the clothes loose against her body. Caleb grabbed her, spinning her around and kissing her as she swung her arms around his shoulders and held onto him.

"What a surprise!" she said, her smile starting to weaken and slide away. Caleb took no notice of it, he just grinned from ear to ear, his auburn hair getting in the way of his sight, as it tumbled over his eyes.

"I know, I wasn't meant to be home for another week, but our other tour dates got canceled, and they said we might as well go home!" he said. And went to pick up his suitcases.

"W-where are you going with those?" Lisa said, as Caleb made his way back to the hall.

"Just place them in the room and then we can chat or something," Caleb said, and walked in the direction of the bedroom.

Lisa rushed ahead of him, trying to stop him, but Caleb burst into the bedroom, dumping his stuff down at the end of their bed. He noticed instantly the pair of jeans and boxers; none of them his, lying on the floor at his side of the bed. He narrowed his eyes, his body feeling as if it had been dropped back down to earth from his excited high.

"W-whose are those?" he stuttered, a feeling of rage coming across him.

"No-ones," Lisa said hastily. Caleb glared at her, hearing a door further down the hall open and then shut.

"Lisa, that shower is incredible," the voice said and he entered the bedroom, his semi-naked body exposed to the cool air of the room. The man opened his mouth, ready to say something, but he shut it instantly realizing it wasn't going to do any good to say anything. He was tall and handsome, the typical sort of lady's man. His body was half-wrapped in a bath towel, it lay quite low on his hips.

"Caleb.. I-I'm s..sorry," Lisa blubbered out, small tears pricking her eyes and falling slowly down her face. Caleb shook his head, disgust overcoming him.

"How could you?" he hissed and pushed past the man before him, knocking him back slightly.

"Caleb, I'm sorry, I really am," Lisa sobbed, the tears coming more freely now. Caleb continued to shake his head, and grabbed a coat off the coat-hanger, making his way to the front door.

"I love you Lisa, I really do," Caleb said, before turning the handle, "But I really can't believe you'd do this," he continued. Lisa knelt onto the ground, her tears flying everywhere, as she sobbed into her hands.

"I love you, Caleb, please, I'm sorry, don't go!" she said hysterically. Caleb shook his head once more.

"I always hated this place," he hissed and walked out of the door.

Why did I come home, because I hate it here.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was for Sydney's "Forever The Sickest Kids Contest".

If you liked it, let her know, and even let me know! :)