Sequel: Yesterday.
Status: hopefully ; veryy active(:

Trust Me I'm a Liar.


Everyone’s got them.
Some people have little secrets, some people have big secrets.
I have a secret.
I have lots of secrets.
Some small ones, but only one big one.
Now, I’m not going to reveal my secret to you just yet.
Because if I did then it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?
No, it wouldn’t be.

There’s always one person though that’s just too nosy.
That one person that won't leave you alone.
There’s someone like that in my life.
Actually that person knows my secret.
It drives me insane.
I’ve told him so many times just to leave me alone, but he won't.
It’s actually quite exhasperating.
He threatens to tell my brother.
Ooh I'm shaking in my bright green Converse.
Like seriosuly, what does he think my brother’s gonna do?
Punish me?
Ha-ha. Yeah, right.
My brother loves me to death, and I love him as well, but I don’t know…I don’t think he would ever think that I was anything less than perfect.
I’m just his sweet, cute, innocent little sister in his eyes.
Too bad I’m anything but.


Watch her inhibitions falling to the floor. Notice how you lock the door.
What would you love to do? Here in this hotel room together and alone.
I want you to put on a show. What would you love to do?
What would you love to say? What would you love?

Breathe Carolina blasts through my head phones as I jog down the side walk on a warm Maryland summer morning.
I look at the passing scenery and smile; I love Maryland.
It’s just so beautiful. The luscious green lawns, seeming to stretch on for miles, the placid blue skies with puffy white clouds placed here and there, and the clean smell of freshly mown grass.
I look down at my iPod and change the song to ‘Rackets’ by Plugin Stereo.
As his voice flows into my ears a smile creeps onto my face. I silently sing the words as I pick up my pace and begin to run.

Soon, my house is in sight and I slow down to a walk. As I walk up the drive way I shut of my iPod and tuck it in the waistband of my shorts. Once I’m finally on the porch I open the door and step inside.

I kick off my shoes and peel off my sweaty shirt, wearing only my sports bra. I walk into the living and flop down onto the large teal sectional.

“Jamie?” My brother, Matt, calls out.

“Yeah?” I call back.

“Come in here, I've gotta show you something.”

I groan, but get off the couch anyway. I walk into the kitchen to find Matt and four familiar looking boys standing there.

I scream at the sight of them. It’s been 3 months since I’ve seen or heard from them.

Jack steps away from Alex, Rian and Zack, and towards me. He pulls me into a big hug and says, “We missed our little Flyzik.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Jamie Skye Flyzik
Alexander William Gaskarth
Jack Bassam Barakat
(Robert) Rian Dawson
Zachary Steven Merrick
James Matthew Flyzik
Dayna Carlee Dae

sooooo; i changed this(:
i like it this way muchhh better.
tell me what you thinkk.