Sequel: Yesterday.
Status: hopefully ; veryy active(:

Trust Me I'm a Liar.


I hug Jack back tightly, “I missed you guys too!”

Jack ruffles my muddy-brown hair and steps back allowing Alex to come and enclose me in a hug.

I cling firmly onto his muscular frame. I breathe in his scent—axe and laundry detergent. This smell to me is comforting. This smell holds so many memories.

Alex is the closest to me out of all the guys. He’s always there for me when I need him. He’s helped me through a lot. And more than anything he gets me completely.

I won't deny the fact that I have feelings for Alex. But I just won't tell him I do. Because I'm pretty sure the feelings not mutual. And I fear it never will be mutual.

I suddenly realize how much I’ve missed Alex and have to hold back tears. I know the guys hate to see me cry. For any reason.

Alex tilts my head up so we’re staring into each other’s russet-colored eyes, “Cheer up Jamie, we’re finally home and we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“Except the bathroom,” Jack broadcasts and takes off in another direction.

We all laugh at him.

I give Rian and Zack their hugs and Jack returns shortly after.

You see, this is how our circle of friends is: Jack is the funny one, Alex is the one with big ambitions, Rian is the loveable one, Zack is the quite one, Matt is the reasonable one, and I'm just there.

I don’t really play a part in our group of friends. The only reason I'm included with them is because my brother’s their tour manager. But it’s not like I'm complaining. I love these guys and I wouldn’t trade being friends with them for anything.

“Dude, I am starving,” Rian says rubbing his stomach.

“Me too,” Zack pipes up.

Matt turns to me, “Jamie dear, do you mind making your favorite boys some food?” he pouts at me, doing his best imitation of a puppy dog.

I groan, “Fine. But I gotta go get changed first. Just get out the stuff for whatever you want.”

I walk out of the kitchen, upstairs, and into my room.

I open up my closet and grab some clothes that look decent.

I shed my sweaty work-out clothes and slip into a purple Glamour Kills t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I take my hair out of its ponytail and shake my head, hoping it won’t look too horrible.

And then I'm on my way back downstairs again.


“Dude that was good,” Jack expresses rubbing his inflated stomach.

“Yeah I know,” Alex voices his agreement. “That’s the first home cooked meal we’ve had in months.”

“Thanks guys,” I smile, stand up, take their plates, and put them into the dishwasher. “I'm just glad you're home. It was so boring here without you guys.”

“Yeah, we’re the life of Cockeysville,” Rian laughs.

“Yeah, you guys are. Like seriously I was so bored without you guys. I tried going out, I tried meeting new people, I even took up painting—but no; none of those things were as entertaining as you weirdoes.”

“Thanks—I think,” Zack grins and laughs lightly.

“It was supposed to be a compliment,” I say. My stomach grumbles. I ate too much again. “Well, I’ll be up in my room, don’t burn anything down guys.”

Once I reach my room I immediately go into my bathroom.

Stop eating so much you fat pig. You need to be skinny. Skinny is pretty. And Alex likes pretty. He doesn’t want some fat-ass, the voice in my head rages.

I get creeped out. I mean, its not normal to hear voices in your head. Especially mean ones.

Still, I know what I have to do. Creepy or not the voice is right.

I get down onto my knees in front of the toilet.

I look at my hands; they’re trembling.

I can’t stand the guilt anymore—I shove a few of my fingers far back into my mouth.

Shortly after, the contents of my stomach are spewing out of my mouth and into the toilet. I can feel the hot tears roll down my now flushed cheeks. My whole body is shaking and by the time the whole ordeal is over I’m collapsed on the cold linoleum floor.

The tears are still spilling from my eyes.

Suck it up, it’s that voice again. Beauty doesn’t come easy. There’s always a price to pay. Trust me dear, it’s worth it.

“Jamie?” I hear someone’s voice ask.

I weakly turn my head to see Jack standing in the door way looking like he just saw a ghost.

My name is Jamie Flyzik and Jack Barakat knows my secret.
♠ ♠ ♠
okayy , so i'm sure some of you might be wondering why jack's the one who knows her secret.
cause you were probably thinking that it'd be alex cause this is an alex story.
but no, it's jack.
i have reasons why, and you'll see why later.
so this is an alex romance, don't get confused.

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