Sequel: Yesterday.
Status: hopefully ; veryy active(:

Trust Me I'm a Liar.


I tried to speak but my throat was blazing and insanely hoarse.

Jack notices my failed attempt so he grabs a towel and kneels down beside me. He wipes my mouth trying to clean me up a bit.

I smile at him since I'm still not able to produce words.

“Jamie…why?” He asks, looking still frightened.

I sit up and shrug.

“You have to know,” he presses.

I shake my head.

I’m lying of course. I know exactly why. I need to be skinny. I’ll do anything to make that happen. But I'm not going to tell him that.

“If you won't tell me I’ll just tell your brother,” He attempts to make a threat.

I wish I could laugh. Because if I could I would be at this very moment.

Instead I shoot Jack a stern look.

“You don’t think I’ll do it?”

Again I shake my head.

He breathes in and then screams, “MA—”

I jump on top of him and cover his mouth.

“Shut up,” I’m a little surprised when I hear my own voice, but it’s very faint.

“Moo poke,” Jack’s words are muffled by my hands.

I remove my hands and question, “What?”

“You spoke.”

“Oh…” My voice trails off and I get off of him.

“I'm not through with you yet,” He says, standing up and helping me to my feet as well. “We’re going to have a nice long chat.”

I groan and throw myself on him. Instinctively, he catches me, but falters a little under my weight.

Fatty, obviously the voice is still there.

I can feel the tears pricking in my eyes, begging to be released. I blink several times, not obliging to their wishes.

“Jamie, please tell me why,” Jack’s voice is soft and pleading.

I let out a long jagged sigh. I open my mouth to speak but instead of hearing my voice I hear Alex’s.

“Oh, umm, sorry,” I lift my head from Jack’s chest to see Alex rubbing the back of his neck. The number one sign he’s either lying of uncomfortable. In this case he’s uncomfortable.

“Oh Alex, its not what it looks like—” I begin.

Alex holds up his hand, “I don’t know what you think I think this looks likes, but whatever you're thinking it’s not what I'm thinking. So stop thinking that that’s what I'm thinking.”

Me and Jack exchange a short glance; we’re both obviously confused.

“What?” I inquire.

He shakes his head, “Never mind.”


“So…why are you up here anyway?” Jack’s question relieves some of the tension in the air.

“Umm… I was coming up to see if Jamie wanted to come with me ‘cause I was gonna go home and I wanted her to meet Sebastian,” He explains, still looking ill at ease.

I smile, “Alex’s puppy?” He nods, smiling too. “I’d love to go see him.”

“There’s also someone else I’d like you to meet.”

“Okie doke,” I'm still smiling. Alex just has that affect on me. “Just let me go get some shoes.” I walk out of the bathroom and into my room. Thank god for Alex’s bad-timing. I did not want to have to talk to Jack.

I go over to the closet and slip on a pair of white flip-flops. Alex is waiting in the door way and I join him.

He smiles at me again, “Did I tell you how much I missed you?”

I giggle, “No you did not Mr. Gaskarth.”

“Well, I missed you a ton,” He pulls me into a tight hug.

I just can’t help but loving him.


Less than an half an hour later, we’re at Alex’s house.

We both get out of the car and walk up his driveway into his house.

Alex kicks off his Nikes and I follow suit.

“So, where’s Sebastian?” I ask.

“I think he’s in the back yard,” He tells me and we’re walking again.

Alex leads me to the back of his house where the kitchen’s located. There’s a giant sliding glass door on the exterior wall of the house which gives a perfect view of the back yard.

From what I can see the backyard is empty.

Alex walks over to the door and opens it, “Are you coming or not?”

“Yeah. Sorry,” I shuffle over to him and outside.

“Sebastian!” Alex calls out and soon a small dog is at his heels wagging madly.

He bends down and pets Sebastian, “Hi buddy,” Sebastian licks Alex’s face. I giggle. “I missed you too.” He picks him up and stand ups. “Jamie, this is Sebastian, my puppy.”

I rub his furry brown ears. Sebastian is too cute for words.

“He is so cute Alex,” I gush. “Too bad you're not this cute.”

He sticks his tongue out at me.

“Put that thing back in your mouth or I’ll rip it off.”

He quickly puts his tongue back in his mouth and buries his head in Sebastian fur.

“Alex?” A high pitched voice asks.

We both turn our heads to see a slutty blonde standing there.

She’s wearing a micro-mini-skirt showing off her mile long tanned legs, a pink bikini top showing off more cleavage than my eyes should ever have to see, and a pair of Abercrombie flip-flops.

Her platinum blonde hair flows beautifully all the way down to her tiny waist. I glance down at my own waist.

Fat. Look at her! I bet she’s a size one. What are you? A five? Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat, the voice yells.

“Jamie, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Dayna,” Alex says, a different kind of grin on his face.

I’m sure the people all the way in Baltimore can hear my heart breaking.
♠ ♠ ♠
second chapter todayy !
moremoremoremoremoremoremore comments would be lovely :)

oh, here's Sebastian .
And Alex and him .