Sequel: Yesterday.
Status: hopefully ; veryy active(:

Trust Me I'm a Liar.


It’s been one week since Jack found out my secret. And one week since I gained another one.

I had avoided Alex and Jack like…as cliché as it sounds; the Plague.

I didn’t want to have to talk to either of them. I didn’t want to talk to Jack because…well he one of my secrets and how long is it going to be till he finds out the other one? So, I don’t wanna risk anything so I’ll just keep my distance. And I don’t want to talk to Alex because of what happened with me and him andthe whore Dayna.

But other than the immense pain in my ribcage and not talking to Alex or Jack last week has been pretty fine. I mean, things are back to the way they used to be before the guys came home from tour.

“Jamie,” Matt shouts my name throughout the house.

I grunt. I was in the middle of playing ‘Did It Hurt?’ Since I had nothing else to do last week that’s what I did. Learn to play that song for Alex.

I get off my window seat and walk downstairs. Matt’s in the kitchen, he stands behind one of counters. I also notice that Alex is sitting at the table, his eyes glued to his feet like they’re the eighth Wonder of The World.

As soon as I saw him I wanted to turn around and run back up to my room. But Matt was sending me the Death Glare, which he has skillfully mastered over the years. “Yes, dear brother? How may I help you?”

“Sit,” he orders, motioning to the chair next to Alex’s.

“Well see Matt, I am not able to sit. I got that function removed,” I tell him snidely.

“Sit the fuck down, Jamie,” his tone is nothing but anger.

I shuffle over the chair, pull it out, and sit down. Reluctantly, might I add.

Alex’s eyes stray away from his shoes and towards Matt’s face, “Look, Matt, this really isn’t necessary. She doesn’t want to be here…and neither do I anymore.”

“Does ‘Matt, can you please get your sister to talk to me. She’s been avoiding me the whole week. I really need to tell her something’ , ring a bell to you?” more rage.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Alex’s voice is quiet.

“Just tell her Alex! I mean, you’ve already told me, Jack, Rian, Zack, and even Dayna. I believe my sister has the right to know.”

Alex’s brown pools go back to the Eighth Wonder of The World, “I don’t want to tell her.”

“God damn it Alex!” Matt slams his fist on the counter. “Just tell her!”

Alex stands up, “I can't!”

Matt grabs a handful of Alex’s white v-neck, “You almost gave me an aneurism when you told me! And I finally give you the okay and you're too fucking chicken to even tell her! I’m going to beat your pretty little face in, Alex!”

I hop out of my chair and separate the two, “James Matthew Flyzik, calm down. I'm sure it’s not that big of a deal.”

“Maybe not to you,” he gripes.

I grab Alex’s hand, “Let’s go for a walk, okay?”

He doesn’t say anything, just nods.

I drag him out the front door and outside. We walk down the sidewalk in silence, Alex’s massive hand in my normal-sized one. Even though we’re outside the air is thick with tension.

I lead him to the local park; it’s only a three minute walk from my house. We sit on the first bench and sit on it.

Still Alex isn’t talking.

“Alex you're allowed to talk,” I tell him. Even though it’s obvious.

“I know,” he sighs. “But I just don’t know what to say.”

I notice Alex is rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. This makes me uneasy, and yet puts me at ease, “Just say it. Its not good to keep things bottled up.”

Oh yeah, you're one to talk, fatty.

I try to ignore the voice and concentrate one Alex, “Well, I broke up with Dayna.”


“I'm sorry Alex,” I lie, trying not to show my enthusiasm.

“Yeah right,” he scoffs. “I could tell just by the way you looked at her that you hated her.”

Dang it. I need to practice my lying, “Okay, true. She was a whore. She didn’t deserve you, Ally.”

He shakes his gray beanie-clad head, “It seems like no one does these days.”

Umm, hello? Alex, hi, its Jamie, your soulmate.
Guys are so oblivious.

“Yeah…” my voice trails off. I really don’t know how to respond to that.

“Actually,” Alex begins. “I believe I have found someone who deserves me, as conceded as that sounds. Someone who I don’t deserve.”

“Who?” my heart sinks once again.

A wide grin spreads across Alex’s gorgeous face, “You.” Then he smashes his lips against mine.

♠ ♠ ♠
okayy lemme exlpain this if you're confused ;
Matt was pissed at Alex cause Alex told him he was in love with his little sister. and he had asked for matt's permission if he could go out with her. and you know , matt being all brotherly like was only being protective with alex and he knows how he is with girls and shit . and then alex got afraid to tell jamie his recently discovered feelings . and the rest is all self-explanatory(:

comments ?
i am looking for a co-writer . for this story , Inquisitve and Thoughtful. or This Silence Isn't easy . please contact me if you're interested.