Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


You know that one boy, the one that makes your heart jump from your chest up in to your throat, threatening to leap from your entire body and run down the hallway screaming? Of course you do.

From a mile away you can spot him, his eyes darting back and forth between faces, and when you think he'll glance at you, you look away, pretending not to care. Deep down you know you care, you're dying for his eyes to dance across the faces, landing on yours.

You hope inside it'll play out like this; He catches your gaze and stops in his tracks, grabbing your arm. A smiled appears across his face as he starts up a conversation, ending by telling you he hopes to see you later. But it will never, ever happen.

So, you drop your gaze to the floor, where you watch your shoes as if they're the greatest thing in the world. And as he passes you, never even noting your existance your eyes dart up to catch a quick look at him. And as you continue down the hallway your heart rate returns back to normal, and like everyone else you scan the halls for familiar faces of friends.

Just like you, there's that boy who can light up the entire room with his smile. The way he laughs at the jokes his friends crack, or the way his jeans always seem to fit perfectly. For over a month now that he's been at our school girls have been throwing themselves at him, aching for a chance just to have his smile sent their way. But with no luck, all of them have been let down, he's never shown interest in anyone besides his two friends, Ryan and Spencer.

But today, something was different, I could feel it. For once he wasn't walking down the halls with them at his sides, he was alone, we were alone. During art class I had left to go to the bathroom and now here I was walking down the hall, alone with Brendon Urie heading my way.

A red flushed to my face as we neared each other, my shoes becoming increasingly greater with every step we took. His eyes stayed straight ahead, sometimes darting in to the classrooms that he passed.

My head stayed down as we came closer, and closer still. And as we passed, I glanced up, just as he glanced down. Our eyes locked on to the others, and as we continued walking without even realizing it, we kept our gaze on each other, turning our heads to stare at each other. Brendon, started walking backwards, keeping his eyes on mine a short smile popped up on his face as he mouth "Hi."

Quickly, I waved, turning away with my face burning red, realization to what had occured had hit me then. Brendon noticed me.
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