Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


It seemed like hours had passed that I sat on a little wooden chair outside of the pricipals door as Brendon sat in there with him. From outside I could hear shouting both from Mr. O'Donald and Brendon.

"Don't you dare tell me how to live my life!" I heard clearer than anything else said previously, the door swung open and Brendon stormed out, slamming it shut behind him.

"Lets go Ell." he spoke sweetly, grabbing my hand as I stood up.

"What happened? Don't I need to talk with him?" I asked as he dragged me behind him.

"No." was all he said.

"Mr. Urie if you and Miss. Cooney don't return to this office this moment you'll both be expelled!" the principal yelled from behind us.

I tried to pull away, listening to Mr. O'Donald but Brendon's grip tightened and he sped up his pace. We continued like this till we were outside, storming towards his car.

"Brendon!" I yelled, causing him to stop in his tracks, next to his beat up mustang. He turned slowly, his head hung low, the saddest expression across his face. "Breny?" I asked softer now.

"I'm sorry Ellie." he whispered, leaning his back against the cool metal, still holding my hand, lightly now.

"For what?" I asked, taking a step closer to him.

"I'm just so... wrong for you. You deserve someone gentle, and calm. No one like me." he said, looking down at our hands that held eachothers.

"But that's not what I want." I said, leaning in to his chest, "I want you." my lips pressed against his.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, our foreheads pressed together.

"More than anything." I whispered as he caught my lips with his softly.

"Brendon Urie!" we heard the principals voice booming from across the parking lot.

"Shit." he said, pulling away, running his hand threw his hair. "Lets go." he said opening my door for me as he ran around to the other side of the car. We drove off, as Brendon held his middle finger out the window as the school became smaller and smaller in the mirror.

"Well that was fun." I snorted as we drove aimlessly. "What can we do now?" I asked, leaning back in my seat.

"Lets go swimming." he smiled, looking straight ahead. My smile matched his as I nodded.

We pulled up in front of a random house. It was huge, towering around us with large white columns and a gated front yard.

"Whoa." I whispered, "whose house is this?" I asked, closing my door behind me.

"Ryans. No one's gonna be home till three, when he gets out of school." he said. "Wait here a minute." I watched as he ran over to a tree, disappearing up in to the branches. Shortly after he appeared at the top, pulling himself up on to the ledge of the wall.

"Be careful!" I yelled, he just smiled, jumping off, on the other side. Not even a minute passed before the metal doors slowly started to open up, Brendon slowly walking forward to greet me.

"Shall we?" he said extending his arm. I linked our arms as I followed him in to Ryans yard, him pressing a button shutting the gates behind us.

We continued around the side of the house, strolling in to the backyard, where a large rectangular pool was. Brendon dropped his arm, slipping his shoes off, and stripping his shirt over his head as he ran towards the water. A large splash was heard as he hit the water, going straight under.

"C'mon!" he laughed as his head appeared again. A giggled escaped my lips as I slipped off my shoes and socks, throwing my shirt to the ground with his. "Damn girl!" he whistled as I followed his lead, jumping in after him.

"I knew you had a wild side." he winked, swimming up to me.

"What the hell are you two doing?" we heard a voice yell. We both turned looking up at the house, in one of the windows Ryan was hanging out, smiling.

"Swimming! Is Sam in there with you?" Brendon yelled back, waving. Ryan nodded.

"We'll be right down." he laughed, shutting his window.

"Well I wasn't expecting that!" he laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me up against him.

"Agreed." I smiled. I shivered slightly and Brendon noticed right away. Pulling us to the edge of the pool he picked me up, putting me on the cement. My legs dangled over, and he stepped up between them, pulling himself up on the cement with me. He crawled over me, kissing me softly, making me lean back on to the ground completly.

"Hey asshole! Stop fucking your girlfriend in my backyard and get in the pool!" Ryan yelled as he jumped in, splashing us with water. "Lets play chicken!" he said, pulling the girl Sam towards him.

"Bring it." Brendon said, jumping back in, as I tagged along.

Maybe Brendon's friends weren't that bad...
♠ ♠ ♠
eh, filler
sorry for not updating recently