Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


"Thanks Mrs. Urie, that was great." I smiled as we finished eating dinner. She smiled back, taking my plate, along with Brendon's from the table.

"C'mon lets go upstairs." he said, getting up from his chair, I followed behind him as we went back up in to his room. "She likes you, I can tell." he smiled, pulling me down on to his lap as we sat on his bed.

"Really?" I said, looking down at him, "Good." I kissed him softly, holding the side of his face with my hand. Our eyes stayed locked on each others as we pulled away.

"You're beautiful." he whispered, his arms snaking my waist as he pulled me down on to him as he laid back on the bed.

"Oh shut up." I smacked his arm, snuggling my face in to his chest. He laughed, kissing the top of my head sweetly.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked after a few minutes of just lying there.

"Nothin' why?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Ryan's throwing a party and I wanted you to go with me." he said running his fingers in my hair.

"Of course!" I replied, sitting up with my legs on either side of his hips. "What time is it at?"

"Seven." I glanced back at his clock, it was already 7:15.

"Breny, the party already started! What are we still doing here?" I exclaimed jumping up, grabbing my cellphone off the bed.

"Lets go then!" he said grabbing me by my waist throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed, laughing as he ran down the stairs and outside to his car. He put me down on the passenger side before catching my lips in a rough kiss.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just because." he smiled, kissing me again. I smiled too, getting inside as he ran around to the drivers side.

We pulled up to Ryans and the driveway and street in front of his house was already lined with cars. People were scattered all over the front yard and music blarred from inside. We held hands as we made it to the front door, just walking in. Most of the people there were seniors and juniors. Scattered here and there were some sophomores and I was the only freshmen I could see.

"Hi Brendon." the sophomore Lily sang walking over. She grabbed on to him hugging him tightly, throwing my hand out of his. She reeked over booze and Brendon tried not to touch her.

"Um, do I know you?" he asked prying her away.

"It's Lily silly!" she giggled. "Remember we fucked at the last party." she whispered.

"I don't think so..." he said giving her a nasty look. A pang of jealously coursed threw me and I walked away, in to the crowd of people. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a drink, sitting up on the counter, I spotted Sam, Ryans girlfriend as she walked in.

"Ellie!" she cheered running over. "Where's your mancandy?" she giggled, hugging me tightly. I shrugged, chugging everything in my cup, coughing slightly.

"Take it slow girl." Sam smiled, patting my back. "Find your man before some drunk whore steals him away." she winked before walking away. I decided to take her advice and hopped off the counter, swaying slightly. I never drank so the alcohol had an immediate affect on me.

"Breny." I sang walking threw the rooms, Ryans house was huge to begin with and with all the people crammed inside I thought I'd never find him. I sat down on the staircase and ran my fingers threw my hair.

"Need some help?" I heard a voice ask as someone sat besides me. I looked up to see Brendon taking a seat with two red, plastic cups in his hands.

"Breny!" I cheered, grabbing on to him. He laughed leaning over kissing me lightly, his lips tasted sweet. "I like that, what is that?" I asked licking my lips as he sat smiling at me.

"This." he said handing me a cup. I took a long sip letting the liquid fill me up, taking away all my worries about being the only freshmen, the looks other girls gave my boyfriend, and how much trouble I was in at school.

"Yummy." I smiled as I dropped my cup to the ground.

"You don't drink much do you?" he whispered, wrapping an arm around my waist, as he nuzzled his nose against my neck. I giggled, leaning on him.

"Nope." I smiled as he pressed his lips to my neck softly. "It's good, I like it. I like you. You're cute." he continued softly kissing and nipping at the spot on my neck.

"I like you too." he whispered.

"Can we dance!?" I asked excitedly.

"Mhmm." Brendon said, pulling away from me, taking my hand in his. We walked out in to the living room where the stereo blarred music and people danced and sang along to the music. I wrapped my arms around Brendon's neck as his took hold of my hips, swaying them back and forth with his. I pressed my forehead against his own as our hips dug in to eachothers, not caring about anyone else in the room.

"I'm tired Breny." I whispered against his lips. He just nodded as we continued swaying to the beat. I rested my head on his shoulder, letting my eyes slowly close. I was in Brendon's arms and I felt safe as the music faded and the room went black before me.
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