Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


Hand in hand we walked around the mall, aimlessly, bored out of our minds. "I'm bored." Brendon cried like a little kid as he pulled my hand around in his. I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm sorry baby." I said kissing his cheek. He smiled as we continued walking, but someone came up behind me, knocking me to the floor. I smashed my face against the tile, already feeling the blood dripping down my face.

"What the fuck?" Brendon yelled turning around. Lily and Sam stood smiling at Brendon as they blushed innocently. "Are you alright? Oh shit, here." he said helping me up from the ground, holding his sleeve against my bleeding nose.

"Ow." I cried standing up, my arm around his shoulder, while one of his held me up by my waist.

"What was that for?" Brendon asked glaring at the two girls.

"It was an accident. We swear." Lily smiled putting a hand on his other shoulder. "We just wanted to come say hi to you."

"Well don't." he growling, looking at them madly. "Look what you did!"

"Why do you care?" Sam snorted, looking at me.

"Because she's my girlfriend." Brendon stated bluntly.

"Ew." they said in unison looking at each other.

"Fuck off." I spat turning, Brendon followed, still holding his sleeve to my nose. "Breny it's fine." I smiled, lifting his arm. The bleeding had stopped, but his sleeve was a mess. "C'mon lets go back to your place and get your shirt cleaned." I laughed skipping away from him and towards the entrance.

I dug threw his dresser drawer looking for a nice shirt for him to wear, I wanted to go out tonight, just the two of us so he had to look nice.

"What could you possibly be looking for?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"A nice shirt. For you." I giggled, still looking threw all his clothes.

"Don't you like me better without my shirt on?" he smirked against my shoulder.

"Well it is a plus." I smiled, backing him up to his bed. He pulled me down on to him, capturing my lips with his softly. I started to pull away but he brought his hand to the back of my neck, pulling me back towards him. A smile crept on to my face as I kissed back, running my fingers in his hair.

He sighed, resting his forehead against mine, our noses still touching. His hands were beneath the thin material of my shirt, resting on my sides. "What?" I asked smiling.

"You're so amazing, and I don't deserve you. You're beautiful Ell." he whispered, kissing me once again, letting his lips linger on mine. "God," he whispered, our lips touched lightly as he spoke, "I love you Ellie."

I pressed my lips against his, making it last. My mind was running a mile a minute thinking about what he had just said. My smile couldn't leave my face as I stared at him, "I love you too, Brendon."

A smiled spread across his face as he pulled us back together.
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