Sequel: Always Attract
Status: Complete. Watch for Sequel.

Still So Young


I woke up early, extra early to get ready the next morning. My eyes popped open before the sun had even reached the horizon to light up the sky. I danced across my room on air, tossing a red and black plaid shirt on to my bed, along with tight black skinny jeans. It had been almost thirty minutes when my makeup was finished in the mirror.

Eyeliner lightly dapped the outside of my eyes which lashes were layered in mascara. I finsihed my appling some lip gloss and smiled, quickly changing in to my clothes. I watched as the sun broke the Earths edge, lighting up the scene around me as I walked to the bus stop where I stood waiting along with two other girls and an older boy.

I watched them, the two girls, sophomores were laughing and chattering each other up, I didn't really pay attention. The boy was a junior, along with Brendon and didn't talk, just stood with my headphones plugged in to his ears. Suddenly I heard Brendons name whispered from the girls lips, I think her name was Sam.

Look! It's Brendon Urie! Oh Em Gee! I wonder why he's down here? she whispered as Brendon pulled up to the curb in his car. He rolled down the window and before he could get a word out the girls had attacked the side.

"Hi Brendon!" Sam smiled running over. "How are you?"

"Hi! What lunch are you in today?" Lily, the other girl asked, as they blushed giggling.

"What are you doing down here?" Sam asked, pushing Lily out of his view.

""Um, could you move?" he asked, ignoring every question fired at him. Both girls gave a shocked look and backed away from the window, rolling their eyes. "Thanks." he said coldly.

"Ell, you want a ride?" he asked, leaning over unlocking the passenger side door. Both girls eyes bulged out of their heads and one gasped.

"A freshmen?!" they screeched in unison. Brendon ignored both of them and pushed the door open from the inside and I took a step forward staring at him.

"C'mon." he smiled. A small smile broke out across my lips and I tilted my head.

"You're the best Breny." I laughed, hoping in, closing the door, smiling at the two girls. I put my backpack on the floor between my legs as we drove off. He kept glancing at me and smiling.

"People are stupid." he huffed. I raised an eyebrow looking at him. "I just mean, who cares if you're a freshmen?! You're a fucking hot freshmen." he laughed, his arm snaked to the back of my seat, around me slightly. I blushed looking out the window.

"I like your hair up, it shows off your eyes." he smiled, his finger brushing a lose strand of hair. I turned to look at him, still smiling.

"Why do you bother with me?"

"Because I can't figure you out Ell." is what he simply said, and my heart stopped completely as his free hand slithered across the seat, clasping his hand with mine, locking our fingers together.
♠ ♠ ♠
:D I thought 'd let you readers know.
I totally had a moment like the first chapter today.Haha :D
I love all my commenters. Thank you oh, so much(:

Ps. Sorry if there are mistakes. I'm tired and wanted to update for all of you.